Animal Killing


A Description of the Hellish Planets

   Text 24:

If in this life a man of the higher classes [brāhmaṇa, kṣatriya and vaiśya] is very fond of taking his pet dogs, mules or asses into the forest to hunt and kill animals unnecessarily, he is placed after death into the hell known as Prāṇarodha. There the assistants of Yamarāja make him their targets and pierce him with arrows.
  Text 25:
A person who in this life is proud of his eminent position, and who heedlessly sacrifices animals simply for material prestige, is put into the hell called Viśasana after death. There the assistants of Yamarāja kill him after giving him unlimited pain.


  But sastra permit  kshatriyas to hunt animals and kill animals in yagya.

   In aswamedha yaga, Rajasuya yaga  of yudhistira , so many animals were sacrificed.

    Pandavas and Lord Rama hunted animals in the forest.


  When hunting and sacrifice of animals is allowed in sastra,   Why these verses say it is a sin ?

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  • Sevak

    Hare Krsna 

    Please carefully read the purport of the shloka you have stated above, Srila Prabhupada has answered your questions. 

    Hare Krsna 

  • Focus on "unnecessarily" and "heedlessly simply for material prestige". Is it a sin when contrary to sastric regulations. See my earlier answer about Ms.

    Hari Hari
    ys J.

    • Thanq Prabhuji,

         But your replies are very terse. 

          Please give little bit more details.


         So,  what is the difference between sacrifices performed by pious kings like Yudhistira, and the above mentioned ?

      • The difference is in "material prestige", as SP puts it.

        If you want to know what's terse check Vedanta sutra. ;)

        Essential truth spoken concisely is true eloquence. (Krisnadas Kaviraja)

        Brevity is the soul of wit. (Shakespeare, Hamlet)

        Hari Hari
        ys J.

        • Actually I don't want terseness. So I am not going to check Vedanta sutra.  .

          Ok, if you like Brevity that much, I am not going to irritate you anymore.

        • Good,

            But then, why there are very long discourses by rishis or great souls, when we read puranas ?

            Even Prabhupada's purports in Bhagavatham are repetetive and lengthy .

          • Here's the place where we can try to clarify what needs to be clarified in your personal study of those sources. We can't replace your guru, the best person to go for guidance. We're like his tiny assistants, volunteers.

            Hari Hari
            ys J.

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