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By Giacobazzi Yanez, HG Kuladri das, and Thomas Haribol  

Tucked away in San Francisco’s expansive Golden Gate Park is a lovely lake with an island called Stowe Lake. It was a favorite spot for Srila Prabhupada to circumambulate during his daily morning walks. “One of the great pleasures for devotees in San Francisco was taking these early morning walks with Srila Prabhupada,” said HG Malati Devi Dasi. “The main place where that occurred was Stowe Lake.”

To provide a spiritual touchpoint for de

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By Ananda Tirtha Das 

The *2022* GBC Resolutions have finally been released. Unfortunately, due to the global pandemic, the GBC Body couldn’t conduct in-person meetings, and therefore the 2022 AGM (Annual General Meeting) was conducted online. Thankfully, the 2023 AGM, however, began as a regular in-person meeting in Mayapur and will continue online in the upcoming months.

The GBC met online weekly throughout 2022 (and continues to do so in 2023) to discuss matters of global importance and vote

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Two cities by Bhaktimarga Swami


Roman and I parked right outside of the high rise that Ajamil lives in. The only thing is that we parked right behind a police car that had just arrived – a police car that wheeled over the curb and partially onto the sidewalk. Our parking right behind them aroused some suspicion in the two occupants of the police car, and so they immediately came over to correct us about our irregular parking. They were nice about it, especially when they saw a monk (me) and Ajamil struggling to get his harmon

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From Back to Godhead

God is a person, and out of His infinite kindness He allows us even in
our present condition to render Him personal service.

In the Srimad-Bhagavatam, the devotee Prahlada Maharaja, a great spiritual authority, says, “Hearing and chanting about the transcendental holy name, form, qualities, paraphernalia, and pastimes of Lord Visnu [Krsna], remembering them, serving the lotus feet of the Lord, offering the Lord respectful worship …, offering prayers to the Lord, becoming H

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Role Of Guest Reception Service


  1. Who is a guest?

The Sanskrit word atithi means ‘not scheduled’. An ‘unscheduled’ or unexpected guest is considered a representative of the Supreme Lord, since his arriving unannounced is just what the Lord might do to test His devotee and see how ready he is to serve Him in any situation. With this understanding, we should offer the unexpected guest full hospitality.

Members of the general public, invited guests, life members, V.I.P.s, visiting Vaishnavas, relatives of Vaishnavas all should

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Monologue By Shii and Nel


I learned how to chant in Krishna last night. So I guess I can say that I am a mild member of the religion. I wrote this, I’m not sure if it’s a monologue or what, just to get my thoughts out, based on not only how I was led to His wisdom and away from the standards of my area, but also the aggravating community service I involuntarily volunteered for six days.

It doesn’t have a title yet, and I guess it might be a continuing piece, based on how I am in the religion of Krishna. And I needed som

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[Note: as of today, only 30 homages have been sumbitted from around the world, and the deadline ends in two weeks]

Dear follower of Srila Prabhupada,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

NOTE: This year a new team of devotees will be producing Srila Prabhupada’s Vyasa-puja book. Therefore please do not send your homage to Dravida Das at but rather to Ananda Tirtha Das at

Kindly submit your homage to Srila Prabhup

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HG Anuttama Dasa, Minister of ISKCON Communications, will hold a Communications Course at Bhaktivedanta College/Radhadesh on May 12-15th, 2023. The four-day course is a rare opportunity to learn about approaches and techniques for communicating with key audiences such as interfaith groups, media, politicians, Hindu communities, academics, and our internal ISKCON community and members. “Many past participants have shared that the skills they learned were helpful not only in terms of professional

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The ICE EC Team is preparing for the upcoming international ISKCON Communications Conference at Villa Vrindavana, Italy to be held May 27th – 30th, 2023.  About 60-70 ISKCON leaders, senior devotees, and devotees engaged in communications service from Europe and other parts of the world are expected to participate.

Many important topics within ISKCON and the broader society will be discussed. Several ISKCON scholars and experts, as well as Italian Professor Massimo Introvigne, have prepared pap

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Again The Falls by Bhaktimarga Swami


I went to see the second part of The Mahabharata called “Dharma.” This time I was accompanied by 14 people. We made good use of our time. In addition to viewing live theatre, we decided to also see nature's wonder, Niagara Falls, which is always inspiring.

