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By Achintyarup Das, PA to Devakinandan Prabhu

Jharikhand comes from the word Jhar + Khand, meaning the land of forest. This is the holy place where Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu made the tigers and deers dance together in Harinam Sankirtan ( Place: Charan pahadi, Kujju) where the footprints of the Lord and animals are still engraved in the rocks. Presenting some preaching reports of Jharkhand.

Reports from Ranchi1)

ISKCON Ranchi’s Manager, Madhusudan Mukund Prabhu, is delighted to share that the Me

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A Blizzard confined me to the indoors for the day. In such circumstances, I find that I can at least do some pacing within our sizable temple room period no, I will not surrender to a clunky treadmill. No space for such devices but I will wait until the storm clears an accept some snowy uneven terrain. ‘Natural’ comes first in my books period I feel very much the same about cars. Walk if you can. Avoid those deathtraps when possible.

Prabhupada Priya, visiting us from Florida, began teaching th

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One day I was having a really nice conversation with my friend, KB, and then all of a sudden he looked at his wrist watch and I thought oh he is in a hurry. So I said, “ KB, You’ve somewhere else to go?” He said, “No No! I was just looking at my watch. I did not mean anything by it.” But later I thought, how tiny diversions of attention have a big impact. And then I started to consider how many inattention habits have I developed over time.

A few months later, I was at a conference and I was si

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The Religion Beyond All Religions


A conversation with His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

In June 1976 at New Vrindaban, a Hare Krishna farm community in West Virginia, Srila Prabhupada fields questions sent to him from the editors of Bhavan’s Journal, one of Bombay’s leading cultural and religious periodicals.

Devotee: Here is the first question:

“It is said that the greatest strength of Hinduism is its catholicity, or breadth of outlook, but that this is also its greatest weakness in that there are very fe

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सीतानाथ समारम्भां रामानन्दार्य मध्यमाम्।
अस्मदाचार्य पर्यन्तां वन्दे श्रीगुरू परम्पराम् ।।

Guru Parampara Sri Sampraday (Ramanand Sampraday) starts from Sri SitaRam. This is one of the most oldest lineage in Sanātan Dharm whose mentions are found in Vedas, which is continuing till today & will further continue. Few people have a very silly confusion regarding the Sri Ramananda Sampraday that it started when Śrīmad Jagadguru Rāmānandāchārya appeared. But this is false at all. Before Śrīmad Rāmānand

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Keshava Prabhu, from Hare Krishna Valley (New Nandagram) in Bambra, Victoria, invited Devamrta Maharaja and I to the Radha Krishna boat festival at the farm.The previous day was hot and gusty but the weather turned more pleasant on Sunday and there were 300-400 guests who attended.

The day started with arati and kirtan at the temple, then everyone went in procession down the hill to the lake. There was a joyous mood as the devotees anticipated seeing Their Lordships, Sri Sri Radha Krishna in a

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Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s Pada Pitham Inauguration in Iskcon Namahatta, Mayapur

Anyone who has accepted the two lotus feet of Lord Caitanya can understand the true essence of devotional service. If one is captivated by the pleasing pastimes of Lord Caitanya, the dirty things in his heart will all become cleansed.

11000287068?profile=RESIZE_584xOn February 22nd, 2023 During the Gaura festivities in Mayapur the Pada Pitham of Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu was officially installed on the Namahatta complex in ISKCON Mayapur. His Divi
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Great Spot by Bhaktimarga Swami


Queen’s Park has become one of the most popular spots to go for kirtan, meeting people and doing book sales. Why? The legislative building for the province of Ontario is just South of the park, and the greenspace (now snow white) is at the core of the nation's largest university, U of T. Thoughtful people come here. They walk through the multi tread area to go from classroom to classroom. One other advantage to this destination is that it is a mere one and a half kilometres from our ashram.


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The following account is related by Malika Mala Devi Dasi, a preacher in Russia and Kazakhstan.

Once, with Kirtirani Mataji, we performed at a festival in Astana, Kazakhstan. We did not have time to have dinner and rushed to the plane because we were going to be late for the flight. The local devotees handed us a big bag with prasadam.

I said, “Krishna! The flight from Astana to Alma-Ata is just an hour and a half. We don’t need anything, especially at night.”

But Kirtirani said, “I’m hungry!”

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An irresistible offer from the Supreme Lord

What is the current situation of the world? Miseries and suffering everyday. Terrorist attacks, global warming, deadly diseases, earthquakes, floods. The list goes on.

But there is hope.

