Name / Initiated name
sampradaya dasa
Daily number of rounds of Hare Krishna mahamantra.
Min-21 round
When, where and how did you come into contact with the Hare Krishna Movement?
On the occasion of LORD krishna/balarama deity installation day , I saw my Gurumaharaja 1st time in the temple of sri sri radha radhika raman krishna valarama temple & vedic education center, Punjabi bagh New Delhi..
my mentor hg rashik mohan prabhu encourage me to join .that day was very 1st day for me to-word the journey.....
Name the nearest or most frequently Visited ISKCON temple/ centre and name few of the devotees whom you know.
At present moment i'm in my village from my work place I was in delhi near punjabi bagh temple ,I have been living at village since 2013 8th March.I know hg Baraha prabhuji, hg Rukmini krishna prabhuji hg Kesav murari prabhuji, HG Navadeep prabhuji,hg Padma lochaen prabhuji, hg Bimala krishna prabhuji, and many more....very welll....
Please describe yourself so that other like minded devotees can find you.
In my daily routine life I prefer japa first then book reading after that Kirtan (vocal) and Dhama Darshana...(I would like to be come a preacher )
What are your expectations from this community?
Proper guide line to grow to-words essence of preaching ...
Describe any specific service you would love to offer to Lord Krishna & His devotees?
bhagavat class in bengali /hindi .
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So I have begun to do some reading & studying 1st. Thing as well & it feels good it's settling to my mind & energies & then I get some rounds-in. 2 hours is my target time frame. A focus on my Yogic posture to enhance it's energies effectiveness, & paying obasinsies at the feet of His image or deati, lifting my focus as I chant from His feet towards His face (gradually) which also enhances the quality of my focused time! I am not in very much of a detached mood for a devotee so I seek to experience' some amount of tanngabal results. Nor am I consumed with trust, in the Impersonal Bhramen, so I also avoid becoming absolutely submerged in absolute unconditional oneness with all energies, but that's just how I roll! Qulity & results are my focus, over quantity & submission. Ji Haray bola, Haray Haray!
Hare Krishna dandvats, Prabhuji. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I do hereby wish you all the best in Krishna consciousness, Gauranga, Radhe Radhe, Hari Bol! Hare Krishna.