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Hare Krishna!!!!!! AGTSP , All glories to guru and gauranga.......

Please forgive my offences if i am wrong somewhere.

Kunti maharni prays to lord Krishna 'O Lord please give me more and more troubles so that i can remember you more and more during these times of trouble'.

If we see the history of Pandavas life, we can observe that it was full of troubles.They had to go to forest for 12 years and then 1 yr agatvas, although they were pure devotees of Lord. So Lord keeps testing us how  staunch our

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Seeing Krishna


Seeing Krishna through hearing. Nectarean Mellows

We cannot see Krishna through our eyes but we see Krishna through hearing the subject matter from the scriptures and from the vaisnavas.

Bhaktisiddhant Saraswati Thakur, when he would go to Jagannath temple in Puri, he would stand behind the Garuda Sthamba, same place Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu would stand. The reason He did this? He said, “It is because Garuda is a param vaisnava. He is a great devotee. He is a lover of Lord Jagannath.

Jagannath would

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How to Cultivate Bhakthi???

Hare Krishna…


I have received a call from one of our God Brothers from Pune, who has got my mobile number on and inquired me how to cultivate Bhakti???


With whatever little knowledge I am acquiring by washing my feet with the waves, coming from the Ocean of ISKCON (under the guidance of my Counselor Shri Adbhuta Gauranga Das (Anand) Prabhuji of Hyderabad), I am sharing my Spiritual Realizations with you.


Krishna’s first mercy on a person is to crush him & thus the wretched f

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Sri Radhe-Krsna's playful pastimes (vihara)

Sri Radhe-Krsna's playful pastimes (vihara) - Javata


Once, Mother Yasoda was in her storeroom, organising some skirts, blouses, shawls and other expensive clothes and ornaments to be placed in a large chest, when mischievous Krsna burst into the room. He came up behind her, put His arms behind her neck and insisted on knowing what she was doing. "Maiya, is it My birthday today?" He asked. "Are you preparing all of these clothes and ornaments for Me?"

"Go and play now," Maiya answered with some irr
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The Awakening

All glories to Radha Kunjabihari !  All glories to Srila Prabhupada !! All glories to all Guru and Gauranga !!!


This is one of the story, which my father had narrated me in my childhood, but only after coming to ISKCON, I realized the meaning of the story.


Raghu at early dawn, as usual headed towards his boat at the bank of the river.  It was the early morning of spring and the skies were clear also the weather was pleasant . He wanted to reach his boat before anyone could reach there, as his bo

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Why Krishna Puts Devotees in Trouble?

BG 7.21: I am in everyone's heart as the Supersoul. As soon as one desires to worship some demigod, I make his faith steady so that he can devote himself to that particular deity.

Question: Why Krishna Puts Devotees in Trouble? 

It just came through the news that there was explosion On 3rd September at the ISKCON Hare Krishna temple on Thoresby Street, in Leicester, England. The cause of the explosion has now been confirmed to be a gas leak in the kitchen area.

Why did Krishna let such a thing happ

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sukha-duhkhe same krtva
labhalabhau jayajayau
tato yuddhaya yujyasva
naivam papam avapsyasi
[Bhagavad-gita 2.37]

Here, in this material world, when you work, there are two things,
either loss or gain. Either happiness or distress, sukha-duhkha. Loss
or gain, victory or Defeat. Because it is the world of duality. There
must be something dual, black-white, darkness-light, sukha,
happiness-distress, father-son. There must be. This is called relative
world. One thing, if you understand one thing, you must kno
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Hare Krishna Vaishnavas and Vaishnavis

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Please accept the blessings of Their Lordships Sri Sri Jagannatha, Sri Baldeva and Subhadra Maharani.


With the blessings of H.H. Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj, Senior Vaisnavas and under the able leadership of our JCC chairman H.G. Ved Vyasa prabhu and JCC Festival chairman H.G. M L Satija we are celebrating 1st ever Festival of Chariots - Sri Jagannatha Ratha-yatra in South Delhi in M

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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 9 Text 5
sa adi-devo jagatam paro guruh
svadhisnyam asthaya sisrksayaiksata
tam nadhyagacchad drsam atra sammatam
prapanca-nirmana-vidhir yaya bhavet

sah -- he; adi-devah -- the first demigod; jagatam -- of the universe; parah -- supreme; guruh -- spiritual master; svadhisnyam -- his lotus seat; asthaya -- to find the source of it; sisrksaya -- for the matter of creating the universal affairs; aiksata -- began to think; tam -- in that matter; na -- could not; adhya
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 9 Text 4
yad aha bhagavan rtam
brahmane darsayan rupam

atma-tattva -- the science of God or that of the living entity; visuddhi -- purification; artham -- goal; yat -- that which; aha -- said; bhagavan -- the Personality of Godhead; rtam -- in reality; brahmane -- unto Lord Brahma; darsayan -- by showing; rupam -- eternal form; avyalika -- without any deceptive motive; vrata -- vow; adrtah -- worshiped.

