Hare Krishna,

      ŚB 6.4.9

अन्नं चराणामचरा ह्यपद: पादचारिणाम् ।
अहस्ता हस्तयुक्तानां द्विपदां च चतुष्पद: ॥ ९ ॥
annaṁ carāṇām acarā
hy apadaḥ pāda-cāriṇām
ahastā hasta-yuktānāṁ
dvi-padāṁ ca catuṣ-padaḥ


By nature’s arrangement, fruits and flowers are considered the food of insects and birds; grass and other legless living entities are meant to be the food of four-legged animals like cows and buffalo; animals that cannot use their front legs as hands are meant to be the food of animals like tigers, which have claws; and four-legged animals like deer and goats, as well as food grains, are meant to be the food of human beings.

  Then why it is a sin to eat meat ?


 In God's design, one living being is the food of other living beings. Then how can we say He is compassionate ?


   Lord Krishna never spoke on the topic of animal killing and meat eating. Nor did Lord Rama.

   Moreover they hunted animals in the forest. ( May be Kshatriya Dharma ).

    Lord Krishna silently watched, when arjuna hunted down many birds trying to escape during Khandava dahana.


   Only devotees like Prabhupada , bhishma and narada showed compassion to animals.

    It seems that devotees are more  compassionate than Him.


    I am wondering, when God himself is indifferent  and silent, why meat eating should be a serious topic among devotees ?



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                    • Sevak

                      Hare Krsna

                       Everyone knows,that they would eat after sacrifice.

                      It doesn't matter what anyone or everyone knows. Reality is what it is, irrespective of what people think they know.

                      Hare Krsna

                    • Mental speculation is not wrong, when chances are high. Everyone knows,that they would eat after sacrifice.

                      This is the reason why I asked to confirm. But you are not bothered.

                      Because it is not required

                       But you think it is required to ask " Would you agree to become meat ?"

                    • Better question is why is it sancitoned in the first place

                       You are wise. There is no doubt.

                       But it would have been better, if you were this much wise enough instead of responding like that.

                    • It is not highly intelligent to expect scriptures or Sri Krsna to align with our perspectives, fantasies or requirements

                      Perhaps, It is highly intelligent to expect Him to align with his own fantasies..

                    • Sevak

                      Hare Krsna

                      Him to align with his own fantasies 

                      Please clarify whom does Him refer to above.

                      Hare Krsna

                    • Sevak

                      Hare Krsna

                      My question was when it is sactioned, why it is a sin to eat meat ?

                      Better question is why is it sancitoned in the first place. It has been answered.

                      It is sinful if it does not elevate the animal being killed. That animal body has been given to that jiva occupying that animal body to gradually elevate to higer consciousness. By killing the animal for eating before the stipulated natural time of death, the jiva in that animal body has to again take birth in same animal body, for the remainder of time. So elevation to higer consciousness is unnecessarily prolonged for that jiva.

                      If animal sacrifice is 100% performed as per scriptures, by qualified people, then jiva in that animal body which is sacrificed is expected to get higher consciousness. Elevating consciousness is goal of scriptures. 

                      Hare Krsna

                    • Sevak

                       Hare Krsna

                      But why don't you confirm whether He ate meat or not , with the help of your authorized scriptures ?

                      Because it is not required.

                      very quick to say that mine is mental speculation.

                      Mental speculation is very obvious by use of words - "would have eaten" 

                      Hare Krsna

                    • I will agree that Krsna can never commit any sin,

                      But why don't you confirm whether He ate meat or not , with the help of your authorized scriptures ?

                      Do you have full versions of original mahabharatha or Ramayana ?


                      Perfect example of how mental speculation leads to wrong, incorrect conclusion

                      You better decide whether I am doing mental speculation or not  after countering my references with your references .

                      you didn't bother to examine my references from Ramayana or Mahabharatha..

                      But you are very quick to say that mine is mental speculation.

                    • There is nothing wrong in Kshatriya performing their duty or nature's food cycle. 

                      " animals as well as food grains are meant to be the food of human beings." This is what this verse says..

                        My question was when it is sactioned, why it is a sin to eat meat ?

                       Did I say I am fond of eating meat ?

                      Then, why do you ask questiones like

                      1. Do you know anyone who will agree to be come meat ? Just put yourself in the place of the person who is being killed. 

                      2. Would you agree to become meat ?

                      3. If a person kills you and eats you, should he be punished or rewarded for killing ?

                    • Sevak

                      Hare Krsna

                      In general we as humans benefit from aligning our perpectives, actions, habits & lifestyles with scriptures & Sri Krsna. It is not highly intelligent to expect scriptures or Sri Krsna to align with our perspectives, fantasies or requirements. 

                      Hare Krsna

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