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8047368268?profile=RESIZE_400xThere have been a number of scientific studies recently that try to analyze if animals have any form of morality. This is obviously complex since it is nigh impossible to get inside the mind of a poor dumb creature and there is always the accusation of anthropomorphizing.

The subject is important to many people because there seems to be various beliefs with vested interests in the interpretations. For instance, Charles Darwin believed that animals expressed morality and that what we understand a

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Coco is a lovable dog proudly owned by an also lovable household couple who hosted this evening's ‘Gita Chat.’ While we conducted our discussion, Coco seemed to bark occasionally and spontaneously at times when it was just right, as if to confirm profound statements made. He is 3 1/2 years of age, full of energy, and moved about from participant to participant, who were all just sitting in the Lotus position (well, most of them). He is well behaved, like the people in asana formation, and was l

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The disappearance of Srila Ramanujacarya. I will speak a little bit on his relationship with Mayapur dham. He visited Puri with his disciples. He was conquering the whole of India with his philosophy visistadvaita-vada. He was conquering and at that time he was in Puri and he was questioning the pundits that the system of worship recommended in Kali Yuga is pancaratrika worship but you all are using vaidiki worship because vaidiki worship, tantric worship. Pancaratriki worship is slightly in be

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Spiderman & more by Bhaktimarga Swami


Chris from Hamilton gave me a call with a surprise. “Are you free on Tuesday coming up?”

“I can be. Why?”

“Mahabharata, the live drama, is showing at Shaw Theatre in Niagara-on-the-Lake for several days in two parts, ’Karma’ and ‘Dharma’.”

I told Chris that I’m game, so we are set to go to the theatre on Tuesday. Such performances come rarely.

Shortly after the news of the coming drama, I left for Queen’s Park for the weekly kirtan. Gabriel brough his guitar, so a group of us sat at the monumen

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I’ve been in Germany for a few weeks visiting my family and was trying to sell some books this past week while I had some time off from family visits. In the town where I was, it seemed to be quite difficult to distribute a lot of books to the many hard-wired Germans. A lot of people didn’t speak much German or English, and many other fundraisers besides me were also on the streets. So I was meditating on something Devamrita Swami told me once — I should just think, “I could meet one person who

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“Let’s head off towards the castle,” I suggested, referring to that magnificent structure known as Casa Loma, set at the edge of a cliff. It is majestic by nature, having gothic features, and is not necessarily spooky in appearance. It is the site where many movies have been filmed such as X-Men, Chicago, Strange Brew, and more. Some years back, Krishna devotees held a kirtan in one of the halls of the castle. Currently, during this March break, you will find activations of dungeons and Dragons

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Perhaps we are the only society who is proclaiming, “Here is God, Krishna. Take it.” We are the only society in the whole world. Otherwise they are all misled, all misled.

Others may cooperate or not cooperate; we don’t mind. But we cannot change our policy. Our policy is, “Krishna says, ‘I am the Supreme.’ ” We must declare throughout the whole world that Krishna is the Supreme. Krishna says, mattah parataram nanyat kincid asti dhananjaya. (Gita 7.7) [“O conqueror of wealth (Arjuna), there is

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“Give Peace A Chance” and “Hare Krishna” go viral on European radio once again.

John Lennon’s pacifist anthem again this Friday sounded throughout Europe on the airways. At the request of Berlin Public Radio, around 160 public radio stations from 28 European countries simultaneously played “Give Peace a Chance”, the song Lennon composed in 1969 against the Vietnam War.

The song, recorded in room 1742 on June 1, 1969, had its obvious starting point in Lennon’s response to war. These words haunte

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Much has been explored about physical sound.
Let us now delve into some divine aspects of this element.

Sound is caused by energy emitted in the form of a vibration resulting in hearing sensation. The amplitude (volume) and frequency (pitch) of the sound wave depends on what the source is and the amount of energy supplied outwards. Sound needs a medium to travel such as gases, liquids or solids and travels faster through solid objects because the molecules pack more tightly and don’t have to mo

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On the bank of the Ganges, a young devotee of Krsna showed a 
death-bound king the way to immortality.

King Pariksit was cursed to die within seven days. Yet he took it all as Krsna's will, and at once he went to the Ganges to fast till the fatal moment. On hearing the news, great sages came from all over the universe to witness his passing.

"Please tell me," the king asked, " what is the duty of one who is about to die?"

Before the sages came to any consensus, a sixteen-year-old boy arrived, a

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Whenever it's a stroll in the city and I notice a new embarrassing box come up (which is called a building), I get disappointed. I see these structures as challenges to nature's landscape. They block the sun, the moon, trees. Many, or most contemporary edifices are simply an eyesore. Tombstones look better.

