Krishna (4351)

Fwd : Surrender...

All religions stress on surrender as the key component to making spiritual progress. Surrender is not simply a theoretical concept, nor is it achieved through elaborate rituals or loud proclamations. Surrender is very real and very practica

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what is yadnya?


Hare Krishna..  prabhu...   will you explain me what is yadnya? Is it any process to achieve some thing?

In today’s life can we say it a "project" to achieve some desired targets?


Suppose In old days king were doing some yadnya to get lot of cows and

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Radha rani

all glories to radharani. radha radha. my humble obesciance to all devotees.

I want to know much much more about radharani. Can any kindful one please enlighten this ignorant about Radharani? Or can anyone please send me any linc where i can have enou

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