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Sri Bhagavan uvaca

klaibyam ma sma gamah partha

naitat tvayy upapadyate

ksudram hrdaya-daurbalyam

tyaktvottistha parantapa

 Bg 2.3


O son of Prtha, do not yield to this degrading impotence. It does not become you. Give up such petty weakness of heart and arise, O chastiser of the enemy.


Lessons to be learnt - Arjuna's lamentation


Arjuna was addressed as the son of Prtha, who happened to be the sister of Krsna's father Vasudeva. Therefore Arjuna had a blood relationship with Krsna. If the s

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Can you see a thought? Touch a thought?  Taste a thought?  None of the senses can witness a thought.  It can only be witnessed by the mind.  The thought is the expression of the mind.  What is the nature of mind? Mind is linked to the senses. The senses perceive an object and relay that information to the mind.  The mind response to that object by saying, ‘I like it or I do not like it.  I want it or I do not want it.’  The mind is accepting or rejecting.  The mind is hankering for its wants and

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Radhanath Swami on Real Love

We often mistake temporary pleasures of this world to be love. This mistaking of temporary sensations of the world lies at the very core of human conditioning. These flickering sensations are like a mirage. A person who is in the desert is searching desperately for an oasis of water.  And in that desperation, due to longing and hopefulness, sometimes a mirage appears. It appears that that mirage can quench his/her thirst, but all he/she gets is a mouthful of hot sand.

So what is real love? In ord

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Why Should We Pray?

Radhanath SwamiWhy should we pray if God already knows everything? If he already knows our thoughts, why should we say anything? Because, life is about reciprocation, love is about reciprocation. Yes, the Lord knows our heart and the Lord knows our mind, but it pleases the Lord when by our free will we express ourselves—with the proper intention, proper honesty and integrity. And the Lord will reciprocate! When we offer prayers with sincerity, we enter into the presence of Lord; our lives are tr
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Story of Lord Krishna

Story of Lord Krishna - SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa

The Song of the Bee


1. The young women of Vraja became astonished upon seeing Lord Krsna’s servant, who had long arms, whose eyes resembled a newly grown lotus, who wore a yellow garment and a lotus garland, and whose lotuslike face glowed with brightly polished earrings. “Who is this handsome man?” the gopis asked. “Where has he come from, and whom does he serve? He’s wearing Krsna’s clothes and ornaments!” Saying this, the gopis
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Dear Prabhus and Matajis, Hare Krishna.

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Please see the appended report of IMYC's book distribution activities on 21 & 22 January 2011.! Here is something that IMYC would like to share with you.

ISKCON Malaysia Youth Council had two subsequent nights of Sankirtan on both 21&22 January 2011 in conjunction with Thaipusam Festival at Batu Caves. On 22 January 2011, we first tried to get a spot to display our books, since we couldn’t us

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Pray regularly

Pray regularly

There is a story of about a sea captain who in his retirement skippered a boat taking day-trippers to Shetland Islands. On one trip, the boat was full of young people. 

They laughed at the old captain when they saw him say a prayer before sailing out, because the day was fine and the sea was calm. 

However they weren't long at sea when a storm suddenly blew up and the boat began to pitch violently. The terrified passengers came to the captain and asked him to join them in prayer.   
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"ISKCON should do this.... that...."

Hare Krishna


One of the very senior devotee, HG Akrura Prji from UK write the following amazing insight in his blog:


Devotees sometimes come to me and tell me, "ISKCON should do this. ISKCON should do that."

I say: "What is ISKCON? Who is ISKCON? I think YOU are ISKCON - therefore YOU should do what you think ISKCON should do. It is everyone's responsibility to make ISKCON as Prabhupada wanted it. It is not only current leaders' responsibility."


Truly said prabhuji.


Please accept my humble obeisa

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I came across this video on Youtube which shows some  phone calls from the people who were stuck inside the  twin towers after they were hit by the plane. These people don't know what really has happened and all they can see is dense smoke inside the building. Few of them could sense that these may be the last moments of their lives, and they made phone calls to their loved ones. Few people made calls in desperation to Emergency Services.


