Meaning of the Hare Krsna Mantra

Meaning of the Hare Krsna MantraOnce Vallabhacarya met Mahaprabhu in Jagannatha Puri and asked about the meaning of Krsna's name. Lord Caitanya was sitting amongst His most intimate followers including Sri Nityananda Prabhu, Sri Advaita Acarya, Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, Sri Svarupa Damodara, Sri Raya Ramananda, Sri Rupa Gosvami and Sikhi Mahiti. When Mahaprabhu failed to reply, Vallabhacarya repeated the question because he wanted to present his own scholarly explanation. Finally Mahaprabhu said:krsna-ndmera bahu artha nd mdni'syama-sundara' yasoddnandana, eimdtra jdniI do not know the meaning of Krsna's name. I only know that Krsna is Yasodanandana and Syamasundara. I do not know any other meanings, (cc. Antya 7.86) Success in japa depends on conception and consciousness. One must hold the right conception or meaning of the mantra in the mind while chanting, and one's consciousness must be filled with surrender. Regarding this point, Sri Caitanyasiksamrta says, "By chanting the name while understanding its meaning and praying to Krsna with tears in the eyes, gradually by Krsna's mercy, the chanting will advance. If this method is not followed, it will take many lifetimes to reach perfection."At the time of initiation, the spiritual master explains the meaning of the mantra, so the disciple can meditate on the right conception and chant with the correct consciousness. In describing the five samskaras to purify a disciple, the Sanat-kumdra-samhita says, "At initiation the spiritual master will utter two mantras above the right ear and explain the meaning of the mantras." "One receives a mantra from the mouth of a bonafide spiritual master, who instructs the disciple in the meaning and ultimate purpose of the mantra." (SB 11.21.15 p.)Thakura Bhaktivinoda explains that Mayavadls and materialists also chant the Hare Krsna mantra, but due to their wrong conception they receive an imperfect result. Their chanting is filled with desires for sense gratification and liberation. The syllables of the holy name are there, but the Supreme Lord is not. Nevertheless, the wish-fulfilling noma bestows some paltry secondary benefits upon such chanters, but never the ultimate treasure of krsna-prema. Attaining the eternal loving service of Radha-Govinda in Vrajaloka is the ultimate benefit of chanting Hare Krsna. Devotees understand this, and therefore they cherish the holy name more than anything else in the world.(Please Comment...)

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  • u can also refer to "bhagvadarshan"(btg) oct 2010 issue
  • meaning : How may i serve you
    • Volunteer
      If we ring the bell for Krishna and call everyone we can there's never any mistake. We really need to go out and canvass. All life on this planet now hangs in the balance. Chanting the Holy Name is the only way. I'm old and dying but still my energetic young wife demands that I go out every day and chant in public. As a result we are experiencing so many miracles in our life. We hope and pray that others will also try it.
    • beautiful !!!
    • Volunteer

  • Volunteer
    I'm a disreputable fraud and an absolute phony so I have no taste at all for this chanting of the Holy Name, but because I go out every day and chant in public, Krishna is smiling on me and I'm beginning to see a teeny tiny glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel. I can only hope it's from the effulgence of that same Supreme Being.
  • Thanks a lot

    All glories to the Holy Name !
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