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Hare Krishna....


I am attaching herewith a Photo taken from my Mobile while returning to home from office.


In the photo, one may find that few Buffalos being carried in a truck to butchers house, where they would be butchered.  But the poor Buffalos, does not know their fate and happily enjoying the truck ride, cool breeze, experience of flying in air, without any stress of walking, running and flying.


We can very much infer the above photo to that, many people, blindly follow many

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A Christmas Message BY Srila Prabhupad

Today is Christmas Day, the birthday of Jesus Christ. In Europe and other countries, hardly anyone knows what Jesus Christ was doing in his youth, at around 15 years of age. Indian history shows that he was in India, where he visited Vrndavana, Ayodya, Jagannatha Puri, and other pilgrimage places. In Vrndavana he heard the name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, and when he went to Jagannath Puri he heard how the local persons pronounce Krsna as Krusna or Krusta. Later, Krusta became

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"Therefore, Arjuna, you should always think of Me, and at the same time you should continue your prescribed duty and fight. With your mind and activities always fixed on Me, and everything engaged in Me, you will attain to Me without any doubt." (Bhagavad Gita 8.7)

Krishna does not suggest anything impractical

So Krishna is not advising Arjuna to simply remember Him and give up his occupation. No. Krishna never suggests anything impractical. In this material world, in order to maintain the body, o
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 8 Text 23
yathatma-tantro bhagavan
vikridaty atma-mayaya
visrjya va yatha mayam
udaste saksivad vibhuh

yatha -- as; atma-tantrah -- independent; bhagavan -- the Personality of Godhead; vikridati -- enjoys His pastimes; atma-mayaya -- by His internal potency; visrjya -- giving up; va -- as also; yatha -- as He desires; mayam -- the external potency; udaste -- remains; saksivat -- just as the witness; vibhuh -- the almighty.

The independent Personality of G
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 8 Text 22
yo vanusayinam sargah
pasandasya ca sambhavah
atmano bandha-moksau ca
vyavasthanam sva-rupatah

yah -- all those; va -- either; anusayinam -- merged into the body of the Lord; sargah -- creation; pasandasya -- of the infidels; ca -- and; sambhavah -- appearance; atmanah -- of the living beings; bandha -- conditioned; moksau -- being liberated; ca -- also; vyavasthanam -- being situated; sva-rupatah -- in an unconditioned state.

Please also explai
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 8 Text 21
samplavah sarva-bhutanam
vikramah pratisankramah
ista-purtasya kamyanam
tri-vargasya ca yo vidhih

samplavah -- the perfect means or complete devastation; sarva-bhutanam -- of all living beings; vikramah -- specific power or situation; pratisankramah -- ultimate destruction; ista -- performance of Vedic rituals; purtasya -- pious acts in terms of religion; kamyanam -- rituals for economic development; tri-vargasya -- the three means of religion, economic d
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Markata vairagya

Prabhupada has been taking his massage in his bedroom because the sun is still a little too strong for him to be exposed to it for an hour and a half. During today's massage he talked more about the householders and women and children who are being attracted to come and stay here. He stressed the purity of living in Vrndavana, that it is meant for renunciation and not for increasing our material propensities. He said that actually Vrndavana is not meant for householders. "It is f
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Being active in spiritual life

Each morning when Srila Prabhupada greets the Deities, he takes particular note of the flowers offered for Their Lordships garlands. He has complained several times about the poor quality of the flowers, and even worse, on occasion, some garlands are missing when the curtains open. Management is a constant headache for Srila Prabhupada, but in his class he made it clear that there is a difference between spiritual and material anxiety.

