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Iskcon Alachua: Congratulations to Kasisvara Dasa and Leah for Being Recognized at the Alachua City Commission for the humanitarian work being done by the Vaishnava International Relief Association and the Day for Ukraine fundraiser. Read about it in detail here:
Excerpted from Helping the Displaced in Ukraine, by Ray Caron, Alachua County Today newspaper, Vol. 23 No. 07, January 12, 2023.] Vaisnava International Relief Association (VIRA, Inc.) is a nonprofit humanitarian organization located i

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“The process of bhakti-yoga is regulated by a theory of knowledge that strictly rules out unjustifiable speculation and extrapolation, and in this respect bhakti-yoga is methodologically superior to modern science, and goes beyond modern science by providing the individual with practical methods of developing higher cognitive powers that lie dormant in the conscious self.

(Mechanistic and Nonmechanistic Science, p. 10)

The Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies will inaugurate an ongoing le

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A Younger Me w/m Michael Cassidy


I got rusty bones and a dusty brain
Seems the wheel of time treats us all the same.
But there’s a younger me within this heart, beyond this mortal frame

Life takes its toll, I’m an average soul
I’ll never play the half time show at the Super Bowl
But there’s a younger me within this heart, working on a transcendent goal

I don’t need a detective I found my prime objective
Others need not question my resolve
That’s just Maya’s game to make me doubt my aim
If I’d given up I wouldn’t still be calli

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8446673067?profile=RESIZE_584xIt is said that there are six whips in the material energy – birth, disease, death, hunger, thirst and lamentation. We are always beaten by these six whips here in the material world, yet a vaisnava is always happy. Maybe not free from struggle, but certainly happy within, because a vaisnava has received the ultimate gift of perfection in life. Everyone else is trapped and there is no way out of this cycle of birth and death. There is no way to escape karma. People work to relieve the problems o

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Sri J.P.Nadda is serving as the president of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) since 20 January 2020. Today, the 19th Jan 2023, he made the pilgrimage to Sri Dham Mayapur to visit ISKCON Chandrodaya Mandir.

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GBC Meeting Report January 18, 2023


The GBC meeting was opened with prayers led by HH Bhanu Swami Maharaja, Chairman of the GBC Executive Committee. Nrisimha Kavaca dasa, ISKCON Deity Minister, followed with a reading from the Srimad Bhagavatam.
The GBC began by updating a few committee assignments that needed clarification from 2022. (Assignments for 2023 will be completed during the Annual General Meeting [AGM] in Mayapur.)
Next, the GBC Body discussed and finalized its selection of representatives to dialogue with the India Bu

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Devotees in Dnipro in Ukraine


Dnipro in Ukraine has a beautiful Hare Krishna Temple, a thousand devotees live in this city with beautiful Deities of Gaur Nitai and Jagannath, Baladev and Subadra. (The big Gaur Nitai have moved to a secret safe location.)

They have a traveling Sankirtan party and a big Prasad Distribution Initiative, it’s like going back in time to ISKCON in the old glory days. The devotees have such a welcoming mood, it is very humbling visiting this temple.

There are 150,000 refugees living in Dnipro as it

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ISKCON Constitution Project Update


By the ISKCON Governing Body Commission (GBC)

From 3 to 6 January 2023, GBC General Counsel Devakinandana Das hosted a four-day meeting in the offices of his law firm in Singapore.
ISKCON Constitution project members Pancharatna Das (ACBSP), Kaunteya das, and Devarsi Radhika Devi Dasi, who is also an attorney, travelled from India to attend. The other team members, Anuttama Das and Nrisimha Kavaca Das participated one day by Zoom.
The Constitution team has been meeting since 2017. Over the last

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Gaura Purnima Sponsorships


On the 12th of February devotees will arrive for Sravana Utsava & Kirtan Mela, followed by festival inauguration, various festivities, Navadwipa Mandala Parikrama, and the grand celebration of Gaura Purnima on the 7th of March.


Click on one of the below sponsorship categories for more information:


For any details, contact or


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The five Pandava princes were heirs to the throne of the world. Duryodhana, their envious cousin, was always scheming how to get rid of them so that he could claim the crown for himself. Killing the Pandavas though, was not so easy, for Lord Krishna was their special friend. And everyone knew that Krishna’s powers were unlimited.

However, by cheating at a gambling match, Duryodhan managed to banish his cousins to the forest for thirteen years. They took with them Draupadi, the devoted and beaut

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*”Gurukula is our most important project.” Srila Prabhupada 27.01.1973 *

Sridham Mayapur, January 16, 2023.

