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Adapted from Srimad-Bhagavatam, translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

With recent disgrace of an American president still fresh in our minds, it is interesting to read of a similar case in ancient times. Five thousand years ago, a blind king named Dhrtarastra dishonored his high post and caused the death of millions. His story is of special importance, even today, because he found an antidote to the crimes of a lifetime, and in his old age became sel

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You see them in almost every big city in the United States: devotees of Krsna singing the holy names of God (Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare). In India, the chanting of Hare Krsna has been going on for thousands upon thousands of years. During the American Bicentennial celebration this summer, there will be another cause for celebration: in the Western world, the chanting of Hare Krsna has now been going on for ten years. And, two days

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Then and Now by Jagajivana Dasa


The Right to Distribute the American Dream

In 1776, when the American Dream was very new, you could expect to find out about the latest inspiration of Tom Paine, Sam Adams, or Alexander Hamilton when you walked along Main Street, stepped into the town square, or answered your doorbell.

Not that you would take wisdom for granted, but you could expect to find out about it. The first American settlers had come to get away from political and religious oppression; to search out a new land rich in fr

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Declaring Our Dependence on God


Two hundred years ago, Americans fought the War of Independence to assure life, liberty, and happiness in a fledgling nation. In a conversation with the BACK TO GODHEAD staff, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada explains that Americans can actually achieve these things only by maintaining a God conscious society, with God conscious leaders.

BTG: Thomas Jefferson put the basic philosophy of the American Revolution into the Declaration of Independence. The important men of the da

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By Acarya dasa (All India Padayatra leader)

The All India padayatris started the char dhama yatra from Haridwar on May 10, 2022. We had darshan of Hari ki paudi at Haridwar and Sapta rishi ghat and, of course, a holy dip in mother Ganges. The next day we moved ahead from Rishikesh and after a journey of twenty days we reached Badrikashram dhama on May 30. Some congregation devotees and padayatris from the Maharashtra, Utkala-Banga and Uttar Pradesh padayatras also joined this adventurous spirit

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On a Monday afternoon, in the recent mid-year marathon, Bal Gopal, my husband, and I were trying a little book distribution along the busy Lambton quay in Wellington. Nobody was showing much interest at all. We were on our way home from serving Krsna Food and had to stop at the bank to deposit the takings from that day.

Inside the bank, I held up the Science of Self Realisation, showing it to Bal Gopal, and recited the Panca Tattva mantra, pleading aloud: “Please, Gauranga, let us meet one sinc

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If you live in North America, this year’s Srila Prabhupada Vyasa-puja book can now be ordered from the North American offices of the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. The price is $14.25 plus shipping. The book can be ordered any time, but please order your copy by calling 1-800-927-4152 no later than August 5th so you’ll receive it in time for Vyasa-puja, on August 20th. If you’re not a resident of North America, contact your local BBT office to order your copy of the Vyasa-puja book.

The book will al

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My dear Maharaji’s, Prabhuji’s and Mataji’s Please accept my most humble obeisnaces! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

By all your prayers, active support, we all were able to get 3,600 square feet land where Srila Prabhupada apperaed 175 years ago. In his letter which he wrote to his diciple and relative Shri Sankarshan prabhu, Srila Prabhupada instructed that a grand memorial should be constructed at his birthplace and we all should try to get land at his birthplace. Keeping this in mind and e

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We are happy to inform you that the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India came up with the concept of ‘Manthan Shivir’, an informal gathering of the national and state tribal department Ministers and
officers to share best practices.

Thanks to some of our contacts in the Government of India, the first inaugural edition is being hosted by ISKCON at its Govardhan Ecovillage campus in Maharashtra.

The participants included the Federal (Union) Minister for Tribal Affairs Shri, Arjun Munda

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The Manor’s resident drama group, the Bhaktivedanta Players, put on a rather profound new play in the recently refurbished Victorian-style theatre auditorium.

It was essentially a spoof of the Hollywood 1999 blockbuster ‘The Matrix’, delivering a Krishna conscious angle on points explored in conversations between the main character and the mystical teacher ‘Morphus’.

“The play was originally conceived to be part of an outreach event, such as something organised by the UK Festival Team,” explain

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White City, with a population of approximately 4,000 people, and growing, is an upper middle-class type of town. Many trees have been planted here and the urban green trails are plentiful. Poplar trees are indigenous to the area, as were prairie grasses and tiger lilies until European farmers cleared these areas. There are spots where you can sit, wait ’til the deer come, and enjoy some shanti (peace) as if you are plopped in the middle of tranquil Vrndavana.

