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What is meaning of Darshan?

The word ‘darshan’ means ‘to see’. But how to see? We actually have to learn how to see and what to see. We have to learn how to read and understand what is going on within me and outside. That needs proper education. That is why the vedic knowledge is called darshan or philosophy.

Darshan means a proper reading of one’s own self and the environment. And one can come to this understanding as a result of real or proper education. Therefore education must be vedic.

The purpose of education is to
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Sri Krsna's playful pastime (vihara)

Sri Radhe-Krsna's playful pastimes (vihara) - Setubandha sarovara
Taken from the book Sri Vraj Mandal Parikrama


One day, the supremely playful Sri Krsna was sitting in the shade under the trees on the northen bank of this lake, together with the gopis, and was laughing and joking with vinodini Sri Radhika. At that time, many monkeys from nearby places descended from the trees, being attracted by Krsna's sweet beauty. They respectfully bowed at His lotus feet, sang in joy, jumped and danced. Severa
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SB 4.5.22: Then Vīrabhadra, the giantlike personality, sat on the chest of Dakṣa and tried to separate his head from his body with sharp weapons, but was unsuccessful.

SB 4.5.23: He tried to cut the head of Dakṣa with hymns as well as weapons, but still it was hard to cut even the surface of the skin of Dakṣa's head. Thus Vīrabhadra was exceedingly bewildered.

SB 4.5.24: Then Vīrabhadra saw the wooden device in the sacrificial arena by which the animals were to have been killed. He took the opport
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Dying in the Material World

“Life is amply long for him who orders it properly.”
—Seneca (8 BC–AD 65)

Scientists of various disciplines are working hard to discover the principles of the biological clock within the human body that sets the pace for aging and finally signals the time for death. Thus they hope to learn how to prolong man’s life, and apparently they are making some progress. How successful their efforts will prove remains to be seen, but perhaps even more important: If they do succeed, how shall we use our ext
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The Krishna consciousness movement is essential in human society, for it offers the highest perfection of life. How this is so is explained fully in the Bhagavad-gita. Unfortunately, mundane wranglers have taken advantage of Bhagavad-gita to push forward their demonic propensities and mislead people regarding right understanding of the simple principles of life.

Everyone should know how God, or Krishna, is great, and everyone should know the factual position of t

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Early difficulties

As a second World War overtakes humanity, Viceroy Linlithgow declares that India is at war with Germany. Indian troops are dispatched to battlefields around Asia, and the country is plunged into deprivation.

The Japanese soon take Burma and are now on the doorstep of Bengal. The British destroy Bengal's entire rice crop, fearing that it might fall into the hands of the Japanese. There is widespread famine.

In December 1942 the bombing begins. Japanese planes bomb Calcutta every d
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Cow Products for Your Temple


Dear Devotees,
Please accept my humble obeisance’s. All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Hare Krishna prabhu we are supplying gomata products from gujrat. We are manufacturing 15 items of gomata products,namely:
1 GO-ARK, Essence of life (distilled cow urine)
2 GHANAVATI, Essence of life (cow urine tablets)
3 ANGARAG, Body soap
4 TEJASVINI, Face powder
5 KESH NIKHAR, Hair tonic
7 NETRA JYOTI, Eye Drops
8 PACHANAMRIT, Digestive Aid
9 DANTA MANJANAM, Tooth powder
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Don't Grow


Dear Prabhujis and Mathajis,

Hare Krishna! Please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Gurudev!

Our beloved spiritual master H.H. Mahavishnu Goswami Maharaj has deep love and affection for the young children and he always encourages them. When children recite the verses from Bhagavad gita and Srimad Bhagavatam, Maharaj becomes extremely pleased. So many parents took to Krishna consciousness just because of Maharaj’s encouragement and appreciation of the small children.
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Sri Radha-rasa-sudha-nidhi

Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati's
Sri Radha-rasa-sudha-nidhi
(The Nectar Moon of Sri Radha's Sweetness)


1. I gaze on a splendour that bears the name Radha, a splendour glorious like millions of lightning flashes, a splendour joyful with a festival of amorous pastimes, a festival that has beautiful jasmine-decorated braids, hair parted with a splendid line of red sindura, wonderful tilaka drawn with nine jewels, glistening earrings on its cheeks, a locket on its neck, a great necklace, and new red gar
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 5 Text 22
kalad guna-vyatikarah
parinamah svabhavatah
karmano janma mahatah
purusadhisthitad abhut

kalat -- from eternal time; guna-vyatikarah -- transformation of the modes by reaction; parinamah -- transformation; svabhavatah -- from the nature; karmanah -- of activities; janma -- creation; mahatah -- of the mahat-tattva; purusa-adhisthitat -- because of the purusa incarnation of the Lord; abhut -- it took place.