God has decided to give an offer to uplift ourselves from this miserable condition of life. How? By giving personal loans of His special mercy. God is our father, our best friend, and our ever well-wisher. He is supreme, so He can give unlimitedly—so much that you can

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By Vegavati Dasi

Hare Krishna dear devotees, just to let you know, Goursundar Prabhu, Prabhupada’s first personal secretary, left his body this morning peacefully in Alachua. Prayers welcome for this dear servant of Srila Prabhupada.
In the photo Goursundar with Srila Prabhupada in the very early days of ISKCON.


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Krsna dasa Kaviraja Goswami writes (CC Adi 10.115): “The three brothers, Govinda, Madhava, and Vasudeva were the eighty-second, eighty-third, and eighty-fourth branches of the Caitanya tree. Lord Caitanya and Nityananda used to dance in their kirtana performances.

In his Caitanya-Caritamrta commentary, Srila Prabhupada writes: ”The three brothers, Govinda, Madhava and Vasudeva Ghosh all belonged to a kayastha family. Govinda established the Gopinatha temple in Agradvipa, where he resided. Madh

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The Child Who Challenged the Universe


Turned away by his father King Uttanapada, five-year-old Dhruva craved an even greater kingdom: “My only desire is to occupy a post within this universe more exalted than that yet achieved by anyone else.”

It was millions of years ago, just after the creation of the universe. Uttanapada, the king of the earth, was relaxing in the royal chambers with Suruci, his favorite of two queens. Suddenly Suruci’s little son Uttama climbed onto the king’s lap, and the king patted him with fatherly affectio

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Papamochani Ekadashi 🌺🌷 destroys every type of sin and all sinful mentalities and awards piety to the one who sincerely observes this fast. One should chant the Holy Names 📿 as much as possible and lovingly offer a lamp 💡 and flowers 🌹🌸 at the Lotus Feet 💐 of The Lord. Any pious activity leads to manifold benefits on the auspicious day of Ekadashi. ✨chant the name of Govinda and always be intoxicated with the love of the Lord. Please donate.www.mayapur.comTo get Tax Free 80G receipt please do Bank Tran

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On holiday by Bhaktimarga Swami


One of the things I like to do most is to give a class on bhakti. Today was my turn to deliver the message from the Bhagavatam, Canto five, which addresses the complexities of cosmology from the Vedic perspective. The verse was technical presenting the measurements or distances between our planets, beginning with Chandra, the moon.

The task in delivering some inspiration from the more technical side of things is to motivate th listeners towards devotion. It becomes obvious that one can become a

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What he said cleared things up for me. “If I throw a handful of stones into the water, the circles they make will overlap and clash. But if I could throw the stones all at one center point, the circles would never clash. In the same way, if I have my center of interest and you have your center of interest, our interests will clash. But if we find the perfect center, we’ll have perfect harmony.”

“Ever since the Stone Age, people have come up with so many nonsensical ideas to explain the forces o

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Sidewalk Courtesy by Bhaktimarga Swami


When people’s yards are snowbound like these days (‘jaya’ to the gradual meltdown), and the sidewalks, although cleared, are quite narrow. Pedestrians get challenged. I have to think twice as to which side of the sidewalk to walk on when seeing an oncoming walker. God knows I just came from India, and the general rule there is ‘stay to the left’, whereas here in North America, you ‘stay to the right.’

Let me clarify one point – when the British ran India, they were rigid about being to the left

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From the team who brought you HARE KRISHNA! The Film

Help to restore and preserve 47 hours of 16mm and 8mm films of Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON taken from 1965 to 1977.

Dear Friends and Donors,

It is our great pleasure to announce that we have reached our fundraising goal of $163,000 for PHASE ONE of Srila Prabhupada’s Film Restoration Project. The film transfer to 4K digital video has begun! This is confirmation that we have worldwide support and the project is sure to be completed. Once the f

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10998405052?profile=RESIZE_584xBy Visvambhara Das

A crowd of people were waiting for someone to come out of the car in the motorway service area. When he came out, he came towards me. He had bodyguards keeping the crowd distant. Because he was wearing a mask, I couldn’t recognize him, but l placed the Bhagavad Gita in his hand. He said to me, “l recognize you. You are someone famous.” l replied, ” l am not famous. l am a man of God.” He said, “If you’re a man of God, pray for me.” I replied, “If you read this book, l’ll pray

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Nurses and doctors on a well-being tour to India organised by Sukanti Radha devi dasi visited Delhi Temple and had an amazing Bhagavad Gita Experience.

ISKCON Delhi houses the world’s biggest Bhagavad Gita weighing 800 Kg

Topics on Karma, the soul and becoming vegetarian became a very thought provoking idea for discussion in the group. It was a very informative experience for all.

Several nurses got inspired to get a copy of the Gita to study further the nectar they had just tasted.

For some it

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