Our cast for the summer drama, Big Fish Little Fish, went over the script which we pulled off the shelf from the January 1st performance. We encountered some rough edges but concluded that we'll be okay.
This was followed by a zoom class on some verses on the Gita, chapter five. Krishna is saying here that we must be like a lotus – on the water, but not getting wet. It’s great to see some young folks coming on board with these discussions which are thoughtful.
Once our chat concluded, I asked Chris, who was in the room with me, to drop me off on Bloor St. After all, that was simply on his way home. “Take me somewhere west.”
“Sure,” he said. He's always agreeable, helpful.
There, at the corner of Havelock and Bloor, I began that evening stroll. Approaching Bathurst, a Mexican woman, Mandy, asked if I was holding japa beads in my hands.
“Yes, in fact, this is how I keep up my meditation with sound – an ancient practice from India”. Obviously, she knew something about the practice, otherwise she wouldn't have come out to say the word japa. I failed to mention that the use of japa mala (beads) assists in establishing the lotus in us, that aloofness that Krishna talks about in chapter five.
As usual, I found the walk on Bloor not a shock. Rather pleasant, really, especially after meeting someone inquisitive.