The verse explained that even w
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About Visala prabhu

Visala prabhu is in Vrndavana again. Its difficult to miss him because he is so enthusiastic to praise Srila Prabhupada at every opportunity. When Prabhupada finishes reciting the prema-dvani prayers after singing Jaya radha-madhava, Visala especially likes to add a few extra calls of glorification. As soon as Prabhupada says, "All glories to the assembled devotees. Thank you very much," and before anyone can get up, Visala shouts out at the top of his voice, "All glories to S
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Parents Reaction to Children joining Iskcon

Such are the criticisms that must be borne by the servants of Nārada Muni in the disciplic succession. Through the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement, we are trying to train young people to become devotees and return home, back to Godhead, by following rigid regulative principles, but our service is appreciated neither in India nor abroad in the Western countries where we are endeavoring to spread this Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement. In India the caste brāhmaṇa

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Without Absolute Faith

Those whose minds are absorbed in the spirit of enjoyment of matter, and who possess materialistic faith, can never experience the revelation of pure spiritual consciousness. Without absolute faith in the Lord's holy name, one's mundane mentality can never be cast off.

Prakrita Rasa Shata Dushini #70
A Hundred Warnings Against Mundane Mellows
by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura
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Way of chanting

Mahanidhi Swami
Picture Meditation
Sense objects and desires encourage the mind’s natural tendency to run outward. Proper engagement of the senses helps internalize the mind. Scientists have proven that of all the techniques used to stop the oscillatory nature of the mind, those using sound and sight are the most effective. For example, the hypnotist subdues the subject’s mind by capturing his gaze (with a swinging watch), and speaking in a rhythmic monotonous way.
The following concentration techn
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Cow Emergency in Villa Vrindavana




Dear Maharaja, Prabhu, Mataji, friend
Please accept my respectful obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada.

The violent snowfall that happened in the Florence area on Friday, December 17 has not only paralyzed Villa Vrindavana but completely destroyed the tent-shelter where the cows were housed. From the photos attached you can realize the disaster. The good news is that thanks to the courage and determination of bhakta Roberto,Aravindha prabhu and Ekadasi prabhu, who worked in an extreme and

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Sri Chaitanya Bhagavat adi lila chapter 1

Sri Chaitanya Bhagavat
Adi Lila Chapter One
I worship their Lordships Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri Nityananda Prabhu, whose long arms
extend down to their knees, whose beautiful complexions are the radiant yellow of molten gold and
whose elongated eyes are like red lotuses. They are the topmost of the brahmanas, the guardians of
religious principles for this age, the munificent benefactors of all living entities, and the most
compassionate incarnations of Godhead. They initiated the congregational
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Story of Lord Krishna

Story of Lord Krishna - SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa

Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura


1. While Akrura was still offering prayers, the Supreme Lord Krsna withdrew His form that He had revealed in the water, just as an actor winds up his performance.

2. When Akrura saw the vision disappear, he came out of the water and quickly finished his various ritual duties. He then returned to the chariot, astonished.

3. Lord Krsna asked Akrura: Have you seen something wonderful on the earth, in the

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Frees One From All The Short­com­ings

All the other impu­ri­ties of the Vais­nava are con­sid­ered nul­li­fied if he takes to chant­ing Hare Krishna mantra in earnest. So the glo­ries of the holy name free one from all the short­com­ings remain­ing or still present offenses are con­sid­ered nul­li­fied for the per­son who holds them. Finding fault with the chanter of the holy name is the great­est of all the offenses.

From Viraha Bhavan #156

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Bhagavad Gita is spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one need not read any other Vedic literature. One need only attentively and regularly hear and read Bhagavad Gita. In the present age, people are so absorbed in mundane activities that it is not possible for them to read all the Vedic literatures. But this is not necessary. This one book, Bhagavad Gita, will suffice, because it is the essence of all Vedic literatures and especially because it is spoken by the Supreme Personality of G

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Q. What is the significance of having a past life connection with someone in this life? Do we have a duty to them if they are not Krishna conscious? 

Sometimes it is said that when someone is too attached to another person, or bound in terms of karmic reactions, then in their next life their paths will meet, although this is not always the case.

Regarding the second part of the question, I can only offer a general consideration that our foremost duty towards such (or any) individual is to somehow

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