caste descrimination in India

Hare Krishna,

  Birth Caste based arrogance and descrimination is mostly seen in India only.

  Nowhere else  in the world it is seen.


  Caste feeling is in the genes of Indians.


  I am from Andhrapradesh. The people here are obsessed with birth caste. All the politics here are based on 

  caste. The Kamma people here are arrogant and selfish brutes. Actually according to Varnasrama, all socalled

  higher castes such as kamma, kapu, reddy are sudras. But these ignorant fellows think highly of themselves.



They say caste system is based on ones nature,  not based on birth.

But in reality, it seems that one can't escape birth tag.


Krsna Book 78: " When Lord Balarāma saw that Romaharṣaṇa Sūta did not understand the highest principle of religion in spite of his having studied all the Vedas, He certainly could not support his position. Romaharṣaṇa Sūta had been given the chance to become a perfect brāhmaṇa, but because of his ill behavior in his relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, his low birth was immediately remembered. "


If we see in mahabharatha and other puranas, ones caste is clearly based on ones birth.

A king's son becomes a king.  And a sudra's son becomes Sudra.

Every one follows occupation based on one's birth. Only in rare cases, a person behaves differently .


Moreover, they use the words such as lowborn, highborn etc.,

If caste is not based on birth, why do they use such words  ?

Many times, they say sudra is lowly born. They even use words such as dog to sudra.


If caste is based on ones nature, and not by birth, why were Bhishma, Drona asking Karna about his lineage ?

In Anusasana parva, Bhishma so often uses words such as lowborn. He gave big lecture about mixed castes such

as chandala, vandi, magadha, suta based on their birth. 


  Actually  Aswathama should be considered Kshatriya since he  fought wars.

  Eventhough he committed heinous crimes, Krishna says  since  he is brahmana, he must not be killed.


Hence caste descrimination based on birth was certainly there.



Dear devotees, Please share your thoughts.





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  • As I understand it, in previous yugas when the Vedic society was in place, with all the samskaras followed etc., birth and character were rather closely aligned. Sastra gives some warning in the form of examples of individuals who were exceptions to this.
    In Kali yuga varnasrama degraded into casteism, with varna sankara and all, so those negativities you mention appeared. To offend someone that he is a sudra is stupid because if no one does the work of sudra, the society will collapse in no time.

    Hari Hari
    ys J.

  • Sevak

    Hare Krsna 


    Birth Caste based arrogance and descrimination is mostly seen in India only. Nowhere else  in the world it is seen.

    There have been aparthied movements, Nazi movements etc. Racial discrimination is/was present outside India also. 

    But these ignorant fellows think highly of themselves.

    Ignorance/ Arrogance has nothing to do with caste. People can think highly of themselves irrespective of any caste. Arrogance is not restricted to higher caset only. People of all races, castes, professions, genders can be arrogant and ignorant. Lord Sri Krsna says anyone who thinks there are the body is not so intelligent. 

    Caste system is based on ones nature,  not based on birth.

    cātur-varṇyaṁ mayā sṛṣṭaṁ
    tasya kartāram api māṁ
    viddhy akartāram avyayam

    According to the three modes of material nature and the work associated with them, the four divisions of human society are created by Me. And although I am the creator of this system, you should know that I am yet the nondoer, being unchangeable. ( BG 4.13)

    The daivi varnashrama system was designed by Lord Sri Krsna. It is not based on birth. It is based on guna & karma  or qualities and activity/behavior.  The modern caste system in India of issuing caste certificate based on birth is a gift of British. There were no caste certificates issued by King or govt prior to British. 

    But in reality, it seems that one can't escape birth tag.

    Lord Sri Chaitanya has given the process of Bhakti to escape birth, death and material world altogether by chanting the holy names of

    Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare 

    Romaharshana Sage's low birth was immediately remembered.

    Which means prior to this incident, his low birth was completely forgotten. It was his unexemplary actions that resulted in the remembrance of the caste. Hence varna was based on actions and qualities not birth as recent as 5000 years ago. 

    A king's son becomes a king.  And a sudra's son becomes Sudra.

    This is not a rule, but a trend. There are examples where unfit king was removed despite being son of King. Example - Vena, Duryodhana etc. Several thousand kings were removed by Lord Parashurama. 

    If caste is not based on birth, why do they use such words  ?

    First we have to make distinction between caste system and daivi varnashrama. Caste system is modern & always based on birth. Varnashrama system is based on guna & karma. These are two very different systems. Varnashrama is not based on birth. 

    Bhishma, Drona asking Karna about his lineage ?

    Because of Karna's degraded activities. Karna was involved in insulting and harassign a chaste lade - Draupadi. Anyone who disrespects women meets demise - irrespective of caste. 

    Hence caste descrimination based on birth was certainly there.

    Yes, but only since the british incorporated in their system of governance. 


    Hare Krsna 

  • Hare Krsna

    Romarharsana Suta was sitting on the Vyasa asana when Lord Balarama entered the assembly so he thought he doesn't need to get up to pay his respects to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Lord Balarama killed him immediately, not with any conventional weapon, but a blade of grass, because He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He can do that.

    Hereditary caste system is evil. In Varnasrama dharma as described by Lord Krsna in Bhagavad-gita: Catur varnyam maya srstam guna karma vibhahasah. It is clearly mentioned that these divisions are scientific based on the qualities a person has inherited from nature and the works associated with it, not by birth right. Asvathama was son of a Brahmana, and he was addressed as such, brahma-bandhu, because he was lacking in brahminical qualities. If you read the Mahabharat, you will realize that he committed the first terrorist activity during those days, he terrorized the Pandava camp at night, attacked tired sleeping soldiers, and the sons of Draupadi. This kind of action on his part is certainly not the activity of a brahmana who are supposed to be merciful, forgiving etc. In fact it is quite the opposite.

    Hari Bol

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