Dear Maharajas and Prabhus,

ISKCON GBC members,

Members of ISKCON India Governing Bureau, ISKCON India leaders, International and Indian CPO officers, ISKCON Minister of Education, MEB and Co-Directors of ISKCON Mayapur, Respected ISKCON leaders, and ISKCON community at large,

We hope you are all well.

Please accept our humble and respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


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By Dayal Gopal dasa, Nepal Padayatra leader

Padayatra is continuing in Nepal and we are walking on the Mahendra Highway running the length of the country from east to west, the only major highway in Nepal.

At the eastern tip of Nepal, we came to the Mechi River, a trans-boundary waterway flowing through Nepal and India. A tributary of the Mahananda River, the Mechi originates in the Mahabharat Range in Nepal, flows through Nepal, forms Nepal’s eastern border with India and then flows through th

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It`s Christmas at our farm near Prague – finally! I’m waiting for Santa Claus, I’m waiting impatiently. After a while he comes to our house. We’re unwrapping a few presents for the good kids, I’m packing a few things for what seems like a long vacation. I excuse myself for having to go, wish the family all the best, hand over the presents and with Santa get into the van belonging to Food for All London. We are leaving for a long journey to war torn Ukraine.

Santa Claus (Parashuram Prabhu) colle

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Prabhupada’s Daughters Speak Out on VDG


An Open Letter to The Present
And Future ISKCON Devotees
January 14th, 2023

Dear Esteemed Vaishnavas and Vaishnavis,

Our most respectful obeisances to you all. All glories to our beloved Founder-Acharya, Srila Prabhupada.

We are a group of women disciples of Srila Prabhupada who has been sincerely serving his ISKCON for fifty-some years.

We’ve been on the front lines of preaching; we’ve helped build and maintain temples; we’ve translated, produced, and distributed BBT books, and brought many of

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Nityananda Trayodasi 2023


Being the Lord’s active principle in both creation and lila. He is known to be the second body of the Lord, manifesting as Balaram to Shri Krishna, Lakshman to Shri Ram and Nityananda Prabhu to Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. All other forms and expansions of the Lord emanate from this second body. Nityananda Prabhu is thus the source of Sankarshan, all the Vishu’s, and Ananta Shesha. As Vishnu tattva He and Advaita Acharya are worshipped in the same category as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. In the manifested ea

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A talk by Giriraj Swami at the conclusion of a meeting held in his honor at the residence of Lalita Sakhi dasi (Smt. Lalita Piramal), in the presence of HH Radhanath Swami and devotees from Juhu and Chowpatty.

Srila Prabhupada is so great we cannot even begin to estimate his greatness. In one sense he is like God, because anyone can surrender to him at any time and in any place and he will reciprocate. He will help the person to connect with the disciplic succession and progress on the spiritua

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There they were, like kids in a candy shop. The Bhakti Academy crew joined me for a visit to a household in Stouffville. The proprietor, Ajay, handed me a copy of the Krsna Art Book, which I passed on for viewing to BA for their perusal. They were enthralled.

Page after page illustrates and summarizes pastimes of Krishna, which are full of energy, mysticism and holiness. Thus, the group was huddled about the book, a coffee-table sized gorgeous publication. It was the first time they had viewed

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Kirtan 50 Festival Recordings

Below is a link to joyful Kirtan that was captured during the Kirtan 50 retreat in USA (Dallas, TX) in December 2022
Kirtan 50 Playlist

The following Kirtaniyas are featured.


  • His Holiness BB Govinda Swami
  • His Grace Bhadra prabhu
  • Amala Harinam das
  • Akincana Krishna das
  • Krishna Kishor das
  • Kirtan Premi Das
  • Nadiya Mani Dasi
  • Bhakti Brothers (Yogindra & Ananda Murti)


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A Friend In the Air by Bhaktimarga Swami


Every once in a while, I meet a real nice person as a passenger on the plane next to me. The timing on the flight between Vancouver and Toronto couldn’t be better for dodging storms. Vancouver got clobbered and there’s more to come. Predictions indicate that storms will hit Toronto, so there was a break of winter chaos and that happened to be my flight time for Air Canada 108. The stress reliever is always mantra power, so that’s what I resorted to. An additional soothe space was in meeting Mik

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10933606892?profile=RESIZE_584xHere is how the funds have been used:
By Doyal Gauranga Dasa
A complete solar power plant was already unloaded at New Mayapur yesterday. Tomorrow we start installation. We plan to install in a week. This station will provide all our emergency needs (water, heat, sewerage, communications). It will also become the basis of an autonomous system, where biogas generators and bulls will eventually be connected.
The biogas plant is already in operation, but without the equipment, which should arrive fr

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