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Some devotees live without running water, electricity and gas. They go to a nearby hand pump and cook on wood. While the bombs fall the devotees continue their devotional service which including cooking lots of Pr
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Some devotees live without running water, electricity and gas. They go to a nearby hand pump and cook on wood. While the bombs fall the devotees continue their devotional service which including cooking lots of Pr
The word question comes from the word quest, which means to search for something. In the etymological dictionary, the verb quest dates to the late 14th century. It refers to the medieval romantic sense of adventure undertaken by a knight, especially a search for the Holy Grail.
When you ask a question, you are embarking on a journey! The Buddha, for example, started his famous journey with a question. One day, he left his father’s protective care, ventured outside the royal palace and saw sick
Many filmmakers and playwrights say that lately, fresh material has been awfully hard to find. Enter a young theatrical troupe, their material so ancient it's brand-new.
In New York City the news is getting around: a group of yoga students have formed an acting troupe and are entering the professional theater world.
Early in 1976, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness purchased a twelve-story building on Manhattan's West 55th Street (in the off-Broadway theater district). When the
By Radhapriya
In 2008, devotees founded the Bhakti Academy in Gainesville, Florida. This live-in space facilitates students to learn and practice bhakti-yoga while in many cases continuing their university studies. Since its inception, over 250 students have attended the Academy and many have made a formal commitment to Krishna consciousness and are actively involved in ISKCON full-time or part-time in America, South America, Europe, and Asia.
Now, after months of planning and coordination, Bha
On April 3rd, 2022 an international event took place for a worldwide puja invoking the blessings from Lord Narasimha’s divine protection towards the devastating conflict happening in Ukraine. This conflict has affected the lives of thousands of Ukrainians and the number is growing every day. The conflict not only impacts Ukrainians but is impacting all of us globally. The event felt like a must to help Ukrainians and pray for the protection of all during these chaotic times. Organizers and help
My assistant with the plays, Dhruv Patel, has begun to submit our short film, “The Embassy,” to film festivals. I am anticipating that there will be takers to this production, which is well acted and overall well-assembled with camera and lighting.
The film is about the dialogue between Krishna and Duryodhan. It is an interesting character study about two persons so diametrically opposed. The play on mind games is fascinating.
The script is rich. Playwright, Bhasa, was committed to a language o
“There is no other alternative in this age.”
These events are historic in the annals of Vaisnava history, since the whole town of Surat was situated on the sankirtana platform. Everywhere we went, people chanted with us, and at nighttime they would construct a large planked stage on a street, and thousands of devotees would come and hear Srila Prabhupada and chant with us. We would chant, weaving through the streets of the town, which seemed to be broken up into little villages.
In Nagar our sa
In today’s world, many people in both the younger and older generations have individual Facebook accounts. For devotees, this is useful as a platform to preach the glories of harinam sankirtana.
I posted on Facebook an excerpt from a lecture by Srila Prabhupada at the University of Nairobi, in 1972, from the book Science of Self Realization. Therein Srila Prabhupada mentioned that knowledge of the soul is the most important knowledge, and this intrigued the heart of a Muslim colleague of mine a
By Saranagati dasi
Vrindavan Garden in Mayapur is a project where we hope to offer visitors, and residents an opportunity to experience Vrindavan Dham within Mayapur Dham; revealing Krsna’s pastimes; its connection to Mahaprabhu, the 6 Goswamis, and Srila Prabhupada. To deepen visitors’ understanding of Krsna’s childhood pastimes, and to present Krsna Lila in a fun, educational way so that visitors leave the park with a lasting spiritual impression, that will assist them in their spiritual journ
April 22—Aligned with the world celebration of Earth Day 2022, ISKCON is launching a global environmental initiative to assist local temples, communities, and families in better ‘walking our talk” by living more environmentally conscious and sustainable lifestyles.
“Many devotees think that because we’re strict vegetarians, we’ve done all we need to do for the environment,” said Shyamananda Krishna das (Dr. Sreenivasulu Chadalavada), an environmental scientist and Co-Director of the ISKCON Envi
I was forwarded a photo, one I’d not seen before, a precious piece, of a seed planter making his way on foot along Manhattan’s lower east side on Second Avenue. For sure it’s a vintage shot and takes you back to the mid-sixties – judging by the elaborate build of automobiles at the time. Included in the pic is a Mobil gas station. You can catch the corner of a building with crude magic marker writing by the window, promoting kirtan.
