Are we all meat eaters?

Hare Krsna all

We live in a society of meat eaters. We choose not to eat meat. That may be enough for us and society but is it enough for Krsna? Today the Prabhu who was taking the morning class said we are also condemned for being silent. Are we doing any andolan or protest? If not, then there is no difference between us and the meat eaters. 

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  • Sevak

    Hare Krsna

    We live in a society of meat eaters. 

    What does this mean ? 

    Are we doing any andolan or protest?

    I do not know of any vaishnava acarya who dedicated their any significant time on doing any protest against such things. Lord Buddha supported  non-violence,  but vaishnavas do not follow Lord Buddha for other reasons.

    If not, then there is no difference between us and the meat eaters.

    Is there any shastric reference for this ? If not then I respectfully diasgree with this. 

    There is difference, because those who cause unnecessary violence are subject to sinful reactions and punishment by Yamaraja. Others who are not involved are not subjected to any punishments.

    Hare Krsna

    • Yes Prabhu you are absolutely right. We are not meat eaters because we don't buy, kill, sell or eat meat. As far as the individual karmic reaction is considered, there is a world of a difference. 

  • I believe the best way out in this kaliyuga mess is focusing on the positives and not negating the negatives.

    Focusing on the positives would translate to doing more and more hari nama kirtana,more  of book distribution and more of prasada distribution.Individually none of this is possible so again we need like minded sanga.I know it is easier said than done but we can draw inspiration from ghaziabad congregation who are doing wonders!!

        • Good question. I want Lord Krsna on my side. Waiting for Him to join soon.

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