It was in Regina at Retallack Stree

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The question of sampradaya, or the disciplic lineage of spiritual teachers, is the basis of authority for all religious and philosophical teachers and movements arising from the Vedantic traditions. There is no conception of religious organisation among these traditions which does not include reference to sampradaya. Therefore, questions of succession and how the links are made to traditional successions is the most essential ingredient in understanding authenticity and integrity in precept and

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My name is Yuliia Mudrak, I am 25 years old, and I am from Ukraine. Before the war, I lived in Kyiv and worked as a certified preschool-teacher. Unfortunately many devotees had to leave their normal life in Ukraine due to the war. But at the same time, we’ve been able to see wonderful examples of devotees in other countries, who show great concern for us Ukrainian devotees.

For the first two days of the war, I stayed in my apartment close to the temple. However when it became too unsafe, I, lik

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Kartik Navadvipa Parikrama 2022


Registration is open now

It is our great pleasure to announce ISKCON MAYAPUR’s 10th annual six-day Kartik Navadwip Mandal Parikrama during the most auspicious month of Kartik (organized by the Mayapur Chandra’s). The Parikrama dates are the 27th, 28th, 30th, 31st of October, 2nd, and 3rd of November 2022. There will be two days break, for Srila Prabhupada’s disappearance day (29th of October) and Gopashtami (1st November) so that devotees can participate in the festivals.

For this year also, th

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Please join us for 4 blissful days in the association of Mahatma Das ACBSP. We will retreat at the beautiful Gita Nagari Eco Farm and Sanctuary, which has very comfortable accommodations for families, couples, and singles. Situated in the farmland of Pennsylvania, we will spend time with nature and the cows, come together for the morning program, chant and hear together, have interactive sessions with Mahatma Prabhu, and develop close friendships. The retreat will focus on Krishna Katha, streng

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At security in the Saskatoon airport, just behind me, was a tall man of medium-large frame and his son in the line up. I admit I immediately judged him (the father) as a prejudiced cowboy. However, when I sat down at Gate 5, the destination for Calgary, I found the two of them, sitting across the seating aisle, to be quite kind and curious.

“What does your attire represent, if you don’t mind me asking?” inquired Mr. Cooper (not related to yesterday’s Chief of Police, Officer Cooper). That quest

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I was distributing in Bethlehem, Tauranga, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. In the Countdown Supermarket parking lot I saw a young delivery guy heading toward his van. I approached him and put a Hiding in Unnatural Happiness in his hand. Eru is a nineteen-year-old New Zealander half Maori native.

Enthused about the book and our exchange, he wanted to donate but had no cash, so I pulled out the mobile eftpos PayClip machine. Eru trusted me but had doubts about this device. He expressed that he didn’t

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Sweet Saskatoon by Bhaktimarga Swami


Two and a half hours north (by car and not on foot) is the city of Saskatoon. I made it in time for the Chariot Fest managed by a gracious couple, Vivek and Amee. They receive a lot of help from their friends. Two lovely young daughters got to the stage for a “Bharat Natyam” classical dance performance.

Ryan flew in from Toronto to play djembe to my lead on chanting. Our methodology was to get safely seated in the back of the “sound” truck and sing and play from there. Radhika from Milton was o

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7150391481?profile=RESIZE_400xRtadhvaja Swami and Giriraj Swami spoke on success in the grihastha ashrama, Giriraj Swami with reference to Srimad-Bhagavatam 5.5.18.

“Ordinarily, the spiritual master, husband, father, mother or superior relative accepts worship from an inferior relative, but here Rsabhadeva forbids this. First the father, spiritual master or husband must be able to release the dependent from repeated birth and death. If he cannot do this, he plunges himself into the ocean of reproachment for his unlawful acti

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Enthusiasm by Kadamba Kanana Swami

Transcendental sound is echoing around the world. The world which is egg-shaped and hollow inside, consists of several layers. All these universes clustering together are flowing from the pores of Mahavishnu. Srila Prabhupada explains creation. Krsna expands himself in the form of Mahavishnu from whose breathing an innumerable number of universes emanate. In each of these universes, Mahavishnu enters as Garbodhakasayi Vishnu who lies on Sesa Naga on the Garbha Ocean. From his navel, Bramha is b

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