Krishna (4351)

About honour of women

A socialist told with reference to this verse of gita (9:32) "

O son of Påthä, those who take shelter in Me, though they be of lower
birth—women, vaiçyas [merchants] and çüdras [workers]—can attain the
supreme destination." that in gita Lord Krishna con

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Why god exists?

Hare krishnaPAMHO. all glories to srila prabhupada.I can understand that god is the cause of all causes. Everything emanates from him. But this question always disturbs me ''why does he exists?'' . If i've asked anything wrong please correct me.

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3 Replies

Do You Agree ?

Do you agree ?

New Delhi: After an NDTV story which showed a Class 6 textbook that says meat-eaters cheat, lie and commit sex crimes, the Central Board for Secondary Education (CBSE) has said that school books used across the country are not monitored

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2 Replies · Reply by VittoCheris Aug 8


Hare Krishna to all of you,

• Last 8-10 years before I used to meat eating, not so much but occasionally, but from 2002 I had left the meat eating and accepted vegetarian food only.

• From 2002 to till the date I have not taken non-veg food in my meals

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