Just south of our ashram on Avenue Road, A new residential structure will be coming up. It will be ugly. It will be square. Developers make big profit on square units. Every square inch coun

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Srimad-Bhagavatam presents prayers by great devotees of the Lord that can guide us in our own life of prayer.

“Therefore, although I was born in a demoniac family, I may without a doubt offer prayers to the Lord with full endeavor, as far as my intelligence allows. Anyone who has been forced by ignorance to enter the material world may be purified of material life if he offers prayers to the Lord and hears the Lord’s glories.” (Sri Prahlada to Lord Narasimhadeva, Srimad-Bhagavatam, 7.9.12

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Hare Krishna,

In the last blog we read how there is a Television in our heart. Today we will read how to switch on that television and see God face to face as well in our heart.

Why everyone can not see God face to face?

Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa’s name, fame, pastimes, etc., cannot be understood by material senses. Only to one who is engaged in pure devotional service under proper guidance is He revealed. In the Brahma-saṁhitā (5.38) it is stated, premāñjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena santaḥ sadaiva hṛda

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हरे कृष्ण!

🙏 इस्कॉन बहादुरगढ़ द्वारा शोभा यात्रा आमंत्रण

26 मार्च 2023 (रविवार) अतिभव्य श्री श्री निताईचाँद गौरसुन्दर शोभा यात्रा

🚩 शोभा यात्रा 🚩
📍 प्रारम्भ स्थान - ओमैक्स सिटी मेन गेट - 🕙 दोपहर 01:00
📍 समापन स्थान - इस्कॉन मंदिर बहादुरगढ़

🔊 शोभायात्रा कार्यक्रम 👇
⚜️सुबह 10:00 बजे - श्रीभगवान् के दर्शन 501 दिव्या भोग के साथ
⚜️सुबह 10:30 बजे से दोपहर 01:00 बजे तक - सुस्वादु प्रसादम
⚜️दोपहर 01:00 बजे शोभायात्रा प्रारम्भ
⚜️शाम 07:30 बजे से इस्कॉन मंदिर बहादुरगढ़ में सुस्वादु प्रसादम

आप सभी स

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The Story of the First Krishna Deity in ISKCON Two of Srila Prabhupada’s early disciples discover Krishna while shopping for bells in New York City.

When Srila Prabhupada arrived in New York City in September 1965, he felt deep separation from Vrindavan and the major deities there “My Lords, Govindaji, Gopinath, and Radha Damodar,” as he noted in his diary. After seven months of mixed results, he opened his first temple on the Lower East Side. Centers soon opened in San Francisco, Montreal, Los

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For a long time scientists have been asking, 
What’s going on? And some of them 
have tried to find out, 
What’s behind it all?


Sir Isaac Newton once made a remarkable model of the solar system. Thanks to a clever hand-cranking mechanism, all of the tiny spinning globes orbited a small “sun.”

On entering Newton’s study, one of his colleagues, a materialist, couldn’t help noticing the model. He was flabbergasted.

“Dr. Newton,” the man stared, “who made this wonderful contraption? The planets mov

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ISKCON Nepal successfully organized the largest Vaisnava festival, Gaura Purnima, to celebrate the 537th birth anniversary of Lord Chaitanya. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu is Krsna Himself who appeared in this age of Kali as a Golden Yuga avatar to teach the principle of devotional services The event was held at Budhanilkantha, Kathmandu Temple, and was attended by over 5000 devotees. More than 6000 participants received free prasadam meal on this day.

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Yellow Snow by Bhaktimarga Swami


Ruslan is my steady walking partner these days. He is from Ukraine. His English is practically nil, so when we go for our daily trek, we communicate through his phone by translation. It's fun. We mostly chant on our beads and resign ourselves to not talking much, but to sound meditation.

While descending along the iron switch back at Ramsden Park, just in front of us was a senior woman who carried with her a state-of-the-art camera. I noticed the yellow-toned snow, and pondered how it got that

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From Back to Godhead

Are we simply puppets, helplessly manipulated by the strings of our past activities?

I look on with dismay as the tow truck drives away with the wreck that used to be our car.

“It’s all right,” my wife tries to console me. “Probably some bad karma.”

I consider her words. She has just mangled our car by driving it into the rear end of a truck, and she seems quite eager to let destiny take responsibility for her actions. I wonder if it’s really bad karma, or just bad driving.

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There is a story in the Mahabharata, about Dronacarya testing the young Kauravas’ and Pandavas’ skill at archery. An artificial bird was placed in a tree and, as each of his students came forward, one by one, Drona asked,
“Do you see the bird at the top of the tree?
“Yes, I do.” each replied.
“Do you see anything else?”
“Yes, I see the tree, myself, my brothers and the me.”
Drona was not pleased and ordered, “Stand aside! You are not fit to strike the target.” Only Arjuna pleased him by replyin

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