Krishna (4351)

Speakingtree Spiritual Articles

I read the Speakingtree Spiritual Articles that comes in the Times of India newspaper daily.

I wanted to know if they are good to read and are not biased or influenced in any way?

I do read other books like Bhagvad Gita As It Is and other literatures,

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lord budha devotees

--lord budha preached mayavady philosophy and has followers

all over the earth. his devotees adore him as ultimate guru.

is it possible that this really followers develop bhakty for lord budha ?

is it possible to reach budha eternal spiritual abode afte

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VISHNU_GLOW_by_dean.gifOne day, the Nawab asked Hari Das why he had abandoned the pure religion of Islam to embrace Hinduism. Hari Das Thakur answered, “God is one. The same God is present in every religion; He is the non-dual absolute truth. In the different religions, it

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krsna's sister

hare sincere obeisances to all the devotees .i have a doubt in my mind which i request the devotees to kindly clear it .I have been practicing k.con from my school days .I've been reading & hearing about krsna pastimes from devotees & prabhu

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