Higher Realizations
Summer of 1975, Detroit... We were on a morning walk and the devotees were consistently asking Srila Prabhupada questions about the gopis, their love for Krsna, and intimate dealings. It seemed it was a subject matter that Srila Prabhupada did not want to get into very much. It even appeared as if he was getting a little annoyed that the devotees continued to ask these questions about the gopis and their relationship with Krsna.
The morning walk continued in this way for some time, and I had constantly been thinking what I could say to please Srila Prabhupada. I'm sure other devotees were thinking like this too. We were all eager for his attention. At one point, when we turned around to go back to the parked cars, I was filled with so much intensity as to what I could say to Srila Prabhupada, something to show some appreciation for him. I was scared, shy, so many things, but finally I said, "Prabhupada!" When I said his name, somehow Prabhupada just stopped and looked right at me. I said, "Srila Prabhupada, I'm a book distributor in Chicago. We are distributing so many of your books there. Our desire is to really please you by this book distribution in Chicago. Our desire is to somehow or other be able to distribute 100 books each and every day, for your satisfaction." And Prabhupada just looked at me. I was practically in a state of shock, I could barely get these words out, my throat was choked up. I was shaking ... but I felt I just had to say this to Srila Prabhupada. I wanted to remember that I had said something to Prabhupada in this lifetime.
All of a sudden, he broke out into a huge smile. He then said, "Just see. This is my real disciple. My real disciple is always thinking how to please the spiritual master, and he realizes how to please me is to distribute these books! This an example of a real devotee." He kept telling me how nice it was that I had this desire, and how pleased he was by the book distribution in Chicago. He continued to smile and concluded by saying, "Thank you very much!" Svavasa dasa
- From the "My Memories of Srila Prabhupada" by HH Bhakti Vikas Swami