
  • Sevak

    Hare Krsna

    is utimate goal of bhakti is vairagya from all material things? 

    No goal of bhakti is Krsna Prema. Vairagya & gyana are by-products of pure bhakti.

    Hare Krsna

    • If I get vairagya how can I  experience prema of Krsna?

      • Hare Krsna 

        Actually,  attachment for Krsna is followed by detachment for everything else. Intensified attachment for Krsna leads to Krsna Prema. When one is situated in such a state, he says gold, pebbles as all the same. He sees everything as the energy of Krsna.  A person who is attached to women and wealth cannot develop this kind of vairagya or this kind of vision.

        Hari Bol 

        • If I lose interest in beauty how can I praise beauty of Krsna?


          • Sevak

            Hare Krsna

            If I lose interest in beauty how can I praise beauty of Krsna?

            By bhakti one may appreciate Krsna

            Hare Krsna

  • Hare Krsna 

    Yes because the ultimate resting place is completely spiritual,  matter cannot enter. Spirit can enter matter but matter cannot enter spirit. Hope you get it. You sound like a person I know who also just needs to hear this. 

    Hari Bol 

    • what is matter and spirit? you mean spirit is ghost?

      I have another doubt. when we die we get vairagy automatically. 

      • Sevak

        Hare Krsna

        when we die we get vairagy automatically. 

        In general NO,  but  if a person has attained complete detachment during their life by strict practice of transccendental yoga as descirbed in 6th & 8th chapters of Bhagavad Gita, then they may attain detachment. But it is requires strict, long & strong practice. It is not automatic.

        Hare Krsna

        • Thank you 

          Hare Krsna

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