Krishna is present in three places. One is in the heart as Supersoul ( Parmatma) one form of Krishna is Saakar form, other is nirakaar form ( formless sarva vyaapi). It is difficult to pray to the nirakaar form ( formless) as we are not able to see Him. We have to have a form to talk to or express our emotions to .
It is nice to connect to Supersoul and it happenes when we chant and get in touch with Parmatma. But then we want to express our emotions and want to do seva to the deity. So we get a murti or deity to our home and do seva. Offer bhoga and tell our emotions to the deity form. We offer chandan, tulasi and kapoor and offer some flowers with all emotions and think and see Krishna in deity form. Deity form of Krishna is so nice and easily we can connect to Him.
Thirdly why do we even go to the temple when we have a deity at home. In the temple a lot more bigger deity is there and daily 3 times regularly pooja is done in perfect manner by the learned brahmins who chant mantras and invoke the deity and the perform Prana Prathisthapan to invoke the personal form of Krishna to come and sit there actually and that is why. It is more potent and when we go to a temple we feel highly charged.
Just like we are closer to Wifi connection our network and connectivity is high similarly when we go to temple where there are many people who are like minded we get spiritually energized and as, I told that the priests invoke the presiding deity daily by constanly chanting mantras the stone itself get energized and there is Krishna sitting there to accept the prayers and offering done. That is why it is important to go to temple when we are feeling down. We get some sort of Spiritual help in some way from like minded people and also get the benefit of being with Krishna.
To connect with supersoul is a great thing when we have no access to temples we surely must do chanting and connect to Supersoul and if we have deity at home do service.
First step is to begin connected to Krishna sitting in the heart. Second step is to go to temple to get a face to face darshan with the Lord and get spiritually charged and motivated from the fellow devotees.
Third step to develop bhava prema and emotions for the deity form of LORD.
One thing I must say here is Deity form of the Lord is only form where Sri Krishna is really very merciful to accept whatever you want to give or offer.
If you wake HIm up in the morning He wakes up. If you give HiM a bath He will take bath. If you offer fruit He accepts or If you want to offer Sweets He will accept. In other forms Lord is not so very merciful to accept whatver you do.
Can you offer Supersoul agarbatii and sweets and give Him a bath or apply chandan or offer tulasi patta? It is only with the diety we form this bonding.
So we must have a deity and do deity service as it is most merciful form of Krishna who accepts whatever you want to offer.
Then In temples we get three benefits to summerize:-
1. Able to get Krishna's darshan directly as ( Krishna is invoked into the deity in regularly by the preists as they have some mantras to Invoke the diety they make sure the Krishna is sitting there and accepting the neivedya offered .. We get the benefit of even having the Prasadam which was offered to the main deity).
2. Secondly, we get motivated by the fellow devotees to chant and do bhakti
3. We get spiritually charged as the Krishna's merciful glances fall on us.
Hare Krishna,
Krishna is present in three places. One is in the heart as Supersoul ( Parmatma) one form of Krishna is Saakar form, other is nirakaar form ( formless sarva vyaapi). It is difficult to pray to the nirakaar form ( formless) as we are not able to see Him. We have to have a form to talk to or express our emotions to .
It is nice to connect to Supersoul and it happenes when we chant and get in touch with Parmatma. But then we want to express our emotions and want to do seva to the deity. So we get a murti or deity to our home and do seva. Offer bhoga and tell our emotions to the deity form. We offer chandan, tulasi and kapoor and offer some flowers with all emotions and think and see Krishna in deity form. Deity form of Krishna is so nice and easily we can connect to Him.
Thirdly why do we even go to the temple when we have a deity at home. In the temple a lot more bigger deity is there and daily 3 times regularly pooja is done in perfect manner by the learned brahmins who chant mantras and invoke the deity and the perform Prana Prathisthapan to invoke the personal form of Krishna to come and sit there actually and that is why. It is more potent and when we go to a temple we feel highly charged.
Just like we are closer to Wifi connection our network and connectivity is high similarly when we go to temple where there are many people who are like minded we get spiritually energized and as, I told that the priests invoke the presiding deity daily by constanly chanting mantras the stone itself get energized and there is Krishna sitting there to accept the prayers and offering done. That is why it is important to go to temple when we are feeling down. We get some sort of Spiritual help in some way from like minded people and also get the benefit of being with Krishna.
To connect with supersoul is a great thing when we have no access to temples we surely must do chanting and connect to Supersoul and if we have deity at home do service.
First step is to begin connected to Krishna sitting in the heart. Second step is to go to temple to get a face to face darshan with the Lord and get spiritually charged and motivated from the fellow devotees.
Third step to develop bhava prema and emotions for the deity form of LORD.
One thing I must say here is Deity form of the Lord is only form where Sri Krishna is really very merciful to accept whatever you want to give or offer.
If you wake HIm up in the morning He wakes up. If you give HiM a bath He will take bath. If you offer fruit He accepts or If you want to offer Sweets He will accept. In other forms Lord is not so very merciful to accept whatver you do.
Can you offer Supersoul agarbatii and sweets and give Him a bath or apply chandan or offer tulasi patta? It is only with the diety we form this bonding.
So we must have a deity and do deity service as it is most merciful form of Krishna who accepts whatever you want to offer.
Then In temples we get three benefits to summerize:-
1. Able to get Krishna's darshan directly as ( Krishna is invoked into the deity in regularly by the preists as they have some mantras to Invoke the diety they make sure the Krishna is sitting there and accepting the neivedya offered .. We get the benefit of even having the Prasadam which was offered to the main deity).
2. Secondly, we get motivated by the fellow devotees to chant and do bhakti
3. We get spiritually charged as the Krishna's merciful glances fall on us.
Hare Krishna
Thank you for answering my question. Hari Hari.
Can you?