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Whole world will leave home?



Whole world will leave home?

hjklfd.jpgStudent: If everybody gives up the material world and becomes devotees then how will this world be continuing? 

Maharaja: Thank you very much for asking this classic question.
It is very easy because the whole world will serve Krishna, because becoming a devotee of Krishna doesn’t mean that we spend the whole day praying and just ring bells in the temple and all are becoming pujaris like that - No, it doesn’t mean like that, that we light some incense and lamp. It doe
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Quality in Chanting

To understand the meaning of quality in chanting, you first of all
have to come to the stage of quality yourself. How can you understand
the meaning of quality without experiencing it yourself? Your duty is
to follow the instructions of your spiritual master and sastra.
Quality or no quality—it is not your position to understand this. When
the quality comes there is no force. You will have a taste for
chanting. You will desire at that time, "Why sixteen rounds? Why not
sixteen thousand rounds?" That is
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The original home.

The original home. 


The original home of the living entity and the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the spiritual world. In the spiritual world both the Lord and the living entities live together very peacefully. Since the living entity remains engaged in the service of the Lord, they both share a blissful life in the spiritual world. However, when the living entity wants to enjoy himself, he falls down into the material world.

Even while he is in that position, the Lord remains with him as the

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If we decide to become serious about becoming Krishna conscious, we will have to find the way to get free from the clutches of maya, the illusory energy. It is not at all an easy thing to do because we have been held tightly in maya's grip for countless lifetimes.

The secret of how to free ourselves from maya's influence is to engage in the service of the great devotees. This is absolutely essential because without worshiping the lotus feet of a great devotee, we cannot be freed from maya's influ

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How We Fell from the Spiritual World?

I find it hard to understand the fact that we are originally part and parcel of Krishna but we have fallen from the spiritual world. My question is: Who would get distracted or attracted towards material world when Krishna is all-attractive, all powerful and the source of all happiness? One can only think of leaving Krishna when there is something better and more powerful than Him. Also, even if there is a slightest chance of returning to this material world,

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We Control The Mind By Two Senses

Our yoga also controls the senses; we control the mind by two senses. So one sense is vibrating, speaking with the tongue, and the other sense is hearing. If these two senses are fixed, then you can control your mind. We speak Hare Krsna mantra and we hear.

Japa Reform Notebook
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 10 Text 1
sri-suka uvaca
atra sargo visargas ca
sthanam posanam utayah
nirodho muktir asrayah

sri-sukah uvaca -- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said; atra -- in this Srimad-Bhagavatam; sargah -- statement of the creation of the universe; visargah -- statement of subcreation; ca -- also; sthanam -- the planetary systems; posanam -- protection; utayah -- the creative impetus; manvantara -- changes of Manus; isa-anukathah -- the science of God; nirodhah -- go
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Chanting should be enough in the forefront that we don’t chant our rounds while driving. It should be enough in the forefront that it gets prime time in the morning. If that’s what he meant by forefront, then yes, chanting should be in the forefront.

Japa Walks, Japa Talks
by Satsvarupa dasa Goswami
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Education and knowledge should never be used to simply fulfill our greed. When people use the knowledge they acquire to satisfy their greed, the society ends up being in a big mess. Is this what we want?


Our consciousness by nature is eternal, full of knowledge and full of joy. In a real joyful state based on truth, there can be no greed. Real joy and love wants only to be shared with everyone else.  The nature of love is to give; the nature of greed is to take

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Question: How You Say Krishna is the Only God?

Jesus Christ is the real truth. How do you say that Krishna is the only God? Where is the proof of His existence?  Could God be dual characterized?

