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Mere Man Mandir

Mere Man Mandir


This song prays that Lord Krishna, Giridhari, the lifter of Govardhan Hill, will appear to us in the temple (mandir) of our mind (man).

Mere man mandir mein ek bar tum a jao Giridhari
Giridhari Banavari
Manmohan kunjavihari pyare a jao Giridhari
O Giridhari! I am begging You to enter, just once, into the temple of my mind. O Giridhari, O Banavari, You who reside in the groves of Vrindavan and attract our minds towards You. O beloved Giridhari, please come to me.

Bahut bar he ter laga
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Vrindavana’s 24-Hour Kirtan Promotes Constant Chanting

Vrindavana’s 24-Hour Kirtan Promotes Constant Chanting

Aindra Dasa revived the project in 1986.

As Kirtan—India’s ancient call and response chanting—grows in popularity in western yoga circles, ISKCON devotees are keen to remind chanters of kirtan’s true focus of personal devotion to God. They’re also on a mission to spread awareness of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu—the fifteenth century saint who is revered as none other than God himself by Gaudiya Vaishnavas—as the figure who introduced kirtan to th

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Conquer soul

Knowledge and renunciation are nothing but two sides of the same coin and one is necessary to give rise to the other. Home is nothing but the place for staying, food is nothing but the energy required for sustaining our body, and knowledge is nothing but an aid to attain salvation. Anything thatcaused obstacles in the way of salvation is ignorance. A living being is boundto receive the fruits of action no matter whether they are good or bad

One has to conquer his soul first of all because thesoul
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Bhakti Caru Swami Addresses UN Group in New York

Bhakti Caru Swami Addresses UN Group in New York

ISKCON Sannyasi Bhakti Caru Swami met with the CSVGC (Committee on Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns) at the United Nations Headquarters in New York this November 14.

The NGO (Non-governmental organization) had expressed an interest in meeting him during their annual Week of Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns, from October 20 – 24th. But Bhakti Caru Swami was unable to attend due to health complications of godbrother Jayapataka Swami.


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ISKCON Makes a Splash at Kumbha Mela

ISKCON Makes a Splash at Kumbha Mela

Devotees bathe Srila Prabhupada on the day of "First Royal Bath."

Hundreds of ash-covered men marching into the river along with soulful chants of Vedic hymns. A multitude of people from varied backgrounds, jostling in and out of their tents. The sight of lamps and flowers being offered into the river in a spiritually-surcharged atmosphere. Such activity characterizes the largest spiritual gathering in the world: the Kumbha Mela.

Purna Kumbha Mela, held once in

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jivasya samsrtir bahvir
yasv anga pravisann atma
na veda gatim atmanah

TRANSLATION:There are varieties of material existence for the living entity
according to the work he performs in ignorance or forgetfulness of his real
identity. My dear mother, if anyone enters into that forgetfulness, he is
unable to understand where his movements will end.

PURPORT:Once one enters into the continuation of material existence, it is
very difficult to get out. Therefore the Supreme Personality of
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Krishna STEALS His Devotees!


What I remember, once devotee told me, when I came, you see there were three boys who came to one Hare Krishna festival. They were very naughty boys.

And there was a devotee, had a book table with incense, books all the paraphernalia. And the three boys came and started to distract him. "What's this? What's that?"..they said. So the one on the other side took one Bhagavad Gita and stole it. And they ran off!!

Then they thought, "Hahahahahahahha.....We got the Hare Krishna's!....we stole their book
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How shall I serve you?

Srila Prabhupada met his Guru Maharaj Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur

Prabhupada in 1922, and on the very first meeting he was convinced by

him that Krishna consciousness was the most urgent need.

He further added that he should spread the teachings of Lord Chaitanya all over the world.

Srila Prabhupada immediately accepted him as his spiritual master in his heart.

Srila Prabhupada, then Abhay Charan De,began to associate with the devotees of the

Gaudiya Math, established by Bhakti SiddhantaSa

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benefits of bhagavat gita

November 28, 2009 was celebrated as Gita Jayantiday. This was the very day more than 5000 years back that Lord Krishna spoke the wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita to his dearest friend and disciple Arjuna. It was spoken at a time when Arjuna was completely baffled by the circumstances in his life and was all but ready to give up his kshatriya duties. After hearing the Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna was ready to go on with his duties in the right perspective, without bothering about happiness or sadness, loss o

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Prayers to the Queen of Goddesses, Shrimati Radharani


In his Sri Prarthana-paddhati [Stavamala], Srila Rupa goswami prays:

"O Queen of Vrndavana, O Radharani, Your complexion is like molten gold, Your doe-like eyes are captivatingly restless, a million full and brilliant moons wane before Your lustrous countenance, and a blue sari, having stolen the hue of a fresh rain-laden cloud, has enwrapped Your exquisite form. O Radha, You are the crest-jewel of all the dallying damsels of Vrndavana, fragra
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Date: February 22nd, 2010
Class: Special class on the Occasion of HH Bhakti Tirtha Swami's
Appearance Anniversary
Speaker: HH Bhakti Charu Swami

bhakata-seva, parama-siddhi,
prema-latikara mula

Will you be able to sing with me? [Audience agree.] I am sorry I thought I
will use the harmonium myself.

