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Hare Krsna,Reading this biographical epic of HIs Divine Grace has been a powerful experience. HH Bhakti Vikasa Swami's endeavour of over 20 years has fully promugated the divine personality, the Simha Guru to the Vaishnava world. Words fell short to describe the kind of work BSV is... It will for time immemorial be the most aunthentic biographic version of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Sarswati Thakur. Its a welcome addition in the collection of my books. Reading this is definitely as good as reading S
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Srila Prabhupada Vani...

A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Ki Jay...

I AM YOUR MASTER !!!Srila Prabhupada Vani..."All Indians should seriously take up the cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and should perfect their lives, by adopting the process of devotional service. After perfecting their lives, they should broadcast this message all over the world for the welfare of all human beings. A vaishnava is especially interested in para upakara, doing good to others. pralhada maharaja was also interested in this. He did no
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The Teacher, PainWhen we carefully study what drives people to spiritual life, we find asurprising correlation between a rise in spiritual earnestness and pain andmisery. Pain pushes us to seek relief beyond the body and mind. Pain anddisappointment knock on the closed doors of a superficial life and call usto open ourselves to the Lord in full surrender.While doing so, pain frequently slices through the illusory veil of mindlesssense pleasure. We arrive at the cardinal question: Where is my ult
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'Lord Krishna existed. School texts are wrong'

>>>> 'Lord Krishna existed. School texts are wrong' <<<<


Did Krishna exist?Most certainly, says Dr Manish Pandit, a nuclear medicine physician who teaches in the United Kingdom, proffering astronomical, archaeological, linguistic and oral evidences to make his case."I used to think of Krishna is a part of Hindu myth and mythology. Imagine my surprise when I came across Dr Narhari Achar (a professor of physics at the University of Memphis, Tennessee, in the US) and his research in 2004 and 2005. H
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What is (and isn't) cow protection

Cow protection means just like Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead,He is tending the cows. He is going, taking the cows personally from Hisroyal palace going to the forest whole day, working there. Is it not,cowherds boy? And taken some little fruit, mother, whatever mother hasgiven. They are playing that. So this is cow protection, not that "Somebodywill give money and we shall keep some third class cows and feed there andbecome cow protector." We must tend the cows very nicely so that
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Watchdog opposes fast-track vaccine for school children................................. The US government is intending to vaccinateall children in September when school re-opens, and the country’s vaccinewatchdog National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) has called on the ObamaAdministration and all state Governors to provide evidence that the move is [6]“necessary and safe”, demanding “strong mechanisms for vaccine safetyscreening, recording, monitoring, reporting and vaccine injury compensat
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Bound to be FREE


Once, a drunk person walking on a roof came dangerously close to the edge. When a wise person warned him, “Stop. Don’t move forward,” he angrily retorted, “Who are you to stop me? I am free to go wherever I want.” Yes, free he was, as he soon found – free to suffer and free to lose his freedom to walk forever.
Restriction is not a depriver of freedom, but a provider of freedom. When a doctor restricts the diet of a patient, that restriction facilitates the patient’s quick freedom from disease

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Sent on behalf of GitANagari Organizing teamImportant Message about Namamrta: Japa Enhancement Experience.Respected Prabhujis and Matajis,Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga! All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!I am sending this email on behalf of the accommodations team for the upcoming Labor Day Weekend Japa Retreat at Gita Nagari (September 3rd-7th). In our attempts to ensure that everyone has a comfortable stay during the retreat, we wanted to provide you
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This is a letter i got through Radhadesh forumDear Maharajas and Prabhus,Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!We beg you to pray for the ISKCON Sri Sri Gaurasundara-Nitaicand Temple inVladimir (Russia). Worship in this Temple has been carried out for the last 17years. But recently city officials (Management of municipal property) demandedthat we vacate the temple building by September 1, 2009. (See Russian versionof Municipal Housing Board notification here:http:/
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Prisoners of Success

prisoners-of-success.jpg “Success nowadays means to drive in a loaned car on a toll-charged expressway using credit card fuel.” This poignant statement shows the deceptive nature of the definition of success that is imposed on us by society. Indeed, most people today are “prisoners of success.” How? Generally, a prisoner is one whose freedom is restricted by immovable physical bars. The modern definition of success restricts people in their freedom by inflexible mental conceptions.