The seed planter is none other than His Divine Grace A.C. Bhak
Today is the disappearance day festival of Srila Vrindavan das Thakur, the author of Sri Caitnaya Bhagavata. At MODADRUMA DVIPA of Navadvipa dham is the birthplace and ancestral home of Srimati Malini devi, wife of Srivasa Pandit. Sri Vrindavan Das Thakura’s mother’s name was Sri Narayani Devi. Narayani Devi was the daughter of Srivas Thakura’s brother. When Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu revealed his divinity in the house of Srivasa, showing his true self to the assembled devotees there, Narayan
Shri Abhirama Gopal Thakura was also known as Shri Rama Das. He was a great Devotee of Lord Nityananda. On the order of Shri Nityananda Prabhu, he became a great acharya and preacher of Gaudiya Vaishnavism.
He was a very influential personality, and atheists and blasphemers were very much afraid of him. Empowered by Shri Nityananda Prabhu, he was always in ecstasy and was kind to all fallen souls. It is said that if he offered obeisances to any stone other than a shalagram-shila, it would imm
According to a new Bhumi Global survey, Hindus around the world see global environmental issues as an urgent concern. The poll, which was conducted last year and analyzed over the past few months, is the first such global survey conducted among Hindus. Participants of the survey represented the gamut of the Hindu population, including India, the United States, Canada, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and Mauritius.
The Survey Analysis revealed some of the most common Hindu sentiments, which in
Dear ISKCON Educators of North America,
We at the Ministry of Education NA know firsthand the amazing hard work you have been undertaking, serving the most delicate and most important members of our ISKCON society – the children and youth.
Join 99 other registered participants for our first-ever online Bhakti Educators conference.
We are eager to connect with you and provide you with support in your service.
Held: This Saturday, April 23 from 12 to 2 pm ET
Register here:
Our very happy venture to Stratford came to a closure. My companions, Vallabha and Gabriel, and I arrived at the home of a sweet Ukrainian couple and their family. More chanting and feasting were featured here in the cozy setting with friends around. The group meets regularly.
The talking portion of the program was my responsibility and today’s topic was, “Who Is Crazy?” The theme here could sound like a loaded question but frankly the term ended up being the topic of an essay by our guru, Sril
By Muralimohan dasa
On April 3, 2022, my team and I from ISKCON’s Ahmedabad temple, also known as Sri Radha Govinda Dhama, held a one-day padayatra at Nani Devti gram, about 30km southwest of Ahmedabad in Gujarat.
We arrived at the village to hear that a samuha chandi yajna was being conducted and many people had assembled at one place. Moving ahead we started sankirtan and as we reached the yajna everyone there was pleased to see a group of devotees performing sankirtan and asked us to say som
People with a Christian background hold this weekend as sacred. With our group from Brampton, we are keeping all events as fun and spiritual. In fact, at a Q and A session, a woman asked how I got involved in Krishna Consciousness, and so I tried capturing my past and admitting that Jesus had a lot to do with my finding Krishna. They are from the same family; in a spiritual sense.
This morning a wild bunny hopped along and stopped at my window. Not scared at all to see a moving monster (me), the
The beauty found in this relative world pales
before the beauty of Krsna's perfect form.
People are very much enamored by the beauty of this world. The Vedic literature, however, offers us penetrating insight into the actual nature of material beauty. If people would take the time to hear from these revered sources, they would be surprised to learn that what is accepted as beauty within this world is but the pale, illusory reflection of the unlimited spiritual beauty of Lord Krsna, the Supreme
Q. Your Grace, what is the basis of your teaching?
Srila Prabhupada: The basis of this teaching is Bhagavad-gita As It Is; I have already published my book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is. This book is not new; it is very old, at least 5,000 years old, and it is very widely read all over the world. In your country, I have seen that there are more than twenty-five different English editions of Bhagavad-gita. And similarly, it is very well known in Germany, England and Japan everywhere.
This book teaches