This video made a deep impact on me. It once again re-emp

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Organizers of the upcoming Bhakti-shastri courses in Brazil are accepting applications from now until February 11, 2011.

Course in two Campi:

Campus I – Campina Grande, Paraíba – Brazil
Campus II – Nova Gokula, Pindamonhangaba, São Paulo – Brazil

Beginning of the classes: March 14, 2011

Ending: September 30, 2011

International examination: September 24 and 25, 2011


Bhagavad-gita I– Study of the macro divisions of the books, structural analysis of each chapter, its thematic sessions, connection

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"G u r u     m u k h     p a d m a     v a k y a"

In all situations we can shelter of Krishna ……………….Nectarean Mellows

One must, according to our sincerity and capacity, we must restrain our senses on those things which are unfavorable for devotional service and simultaneously we must fix our consciousness on Krishna by engaging in positive activities of devotional service. In all situations we can shelter of Krishna by chanting His name, by associating with His devotees, reading His books and hea

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A paradigm shift is usually associated to a dramatic change in the way we view things around us, and how we relate to them. Such a significant change occurs when we find that a socially or scientifically accepted theory is insufficient to describe certain phenomena we experience. In order to explain them, we come up with newer, more refined theories in an attempt to rationalize these anomalies. In this regard, the mystery of consciousness and its origin have always eluded a complete, rational, s

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Why is Krishna all-attractive??

Kamdev or Cupid is God of lust. The attraction towards opposite sex is the result of his mischief. In the material world where we are imprisoned in our material bodies, the attraction is born of flesh , lust and this lust is born of Kamdev. Now, to conquer lust, the master of lust or Kamdev must be conquered. Attraction is an instict and it has a spontaneous flow, it is in our very nature, and acts as a primary impulse. So after conquering Kamdev, there should exist an object where the attractio

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Curing the Skin Disease

If we are attracted by the skin only, the beauty of the skin, we are bound to be dissatisfied because the person, I, the self, I am different from the body…


arjuna uvaca
aparam bhavato janma
param janma vivasvatah
katham etad vijaniyam
tvam adau proktavan iti


Arjuna said: The sun-god Vivasvan is senior by birth to You. How am I to understand that in the beginning You instructed this science to him?

This is an unusual question for Arjuna to put to Krishna, because Krishna is the Supreme Personalit

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THE CROWD TONIGHT is volatile like nitro. Intense polarization: ninety percent of the kids are totally into Shelter [The popular straightedge band Vic was part of before recently forming his new band, 108], heart and soul. The rest, dead set against us. The  mixture explodes as our music blares. Kids running and jumping around, urgently singing along.

At song’s abrupt end, silence envelops the hall. Ears perk to receive Kåñëa consciousness. Taking advantage of the quiet, those opposed launch a sh

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Çréla Prabhupäda once told a priest in England that although the boys and girls in ISKCON seemed to have a variety of engagements, this did not mean they did not practise inner life. Çréla Prabhupäda replied that inner and outer activities are all “inner” in Kåñëa consciousness because they are within the realm of daivi-prakrti. If an iron rod is kept in the fire, it eventually becomes fire. Similarly, constant engagement in Kåñëa consciousness constitutes inner life. That said, I would still

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Encounter in Kurukshetra

Fifty centuries ago, during a fierce war, Lord Krishna and one of His pure devotees achieved a unique intimacy…

In the midst of the great battle, surrounded by the clash of arms, the pounding of hooves, the rattle of trappings, the shouts of warriors, and the screams of wounded men and beasts, where the dust churned up by the horses dimmed the sun and blood turned the earth to mud, Krishna suddenly stopped the chariot and sprang to the ground. Raising the wheel of a disabled chariot over His head

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Lord Krishna “Shri Krishna’s complexion is as polished as powdered eye ointment. It surpasses the beauty of a newly formed cloud and is softer than a blue lotus flower. Indeed, His complexion is so pleasing that it attracts the eyes and minds of everyone, and it is so powerful that it defies all comparison.” (Lord Chaitanya, Chaitanya Charitamrita, Antya 15.64)

Question: “Is Krishna really blue?”

Answer: It certainly seems strange that followers of the Vedic tradition would worship a God who appears bluish. A

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