suddha-bhakata-carana-renu bhajana-anukula - the dust from the lotus feet of
a pure devotee is conducive to spiritual advancement. If we want to make
spiritual advancem
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Quotes on Faith

The antidote to frustration is a calm faith, not in your own cleverness, or in hard toil, but in God's guidance. - Norman Vincent Peale

Faith isn't the ability to believe long and far into the misty future. It's simply taking God at His Word and taking the next step. - Joni Erickson Tada

God is the light that shows me the way, for there is nothing that God cannot do.

Without faith a man can do nothing; with it all things are possible. - Sir William Osler

Put your confidence in God and not in man.


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Quotes on Gratitude

David Steindl-Rast: Gratefulness is the key to a happy life that we hold in our hands, because if we are not grateful, then no matter how much we have we will not be happy -- because we will always want to have something else or something more.

Denis Waitley: Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.

Doris Day: Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty.

Eric Hoffer: The hardest arith
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What is the Actual Destination of Life?

Why a human being should not die like cats or dogs without knowing the aim of life is

illustrated in the following story.

Once upon a time, there was a very wealthy king. He had a big kingdom, many queens, a lot of

wealth and hundreds and thousands of followers and soldiers. He was living a very happy life

and he became so attached to his property, position, prestige and status that he completely

forgot God, and his duty towards God.

One day a sadhu came to his c

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Sri Sri Vrndavanastakam

Song Name: Na Yoga Siddhir Na Mamastu

Official Name: Sri Sri Vrndavanastakam

Author: Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura

Book Name: Stavamrta Lahari


na yoga-siddhir na mamāstu mokṣo

vaikuṇṭha-loke pi na pārṣadatvam

premāpi na syād iti cet tarāṁ tu

mamāstu vṛndāvana eva vāsaḥ


tārāa janur yatra vidhir yayāce

sad-bhakta-cūḍāmaṇir uddhavo pi

vīkṣyvaiva mādhurya-dhūrāṁ tad asmin

mamāstu vṛndāvana eva vāsaḥ


ki te kṛta hanta tapaḥ kṣitīti

gopyo pi bhūme stuvate ras kīrtim

yenaiva kṛṣṇāńghri-p

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Kirtana [chanting Hare Krishna] in Every Town and Village

If you vibrate these transcendental sounds everywhere continually, it will pierce their ears and enter their hearts, and then their natural attraction for Krsna will be revived.

My Dear Bansidhari,

Please accept my blessings. I beg to thank you for your nice report from Santa Barbara dated October 22nd, 1970. I am always so glad to know that you are keeping to the standard practices as I have instructed you to do and all the devotees are fe

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Sri Guru-vandana

Sri Guru-vandana
(Sung during Guru-puja, worship of the spiritual master, by Shrila Narottama dasa Thakura)

shri-guru-charana-padma, kevala-bhakati-sadma
bando mui savadhana mate
jahara prasade bhai, e bhava toriya jai,
krishna-prapti hoy jaha ha'te

guru-mukha-padma-vakya, chittete koriya aikya
ar na koriho mane asha
shri-guru-charane rati, ei se uttama-gati
je prasade pure sarva asha

chakhu-dan dilo jei, janme janme prabhu sei
divya-jnan hride prokashito
prema-bhakti jaha hoite, avidya v
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Vande Krsna Nanda Kumara

Song Name: Vande Krsna Nanda Kumara

govinda hari gopāla hari

govinda hari gopāla hari

jaya jaya deva hari

jaya jaya deva hari

vande kṛṣṇa nanda-kumāra

nanda-kumāra madana-gopāla

madana-gopāla mohana-rūpa

mohana-rūpa nanda-kumāra

jaya jaya deva hari

jaya jaya deva hari

jaya prabhu dīna-dayāla hari

govinda hari gopāla hari

govinda hari gopāla hari

jaya jaya deva hari

jaya jaya deva hari

jaya rāma hari jaya kṛṣṇa hari

jaya jaya-śacī-nandana gaura-hari

govinda hari gopāla hari

govinda hari gopāla hari

jaya jaya deva ha

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Quotes on Humility

To be humble to superiors is duty, to equals courtesy, to inferiors nobleness. - Benjamin Franklin

Humility makes great men twice honorable - Benjamin Franklin quotes

To become truly great, one has to stand with people, not above them. - Charles de Montesquieu

What makes humility so desirable is the marvelous thing it does to us; it creates in us a capacity for the closest possible intimacy with God - Monica Baldwin

We come nearest to the great when we are great in humility. - Rabindranath Tagore


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