RANGA KRISHNA posted discussions
RANGA KRISHNA replied to RANGA KRISHNA's discussion Is NASA lying ?
"Hare Krsna Mathaji,
Round means, globe or circle ?
If globe, How its possible ? 
modern astronomy true or fake ?
Earth stationary or moving ?
RANGA KRISHNA replied to RANGA KRISHNA's discussion Is NASA lying ?
"Hare Krishna,
   Some people are saying Bharatha varsha is entire visible world.
    Other varshas inaccessible.
  If so, is arcitic himalaya ? What about Himalaya of kashmir ?
RANGA KRISHNA replied to RANGA KRISHNA's discussion Sanyasa Dharma
"Are there any references in sastra regarding, way of living of ISKCON brahmacharis or sanyasis, such as preaching, subsisting on donations to temple by people etc.,
Do sastras allow devotees to accept money for livelihood ?
Is selling books in…"
Jul 9
RANGA KRISHNA posted a discussion
Hare Krishna,   They say NASA  is lying about the shape of the Earth and it's revolution around the SUN.   There are flat earthers , who  claim Earth is not a globe. They always ridicule NASA.   They say, if Earth rotates around SUN, with it's great…
Jul 6
RANGA KRISHNA posted a discussion
Hare Krishna,  Birth Caste based arrogance and descrimination is mostly seen in India only.  Nowhere else  in the world it is seen.   Caste feeling is in the genes of Indians.   I am from Andhrapradesh. The people here are obsessed with birth caste.…
Jun 27
RANGA KRISHNA replied to Soumyadip Datta Gupta's discussion Help me to leave non veg
"Welcome dear,
   I think two things are very important.
    1. Avoiding meat eating.
    2. Avoiding watching sexual content in media.
    I think second one is much more difficult, especially in the modern world.
    So, one must never be alone.…"
Jun 2
RANGA KRISHNA replied to Hari Om Sharma's discussion Four Regulative Principles

 I think we should  never be alone.
  In this modern world, if we are alone, media will haunt our minds
 cinema , TV, phone, laptop, magazines, newspapers all these provoke lust.
The problem is, all these media show
  1.provoking pictures of…"
May 31
RANGA KRISHNA replied to Soumyadip Datta Gupta's discussion Help me to leave non veg
"You have a good heart. You don't want it, but you are forced by others to eat.
 So, you will not incur any sin. But they who force you will incur sin.
  You translate the discourse by mahathma Bhishma, take a printout and tell everyone to read it.
May 25
RANGA KRISHNA replied to Soumyadip Datta Gupta's discussion Help me to leave non veg
"Dear Friend,
    This is the discussion between Yudhishthira  and  Bhishma  regarding meat eating.
   Yudhishthira said, 'Alas, those cruel men, who, discarding diverse kinds of food, covet only flesh, are really like great Rakshasas! Alas, they do…"
May 25
RANGA KRISHNA replied to RANGA KRISHNA's discussion Killings of charioteers, horses, elephants
"Thanq Prabhuji,
    But He is too powerful to be killed. Others are mortals. So, they don't have any choice than getting killed.
     Why can't Krishna say, You Pandavas and Kauravas fight and settle ?
     Why can't He say ? Let's not involve these…"
May 25
RANGA KRISHNA replied to RANGA KRISHNA's discussion Killings of charioteers, horses, elephants
  But Why can't they fight on foot ?
  Why can't Krishna say, You Pandavas and Kauravas fight and settle ?
  Why they involved somany people ?"
May 24
RANGA KRISHNA replied to RANGA KRISHNA's discussion Animal Killing
"Actually I don't want terseness. So I am not going to check Vedanta sutra.  .
Ok, if you like Brevity that much, I am not going to irritate you anymore."
May 24
RANGA KRISHNA replied to RANGA KRISHNA's discussion Animal Killing
  But then, why there are very long discourses by rishis or great souls, when we read puranas ?
  Even Prabhupada's purports in Bhagavatham are repetetive and lengthy ."
May 24
RANGA KRISHNA replied to RANGA KRISHNA's discussion Killings of charioteers, horses, elephants
 But this seems unfair. 
  Why they involve noncombatants in the first place ?
   Lord Krishna knows everything.
   He could say, let us not involve charioteers and animals ."
May 19
RANGA KRISHNA replied to RANGA KRISHNA's discussion Animal Killing
"Thanq Prabhuji,
   But your replies are very terse. 
    Please give little bit more details.
   So,  what is the difference between sacrifices performed by pious kings like Yudhistira, and the above mentioned ?"
May 19