Krishna (4351)

Urgent Enquiry


sorry if i hurt any of my dear devotee sentiments.

i just want to know that can we wash chanting beads please ? ( tulasi beads )

like with soap or detergent or with any brush to clean them ??

or just we can rinse them in normal tap wate

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3 Replies

Overcome guilt feeling

I have been working in the IT/Software industry for the past 7-8 years.

In the last 2 companies that I have switched, I have observed that people have got some real good opportunities there (specifically a lot of people in my previous companies have g

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3 Replies

Prayer request

Dear Prabhu's and Mata'sI ask for your most merciful prayers in an endeavor my fiancé and I are undertaking. With the help of a very dear Brahmin friend of ours, we are trying to start a Bhakti Vriksa program where we live, and are hoping it will qui

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7 Replies

--Surrendering Ego--

Yamunacharya’s Stotra-ratnam (49)—

vapur-ādiṣu yo’pi ko’pi vā
guṇato’māni yathā-tathā-vidhaḥ tad ahaṁ tava pāda-padmayor aham adyaiva mayā samarpitaḥ

Whatever condition or identity I have accepted after taking different kinds of bodies according to my s

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Discussion on Shiv puran

One of my close friends was arguing with me about Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. We are from Gujarat, so he was saying that Narshi Mehta & Meera Bai was far greater than Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. After that we discused on Bhagwad Gita, he told me that he had read

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4 Replies

Offering Supermarket Foods


I have a question regarding offering foods to Krishna.

Say I go to a supermarket and buy a loaf of bread and some jam. Would I be able to offer  Jam on bread to Krishna or would I need to have made the jam and bread myself?

This goes also if I was b

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2 Replies
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