Kindly guide me.

On 27th May it would have been 1 year since my very close friend passed away what can i do for her so that her departed soul get the chance to meet lord krishna. I was planning to go to mathura janam bhumi of lor krishna . Anything else that I can do?

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  • Sevak

    Hare Krsna 

    Anything else that I can do?

    Chant the Hare Krsna Mahamantra -

    Hare Krsna Hare Krsna

    Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

    Hare Rama Hare Rama

    Rama Rama Hare Hare 

  • hare krsna,

    if you really want to deliver your friend, get the srimad bhagwat saptah, done for him in vrindavan. Remember dhundukari's katha when his brother gokarna did bhagwat for him , he was delivered to vaikuntha.

    • Yes I remember.

      Dhanyavad mataji 🙏

  • Hare krsna prji,

    Her Soul will meet Lord krishna? 

    Firstly she and her soul are non-different She's herself the Soul and 2nd thing no she isn't going to meet Lord Krishna   whatever u may do from ur part still she wouldn't be able to meet Lord krishna 

    Bhakti between Atma and Paramatma is a Personal relationship u can't do anything in that -u have got no role to play 

    Just pray to Lord for granting her a new human body were she could execute devotional service to Lord and devotees thus after getting fully Purified of her material Contamination through constant devotional service only then would she be able to have the Darshan of Lord face to face...

    Hope it helps 🙏 

    Hare krishna 

    • Dhanyavad mata ji🙏


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