After the incarnation of the first purus
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 5 Text 21
kalam karma svabhavam ca
mayeso mayaya svaya
atman yadrcchaya praptam
vibubhusur upadade

kalam -- eternal time; karma -- the fate of the living entity; svabhavam -- nature; ca -- also; maya -- potency; isah -- the controller; mayaya -- by the energy; svaya -- of His own; atman (atmani)-unto His Self; yadrcchaya -- independently; praptam -- being merged in; vibubhusuh -- appearing differently; upadade -- accepted for being created again.

The Lord
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On Speaking Strongly in Srila Prabhupada's Service

More from Srila Prabhupada on this theme:

If you say, "Oh, you are a karmi, you are a mudha..." actually he's a mudha, but in the beginning if you say like that, then there will be no opportunity to speak. He is a mudha, that there is no doubt -- working like hogs and dogs day and night for sense gratification. Certainly he is a mudha, a karmi. We have to preach, but if we say directly that "You are all mudhas, mayayapahrta-jnana, and duskrtina,"
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On Speaking Strongly in Srila Prabhupada's Service

Srila Prabhupada practically demonstrated expertise in dealing with opponents in the following exchange.

After his lecture, Prabhupada called for questions. An Indian man stood up and said in a loud voice, ''Isn't it true that the all-inclusive conception of the Absolute...'' He rambled on. After about three minutes, the audience began fidgeting.

Prabhupada leaned toward the microphone and asked, ''Are you finished?'' ''No,'' the man retorted, and
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Absolute is sentient Thou hast proved. Impersonal calamity Thou hast moved. This gives us a life Anew and fresh. Worship thy feet Your Divine Grace.

Oh! my Master
The evangelic angel.
Give us thy light,
Light up thy candle.
Struggle for existence
A Human race,
The only hope
His Divine Grace.

Absolute is sentient
Thou hast proved.
Impersonal calamity
Thou hast moved.
This gives us a life
Anew and fresh.
Worship thy feet
Your Divine Grace.

Had you not come
Who had told,
The message of Krishna
Forceful and bold,
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Simha Guru

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura was born in the holy pilgrimage place of Jagannatha Puri to Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, a great Vaisnava acarya in the line of succession coming from Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Although employed as a government magistrate, Srila Bhaktivinoda worked tirelessly to establish the teachings of Lord Chaitanya in India. He envisioned a worldwide spiritual movement and prayed for a son to help him achieve his dream.

On February 6, 1874, in the sacred pilgrimage to
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I watched as my mason’s nephew affixed the tiles on the north-wall of my living room. I observed how he slapped a wad of thick cement-sand bonding mixture onto the back of the tile and carefully positioned it on the wall, making sure it occupied its designated place perfectly. I smiled in appreciation and returned to my work.

The next morning, I was awakened by the sound of loud voices. I rushed out into the living room. The mason’s nephew was standing with his head lowered, with a crestfallen ex
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Story of Lord Krishna

Story of Lord Krishna - SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa

Boys and Cows Saved From the Effect of Poison


1. Once, surrounded by boyfriends, Krsna went without Balarama to the Yamuna River after wandering through the forest of Vrindavan.

2. At that time the cows and cowherd boys were feeling acute distress from the glaring summer sun. Afflicted by thirst, they drank the water of the Yamuna River. But it had been contaminated with poison.

3. As soon as they touched the poisoned water, all the
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Sri Syamananda Prabhu

"Simply by accepting that the associates of Shri Caitanya Mahaprabhu are eternally perfect one may attain the service of Krishna in Vrindavana."—Narottam Das Thakura.

Shri Shyamananda, Shrinvasa and Shri Narottama Dasa Thakura are all eternal associates of Shri Gaurasundara. For the purpose of preaching the holy message of Sri Caitanya all over the earth they appeared within this world.

Shri Shyamananda Prabhu was born in Utkala, in a place called Dharenda Bhadura Pura. His father's name was Shri
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