Falling And Frustration

Hare Krishna ,


It happens many times that family or close ones act as a stone in Devotional service ,


Sometimes it make us out of anger to break four regulative principle , as these people are just everytime around us ,and pinching us . Family members show such a attachment ,that they do not like all this . What to do ?

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  • Sevak

    Hare Krishna prabhu,

    Please visit this link it has helpful tips on dealings with parents:


    • Hare Krishna Srijon

      Wonderful and very practical post by IDT prabhujis.

      I am pretty sure 95% of such young ISKCON devotees faces some or the other kind of such obstacles and that doesn't mean we should blaspheme our own dear ones.

      I asked a  similar question to one of the full time devotee in ISKCON and very simple answer he gave is..

      "Let not anybody think bad about KC or think that they are brainwashing. Try to change them with love rather then arguing or fighting or leaving them. Give them prasadam everyday knowingly or unknowingly.Be patient and even if they don't change, you have done your dharma and service towards Lord by trying".

      Especially if born and brought up in Hindu family, this shouldn't be a difficulty or impossible task .

      If a person is true in his devotion , Lord Krishna will slowly make such an environment that it would be favorable for one's spiritual progress. That's what I believe.

      Thank you for putting this link here.

      jai shree gokulesh

      • Volunteer

        yes, You are right Alka Mataji,

        it is better if we explain to our parents about our practice with love rather than acting as like a fanatics.

        In the beginning as i told before i also acted like that and they started to think bad of Krishna consciousness but later after 4-5 years i just accepted them as they are not criticizing them for their even sinful life. But firstly tried to become friend of my family members.

        to learn their needs from me. And understood that all of us in this world want some attention and care. For example, my elder sister was also fanatic Muslim and in opposite side i - fanatic so called Krishna devotee.

        She used to study abroad while i was living with my parents. And i used to keep Krishna's images on the walls and parents were not against but on the contrary started to like His charming form...

        But my sister came and one day told that she will remove the images and destroy them. i told no, why?

        She told that every time she looks to them and she has fear that she also will be attracted to Him. But in most Muslims consider Deity worship as an idol worship ....

        So fight grew among us. Mom started to cry...in this way every time there were some problems at home. But after few years i decided to act according to the wishes of others.

        If my sister does not like the image i used to ask her first if she doesn't mind if i put Krishna's image on the wall. Her heart softened and told "no, no" please do it.

        Then later i tried to render service to her and asked what she likes to eat for breakfast or something like that so that i could prepare for her because i wake up before than her. She was happy and told and i cooked and offered to Krishna and she used to eat Prasadam.

        Then later i tried to help her in her other problems even though material with some advices, and kind words. Then later one day we were sitting in one room and i asked her permission if it will be ok if i chant near her. If it will disturb her. She said "yes, sure,"....

        then later she started to hear lectures, then later fasted Nirjala Ekadashi on Pandava Ekadashi....

        In this way now she is only sister who loves me so much and even asks advices from me, even though younger than her.


        And yes, Suresh Prabhu, You are correct i put so many things which i experienced my self in my life and i know that whatever good was there only by the mercy of Krishna and Devotees.

        We have to be only instruments in the hand of Guru and Gouranga.

        Your servant, 

        • Hare Krishna Mataji.

          You are truly an inspiration for aspiring devotees.

          In spite of being in such a tough environment you are so firmly determined, I admire your bhakti towards Lord Krishna.

          thank you again for sharing your experiences , that gives me also hope that someday I would also be able to change my dear ones.

          Hare Krishna

  • Volunteer

    Please pray to Krishna remembering His Lotus Feet and embracing tightly in Your mind beg to help to You and He will surely help.

    Your servant,

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna dear Devotees, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    Here Gaurab Saha Prabhu told one very nice thing "Krishna helps us by putting some opposite obstacles in our life..."

    And those obstacles only make us to act in an opposite way which means to take Krishna Consciousness seriously. 

    If such like obstacles are there it means Krishna really took Your case to come back to Godhead seriously Ashwani Kumar Prabhu. 

    I know the story of how HH Bhakti Vigyana Goswami Maharaj came to Krishna Consciousness. He was born in Uzbekistan and then later moved to study to Russia. Years past and he was in the pick of his education. He was going to become professor or Nobel prizer in chemistry. Then one of his (devotee) friends gave to him Bhagavad Gita of Prabhupada in English and just requested him to translate this book. He agreed. 

    In this way he also started to chant. Then to visit Temple and associate with Devotees. Then his professors become to know about that and they told to police and KGB. KGB started to call him and ask many questions...in this way they started to follow him wanting to stop him to enter into this movement.

    Then that time Maharaj thought if these KGBs took this incident very seriously then this movement is not something simple. And he became serious in his practices.

    And know he is an initiating Guru Sannyasi who preaches to over 10 000 Russian Devotees and his lectures are food for soul for all those Russian language countries. He also translated Bhagavad Gita into Russian...

    Now he jokes that if in that place where KGB makes some disturbance then that is the sign of future progress :)


    In any of our family there were and will be such like problems. My parents also so many times were angry to me that i do not eat this and that. But my decision was 4 reg pr. and 16 rounds and IN  ANY SITUATION!

    After my parents teachers at the university started to disturb me not giving me chance to read Books, eat veg food forcing me to stay at the hostel...but that time i tried to see Krishna's hand in all these obstacles.

    "No, Krishna, even if some one is saying to me to eat non veg i won't do it."

    For example, at the hostel there was no place to chant, no room. So i had to wake up very early and chant in the corridors. But when Muslim girls used to wake up i had to go out to cold whether and chant there.

    "No Krishna, even if there are so many obstacles i will i will chant! "

    And seeing our even though small determination and efforts He will be pleased.

     Your servant,

    • bhaktin maral matAji, very nice that you quote examples and experiences from your life. In many of your replies,I've noticed it. you are a inspiration for aspiring devotees like us. please kindly bless us with the love for krishna to increase !! hare krishnA !!

      ||shri krishnah sharanam mama||

  • HK..pamho


     Austerity of the body consists in worship of the Supreme Lord, the brāhmaṇas, the spiritual master, and superiors like the father and mother, and in cleanliness, simplicity, celibacy and nonviolence.


    Austerity of speech consists in speaking words that are truthful, pleasing, beneficial, and not agitating to others, and also in regularly reciting Vedic literature.


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