For example, a person, to be consi

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Only Srila Prabhupada

By Gokulananda das ACBSPLord Caitanya’s magnanimous desire was to bless the whole world with His infinite mercy by displaying His most sublime lila of tasting and widely distributing the supreme fruit of love of God, Krishna prema. He thus desired to engage all willing souls to help Him distribute His sublime gifts everywhere. To fulfill his divine desire, Lord Nityananda Mahajan became the chief distributor of this transcendental harvest of pure love through the chanting of the nectarean Holy N
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1.Treat each person with the bhakti and care as if the success or failure of your own spiritual life depends on this. Do not take into concern how they treat you.The manner in which you treat people is the same way you treat Guru and Krishna.2.Anytime that there is a problem in a relationship, you should first see it as your own fault. Even if others are to blame, you will only add to the problem by considering them to be at fault.3.You should treat every person with whom you come in con-tact wi
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</Gratitude is actually a prayer to god......saying thank you for all the things that He has given you. Recently one of my friends sent me an sms saying...A great man once said....i was complaining about not having no shoes till i saw a man with no legs. what a statement!!!. Really how many times in our life we fail to see the blessings that we have received from God and rather keep cribbing about things which we lack. Oh i wish i had this , oh i wish i had that and of course the list is endless
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Varnasrama Seminar in Bali, Indonesia

By Bhakti Raghava Swami - August 1-2, 2009The Varnasrama Global Mission seminar ended today, August 2nd, 2009, at the Gaura Hari Asrama in Bali, Indonesia. Approximately 75 delegates from different temples in Bali attended the two day seminar with speakers coming from different parts of Indonesia such as Yogyakarta in Java and Lampung in Sumatra.The opening day was particularly auspicious being the first day of Jhulan Yatra according to the Vaisnava calendar. This year, August 1 also commemorate
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Startling New Evidence That The 'SwineFlu' Pandemic Is Man-MadeNovartis Patent Detailed And Mass Murder ChargedBy A. True Ott, PhD, ND7-26-9 suspects are either convicted or acquitted at trial based on theprosecution's presentation of EVIDENCE which usually hinges on MOTIVE,OPPORTUNITY, and TIME-LINES combined with physical documents. To gathersuch hard evidence, detectives and/or federal agents often spend monthsfollowing leads and interviewing witnesse
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Book distribution in Detroit

I was asked to give the lecture on Janmastami at the Detroit temple, (forthose of you in other countries, Detroit is a city in the state of Michiganin the USA). As I was speaking about the pastimes of Krsna somethingPrabhupada had said entered my train of thought, "Devotees are not satisfiedin just hearing the glories of Krsna they also want to distribute Hisglories." Well, that sparked an interactive discussion on book distribution.I asked, "How many of you have distirbuted books?" Everyone rai
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Venue: Sri Sri Radha-Giridhari TempleDate: Friday, 21st August, 20097:00pmHe will walk his talk!Come and meet a hitch hiker who does not take a ride. The walking monk who just walks around countries... His name is Bhakti Marg Swami, he is theatrical, dynamic, and full of amazing spiritual energy, that will enliven your very soul. Do not miss this rear appearance!Revealing many adventures while walking and spreading Krishna Consciousness. It will be fun! Kirtan, drama, prasadam!BioWith a backgrou
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Importance of Garbhadhana Samskara: part 2

The remaining ten days (5-10, 12, 14-16) are suitable provided they do not fall on those lunar tithis which are forbidden.)Forbidden Lunar Tithis:Sexual union must also be avoided on days of vrata and fasting, such as ekadasi, and on the parva days (full moon, dark moon, astami and caturdasi tithis, as well as sankranti, when the sun passes into a new zodiac sign) when the body is in weak condition, and the days when the moon passes throught the same naksatra as at ones birth.Forbidden Week days
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