O Ki
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 9 Text 3
yarhi vava mahimni sve
parasmin kala-mayayoh
rameta gata-sammohas
tyaktvodaste tadobhayam

yarhi -- at any time; vava -- certainly; mahimni -- in the glory; sve -- of himself; parasmin -- in the Supreme; kala -- time; mayayoh -- of the material energy; rameta -- enjoys; gata-sammohah -- being freed from the misconception; tyaktva -- giving up; udaste -- in fullness; tada -- then; ubhayam -- both (the misconceptions of I and mine).

As soon as the l
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 9 Text 2
bahu-rupa ivabhati
mayaya bahu-rupaya
ramamano gunesv asya
mamaham iti manyate

bahu-rupah -- multiforms; iva -- as it were; abhati -- manifested; mayaya -- by the influence of the exterior energy; bahu-rupaya -- in multifarious forms; ramamanah -- enjoying as it were; gunesu -- in the modes of different qualities; asyah -- of the external energy; mama -- mine; aham -- I; iti -- thus; manyate -- thinks.

The illusioned living entity appears in so m
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 9 Text 1
sri-suka uvaca
atma-mayam rte rajan
na ghatetartha-sambandhah
svapna-drastur ivanjasa

sri-sukah uvaca -- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said; atma -- the Supreme Personality of Godhead; mayam -- energy; rte -- without; rajan -- O King; parasya -- of the pure soul; anubhava-atmanah -- of the purely conscious; na -- never; ghateta -- it can so happen; artha -- meaning; sambandhah -- relation with the material body; svapna -- dream; drastuh -- of th
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 8 Text 29
yad yat pariksid rsabhah
pandunam anuprcchati
anupurvyena tat sarvam
akhyatum upacakrame

yat yat -- whatsoever; pariksit -- the King; rsabhah -- the best; pandunam -- in the dynasty of Pandu; anuprcchati -- goes on inquiring; anupurvyena -- the beginning to the end; tat -- all those; sarvam -- fully; akhyatum -- to describe; upacakrame -- he just prepared himself.

He also prepared himself to reply to all that King Pariksit had inquired from him.
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 8 Text 28
praha bhagavatam nama
puranam brahma-sammitam
brahmane bhagavat-proktam
brahma-kalpa upagate

praha -- he said; bhagavatam -- the science of the Personality of Godhead; nama -- of the name; puranam -- the supplement of the Vedas; brahma-sammitam -- just in pursuance of the Vedas; brahmane -- unto Lord Brahma; bhagavat-proktam -- was spoken by the Personality of Godhead; brahma-kalpe -- the millennium in which Brahma was first generated; upagate -- just in
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Duryodhana, a devotee playing a demon

Srila Prabhupada's Srimad-Bhagavatam class was shorter than usual. He is still suffering from high blood pressure and speaking gives him a headache.

Today's verses narrated how Drauni, Asvattama, the son of a brahmana, became degraded by accepting the occupation of a ksatriya. Asvattama decapitated the five sleeping sons of Draupadi and presented their heads to Duryodhana. Even Duryodhana, who lay dying after having had his spine broken by Bhima's club, was di
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With P.C.Sarkar

During massage time the famous magician, P. C. Sarkar came to see Prabhupada. He showed Prabhupada some photos and suggested that he could put on a show for the pleasure of Prabhupada and the devotees. Prabhupada agreed, and so at 4:00 p.m. many devotees, including the Gurukula boys, assembled in his darsana room.

Srila Prabhupada sat behind his desk and Mr. Sarkar stood to his left, facing his audience. Both were in a jolly mood, and for about twenty minutes Mr. Sarkar demonstrate
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Speculation in deity worship

After Srila Prabhupada's breakfast nap he met with Saurabha, Dhananjaya, Harikesa Swami and Bhagatji. Saurabha prabhu inquired whether he should design the simhasanas in Bombay so that they could be used for bathing the Deities whenever there was a festival, or whether he should make a special arrangement for bathing the Deities at the opening of the temple.

Srila Prabhupada told him that bathing the large Deities should be a one-time affair. Generally only the small D
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All pastimes are transcendental

Srimad-Bhagavatam class was on Canto One, chapter seven, verse twelve, wherein Suta Gosvami tells the assembled sages that he will begin the transcendental narration of Lord Krsna, topics about King Pariksit's birth, activities and deliverance, and relate the renunciation of the worldly order by the Pandavas.

Srila Prabhupada began by refuting the mistaken idea of the prakrta-sahajiyas who think that Krsna's seemingly worldly activities, such as on the battlefield o
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