Servant of God

Answer: We Only Say to Purely Love God

We are not trying to prove to you that Krishna is God. We simply desire that everyone should purely love God. That's all. There is a Supreme Being who is the source of all existence. This we can prove. That Supreme Being is known by different names in dif

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Amalaki iEkadashi

Amalakii EkAdasii

King MAndhAtA once said to Vasishtha Muni, "O great sage, kindly be merciful to me and tell me of a holy fast that will benefit me eternally."
        Vasishtha Muni replied. "O king, kindly listen as I describe the best of all fast days, Amalakii EkAdasi.  He who faithfully observes a fast on this EkAdasii obtains enormous wealth, gets free of the effects of all kinds of sins, and attains liberation.  Fasting on this EkAdasii is more purifying than donating one

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HG Radha Gopinath Prabhu's Class


1) Zoom in----Earth, Asia, India, Maharashtra, Mumbai, Chowpatty, SSRGM, Devotees dancing.

1st the larger picture and then zoom in for the details.

Similarly, SB condensed by Purna Prajna Prabhu or SB at a glance by Narayani Mataji shows us in summary what is in the SB. Then whatever we feel inspiredby, we zoom in to that canto, relish and come back. Then some other canto and so on.

Just as a not so intelligent student goes for a tuition class. The tuition teacher after years of experience of teach

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Simplicity Nectarean Mellows

Simplicity Nectarean Mellows class


Once at New Dwarka Srila Prabhupada was in his nice quarters. There was even a little chandelier. It was not really opulent. It was just basically nice. And Prabhupada said to one of his followers “Do you remember my quarters at Radha Damodara”? And in those days it wasn’t like it is now, Radha Damodara,it has been really renovated. It was just really simple - back in the early seventies, very very simple, like a little cave practically. He said “Do you remembe

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Paramatma and the time bomb affect


I was distributing books at the University of California Irvine campus in USA with Sachitanoy prabhu when I saw a young lady near by sitting and reading something. I looked closely and to my surprise she was reading "Krishna the Reservoir of Pleasure." I saw her reading and reading with a huge smile in her face.

She finsihed the pamplet and as she was leaving I asked her, "Did you liked what your were reading?"

She was surprised that I knew what she was reading and said, "Yes I did, every word tha

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Become cultured

Become cultured

Srimad Bhagavadam 7.8.34
Elderly men are supposed to be wise because they have been faced with life. An elderly person in spiritual life has become familiar with the process of devotional service therefore knows what to do and what not to do. He has tried to do the right thing and has encountered human limitations and has found that it is not just a matter of decision. We know that it is a culture. Theessence of our culture is that we are chanting Hare Krsna and trying to develop g
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Real association - by sound

There are two conceptions: the physical conception and the vibration
conception. So physical conception is temporary. The vibration
conception is eternal. Just like we are relishing the vibration of
Krishna’s teachings. So by vibration He is present.

As soon as we chant Hare Krishna or chant Bhagavad-gita or Srimad
Bhagavatam, He is present immediately by His vibration. He’s absolute.
Therefore try to remember His words of instruction and you’ll not feel
separation. You’ll feel that Krishna is with you
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Becoming Hopeful


The Lord comes and manifests His grace through His devotees
to give us hope that there is no situation that is ever hopeless.
By associating with people who have faith we acquire faith
and in that faith there is unlimted hope and unlimited possibilites.

-Story of Gajendra-

When Gajendra the elephant was caught by the crocodile in the water,
he fought with all his strength but gradually his strength began to wane.
In that situation he was very depressed and he realized that
neither my fam

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Surrender to Krishna is individual

Surrender to Krishna is individual

In class this morning, Prabhupada emphasized that no one can become
Krsna conscious except by their own choice. "It is all individual; I
have to surrender to Krsna individually. Just like when you go to the
sky on airplane, it is all individual. If one airplane is in danger,
other airplane cannot save him. That is not possible. Similarly, it is
all individual. It is all paratah svato va. One has to take it
seriously, personally, that 'Krsna wants, so I'll surrender. K
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How to Avoid Fault Finding?

How to Avoid Fault Finding?


Lord Chaitahnay said "you can get My Full Mercy by chanting the holy names and not finding faults with others".  One has to be adosha darshi.


Acharyas explain there are four types of people who see faults:


1) Like Daksha, who only sees faults.  Even amidst good qualities, they see only faults.  The reason is that the mind is full of that mentality.


2) See faults and good qualities side by side.  You can focus on whatever you see.  When you see faults look for good qua

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