How to think about Krishna

Hare Krishna! 

Dear devotees, please give me your kind answers.

When I think about Krishna, or meditate, or pray to him, how should I think about him?

A specific picture, or a specific idol, or something else?

Please forgive me for my ignorance and stupidity.

Your stupid servant,


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  • Volunteer

    very nice question Prabhu!

    Usually, chanting is the best form of thinking of Krishna. Always chanting in our mind while doing anything externally walking, cooking, sitting, working....

    But at the same time when we want to offer prayers we need to meditate on the Form of the Lord. 

    When i was living in university dormitory few years back i used to mediate and pray to Lord Chaitanya in His form in Jarikand surrounded by animals. So Lord can appear and hear us through His image - Form.

    Now i have Deities of Gaur Nitay so i try my best to meditate upon Their Form. So for prayers we need to find a Form of Lord which we like the most and make that Form our beloved object of our meditation and also serve Him by offering our love in the form of food, flowers, ...

    Your servant,  

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