When one follows Niagara River, you can explore trails for cycling or walking. Time was restricting, but we did stop by near the whirlpool where the river suddenly bends, for a great picnic. It was a fresh break from what's sometimes spicy an

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A Read & A Song by Bhaktimarga Swami


I started packing early for next week's trip to South Africa in a room that is shared by a group of us in the ashram, particularly for reading and meeting. I was in the middle of adjusting contents in my luggage when in walks a group of readers, members of the Bhakti Academy.

Oh yes, it's already 3:30 pm, time for a group study on one of Prabhupada’s books. I moved over to the next room, my room, for getting some dictation done. Adjustments need to be quick. Adjustments are real. Covid taught u

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“The process of bhakti-yoga is regulated by a theory of knowledge that strictly
rules out unjustifiable speculation and extrapolation, and in this respect bhakti-yoga
is methodologically superior to modern science, and goes beyond modern science
by providing the individual with practical methods of developing higher
cognitive powers that lie dormant in the conscious self.”

(Mechanistic and Nonmechanistic Science, p. 10)

The Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies launched an ongoing lecture

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Dear Devotees,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

The *2022* GBC Resolutions have finally been released. Due to the global pandemic, it was not possible for the GBC Body to conduct in-person meetings and therefore the 2022 AGM was conducted online. The 2023 AGM, however, began as a regular in-person meeting in Mayapur and will continue online in the upcoming months.

The GBC met online weekly throughout 2022 (and continues to do so in 2023) to discuss matters o

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The Prince Passed On Too Soon


The king had many wives, but, 
strangely, he couldn’t have a son. 
What happened when he finally 
got one was even more strange.

There’s a saying that parents live on through their children. How often we hear, for instance, about a father telling his son, “You’ll be greater than I was,” or, “You should finish what I started.” But, ages ago, the great King Citraketu felt like dying he could not have a son.

Otherwise, while King Citraketu ruled the earth everything went beautifully. Fruit trees h

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Reincarnation and Beyond


“I can remember being a young man, a boy, a baby. What was I before that what will I be next?” Mike Robinson of London Broadcasting Company interviews His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

Mike Robinson: Can you tell me what you believe what the philosophy of the Hare Krsna movement is?

Srila Prabhupada: Yes. Krsna consciousness is not a question of belief; it is a science. The first step is to know the difference between a living body and a dead body. What is the difference? Th

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Chant and be happy…


Mrs. Sally Rawley, merchandiser: “When I’m nervous I find chanting very calming. I don’t get shaken up at little things.”

Bruce Kleinberg, executive secretary: “Chanting helps you see things in perspective. My outlook is a lot brighter.”

June Lahner, jewelry designer, with son Jason: “Chanting makes me more perceptive, more in harmony with everything and everyone around me.”

Dr. Donald R. Tuck, associate professor, Western Kentucky University: “I’ve noticed that as chanted progress from level t

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What a treat!

I am referring to the live theatrical production of Mahabharata, a premiere of the company, Why Not? IT was my first time to see a production in the renowned Shaw Theatre at Niagara-on-the-Lake. I've passed by the theatre several times, and on my first walk in ‘96, it was right there at the edge of this iconic picture-perfect town.

What can I say? The performance was stupendous; Everything about it. Thus far, I viewed part one called “Karma.” Part two, “Dharma,” I'm hoping to see

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Here we continue a conversation between His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and the mother of one of his students,
along with a Jesuit priest. It took place in the garden at Bhaktivedanta Manor, near London, England, on July 25, 1973.

Mother (to Srila Prabhupada): Yes, Father, I understand you are educated on a different platform, as you say no doubt a most sublime and spiritual platform. But aren't you still drawing upon your basic educational background for translating your

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All of us–husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, children, students, and teachers have duties, and sometime we begrudge the performance of our duties because we think their execution will impede our personal happiness. But duty is duty, and duty must be done. Even in the cold of winter, one must bathe. And even in the heat of summer, one must cook.

Speaking on Bhagavad-gita 1.27, Srila Prabhupada gave a wonderful example of two heroic souls who adhered to their duties even in the most awkward circu

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From Back to Godhead

“My exposure to the young devotees and to Swami Bhaktivedanta as well as the chanting of Hare Krsna has brought me moments of inner peace and has enabled me to live a little more spiritually with my family and in my profession. My two older children also spent some beautiful moments with the Swamiji times we will always treasure.
“It is not necessary to shave your head and to become fully absorbed in the teachings to absorb some of the spiritual vibrations which flow from t

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