
Is Man More Civilized Than Ever Before?

Is Man More Civilized Than Ever Before?

Modern Man Thinks He is more Civilized Then Ever Before?

Modern day life is all about:

  • materialism (lust for material things like fast cars, big houses, expensive clothing, costly parties etc…)
  • Sexual lust (relationships, sex before marriage, marriages based on lust (love marriages) extra marital affairs etc..)
  • Easy and quick dinners (eating frozen, un-fresh, micro-waved foods etc..)
  • Material education (learning to conquer outer space, make nuclear weapons etc..)

The result of Modern day life is depression, divorce, disease, and ignorance.

Did you know that our great grand parents had nothing compared to what we have, but they were a lot happier than us.

Did you know that people are more depressed today then ever before? We actually have drugs specially made for people who are depressed, to help them overcome depression.

Did you know that many marriages end in a divorce? Divorce was extremely rare in the days of our great grand parents.

Did you know that we have more diseases today then ever before? Fifty years ago there was no such thing as AIDS, today millions are dying from AIDS. Cancer is a common disease today. In was very rare in the days of our great grand parents.

Our great grand parents lived on freshly cooked foods, they never ate food cooked the day before or even several hours before. Modern man can only dream of the taste our grand parents tasted.

We want our children to go to the best Universities. To learn what? Does any educational institute teach anything about us? Who we are? Where we come from? Where we are going after this life? Why we suffer? How to truly advance in life? etc…

The truth is that Modern Man is more uncivilized than ever before.

Life in Kali Yuga: Humans Will Eat Leaves and Become Asses in the Future.

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  • All human race used to born with simple life because our fathers were born into this simple life. Now when you are born, it is the culture you have been given and once you fall into, there is no out until death, you work for materialistic value, you live for materialistic life and you socialised with people who have adopted same culture. Above all if you get partner who have been born into same culture if not worse then even God cannot rescue you even after the death because you never got time to know him so why should he try to know you?

    Yes one could rescue through Guru and our Guru His Hollyness Sri Prebhupadaji have given us the light so we could lead ourselves to brightness from darkness and saving your soul is the most importanant job we have nowe because illuminati type of people the Mayavadis wants your soul so they could buy you so they could make you theirs servent so you could look after theirs wealth and rest they offer you so you are the just keepers of theirs wealth, you believe it is all yours but we know now, you takes nothing not a penny you were just the keeeprs of theirs evil  wealth so the delusion they have created around our heads remain forever but our Guruji have shown us the true path so we could defend our soul.

    Yes karama is in our hands so pray  Krishna so Lord Krishna know our cry for help and help would definitly going to up.


    Hare Krishna




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