Hare Krishna.
Please accept my best wishes.
Dear friend,
I hope this meets you well. I want to send you a very important thing. I am presenting in front of the greatest literature of the whole cosmic manifestation and beyond. This will not only help you to develop spiritually but also mentally, intellectually. See we as sophisticated Homo sapiens have greater understanding of life, spirituality, morality, science, nature, and everything on this planet. Thus we are above the level of animal kingdom. Now greater is the post, greater is the responsibility. We have to act as what we actually are. As a mobile manual guides us what to do and what not do with the cell phone, similarly this is a guide manual to our lives. Pages of this great literature have most mystical, confidential facts which are established truths so as the real science much above the fantasies of imagination and beliefs.
I assure you that make a point to be with it and just see how it reciprocates proportionally to be with you always. This great literature is giving bliss, joy, colors to the various lives which are not more than the suffering souls. When we are away from the actual reality for which we exist, busy in sense gratification, we only suffer. Just as fish out of water suffers since its reality of existence is in water.
As being spirit souls, we all are originally Krishna conscious entities but due to our association with matter from time in memorial, our consciousness is now polluted with material complexities. In this state of bondage we try to exploit the material nature but we are becoming more and more entangled in these complexities. Chanting of holy name and reading of Bhagavat Gita brings us automatically to the spiritual platform which is the real state of our existence.
Krishna consciousness cannot wait for anything. You can just take the shelter of the holy name and just see the miracles waiting to turn your life to a eternal life full of bliss and knowledge.
Please do chant this great mantra for deliverance
“Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare” , and make your life sublime.
I wish you will accept this from your heart of hearts as it is send from the same place of us.
Your ever well wishers from,
International Society for Krishna Consciousness.
Founder Acharya: Srila Prabhupada.