The majority population of what is now known as “Sri Lanka” are called the Sinhalese people after an old name for the island “Siṁhala.” This name is attested in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 5.19.29-30:
Śrī Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: My dear King, in the opinion of some learned scholars, eight smaller islands surround Jambūdvīpa. When the sons of Mahārāja Sagara were searching all over the world for their lost horse, they dug up the earth, and in this way eight adjoining islands came into existence. The names of these islands are Svarṇaprastha, Candraśukla, Āvartana, Ramaṇaka, Mandara-hariṇa, Pāñcajanya, Siṁhala and Laṅkā.
However Siṁhala cannot be Laṅkā because “Laṅkā” is listed as the name of a separate and different island.
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The historical data and geographical differences imply that Sri Lanka and Lanka from the Ramayana might be different places, despite the fervor around the link between the two. geometry dash
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Real lanka is actually Maldives
Hare Krsna
Is Srilanka Lanka of Ramayana ?
Hare Krsna