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Akshay Tritiya - Most auspicious day

4510361206?profile=RESIZE_584xAkshaya Tritiya, one of the most important days in the Vedic calendar. Akshaya Tritiya is the appearance day of Lord Parasurama, and it is also the day that the Ganges descended to the earth. Most devotees know it as the beginning of Candana-yatra, but actually many of Lord Krishna’s other pastimes also took place on this day, specifically those which highlight Krishna’s generous and intimate reciprocation with his devotees.

The very word Akshaya means “that which never diminishes”. Any servic

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Akshaya Tritiya by Giriraj Swami


The day known as Aksaya-tritiya occurs on the third (tritiya) day of the waxing moon in the month of Vaisakha. Every second of this blessed day is completely auspicious, and so there is no consideration of any one period (muhurta) being better than another. Aksaya means “inexhaustible”; anything a person undertakes on the day of Aksaya-tritiya is bound to succeed, especially the performance of devotional activities, which guarantee inexhaustible benefit.

It is said that Aksaya-tritiya is the

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Significance of Akshay Tritiya

Akshaya Tritiya day is the very auspicious day - there's no inauspiciousness to be found today so even checking muhurthas is considered unnecessary, so auspicious it is. Whatever one does for devotees, and for Krsna that person will get more benefit and it is eternal benefit and never lost. 

Some important events have taken place on Akshay Tritiya - 

1. Appearance of Lord Parasurama. 
2. Appearance of Mother Ganga. 
3. Beginning of chandan yatra (sun is directly above our head for 21 days and he

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Krishna Conscious devotees have been visiting the border cities of El Paso and Juarez to preach at various yoga centers since the early 1970s, but they now have a permanent presence in the city thanks to a flourishing home program run by a dedicated grihastha couple Krishna Charan Dasa and his wife, Jasmine Kim Fong. It’s called the New Nilachal Bhakti Yoga Community, and it is the temple home of Jagannatha, Balarama, and Subhadra.

A Not-So-Chance Meeting

In 2010, Krishna Charan (then Alfredo G

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“You are distributing this knowledge, so you become immediately recognized, very dear servant, very confidential servant of Krsna. He says personally. [Bg. 18.69]. “Amongst the human beings those who are doing this preaching, nobody is dearer than these persons to Me””

“To be quickly recognized by Krsna, this is the short-cut process. He never says those who are sitting in a secluded place meditating or chanting, doing nothing. He never says that “They are My very dear devotees.” But those who

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Features of Today by Bhaktimarga Swami


  • Like every day, I circumambulate the temple so many times, and that’s how I got my walking in today.

  • In the temple room, a very handicapped late teen fell with his walker, but got himself up like a hero.

  • Two schoolteachers came to see the temple and watched our rehearsal. “Are you professional?” asked one.


  • One person found a source of oat milk, which I humbly requested, and delivered cartons of it.

  • Bhakti Chaitanya Swami spoke about jealousy. Instead of envying one who is excellin

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Sri Gadadhara Pandita Appearance Day


Today Is The Appearance Day of Sri Gadadhara Pandita!

Rādhārāṇī had said one time that She would like to be in a male body. so she could associate with Kṛṣṇa without any inhibition. Therefore, as a result She came in the form of Gadādhara. And always remained in the association of Kṛṣṇa. When He was in Navadvīpa, and after that when Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu went to Nīlācala, Jagannātha Purī, Gadādhara Paṇḍita also went to Nīlācala Jagannātha Purī.

Gadādhara Prabhu in Jagannātha Purī, He would r

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Sri Kavi Karnapura states in Gaura Ganodessa Dipika that in Vraja lila Gadadhara Pandit is the daughter of King Vrsabhanu-Srimati Radharani. Gadad­hara Pandit served as Lord Gaura’s chief assistant during His Navadvipa-lila. Sri-Sri Radha Krishna in Vrndavana appear as Gaura-Gadadhara to perform pastimes in Navadvipa in the forest groves beside the Ganges.

shri-radha-prema-rupa ya pura vrindavandeshvari
sa shri-gadadharo gaura-vallabhah panditakhyakah
nirnitah shri-Svarupair yo vraja-lakshmitay

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By ISKCON Mayapur

gadadhara-paṇḍitadi — prabhura nija-sakti
tan’-sabara carane mora sahasra pranati

“I offer my respectful obeisances unto the internal potencies of the Lord, of whom Sri Gadadhara Prabhu is the foremost.” (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila 1.41)

Sri Gadadhara Pandita is one of the five Panca-tattva, who along with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Sri Nityananda Prabhu, Sri Advaita Acarya, and Srivasa Thakura descended to this world to teach pure devotional service and spread the chanti

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In this material world, relationships are short-lived. Growing up many people have said to each other that they will remain together forever, but due to providence such relationships hardly last for years. But such a scenario was unseen in the life of Gadadhara Pandit. He was the most intimate companion of Mahaprabhu and was very dear to Him [Mahaprabhu].

Gadadhara Pandit was born in the village of Beleti Gram in the Chittagong district (modern Bangladesh) in the year 1486 AD. His father was Ma

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Today is the most auspicious occasion of Sri Gadadhara Pandita’s appearance day. As many of you know, Lord Chaitanya is Krishna Himself in the role of His own devotee. He is Krishna, but with the complexion and mood of Srimati Radharani. There are different purposes for the Lord’s advent. The internal reason for Lord Chaitanya’s appearance is that He wanted to experience the glory of Srimati Radharani’s love for Him, the wonderful qualities in Him that She alone relishes through Her love, and t

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at Sri Ksetra Jagannatha Puri Dhama



Sri Tota Gopinatha is exquisitely beautiful self-manifested Deity of Lord Sri Krishna. Sri Tota Gopinatha is also a most unique Deity because He is the only Krishna Deity in the world “sitting down” and playing His flute.

Sri Tota Gopinatha has such a charismatic bewitching quality that draws one to His darshana over and over again. Srila Vrindavana Thakura extols His power: “Even an extreme atheist wil

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Gadadara Pandit was a childhood friend of Nimai and both were students in the same ‘Tol’ or school. Gadadhar’s parents Madhav Mishra and Ratnawati were natives of Chattagram district but later on moved to Navadwip. Gadadhara Pandit was born in Navadwip.

In the Gaura-ganodesa-dipika, verses 147 through 153, it is stated: “The pleasure potency of Sri Krishna formely known as Vrindavaneshvari Srimati Radharani is now personified in the form of Sri Gadadhara Pandit in the pastimes of Lord Chaitany

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On 25 January 2023, I was on book distribution in the basement parking area of a West Auckland mall. Books were going out slowly, and I noticed it was not as productive as the previous day at the same spot. As time went on, I was praying to Krishna, “Please send someone who can take books.”

Around 5 p.m. I was about to finish, but I thought I should stay a bit longer. A few minutes later, a white van stopped some distance from where I was standing, and the driver got out. As soon as I saw him,

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By Atma Tattva Das

Wake up South Africa (WuSA) is a newly established initiative by African devotees explicitly focused on African preaching in university settings. The active non-profit, recognized as an ISKCON affiliate for creative initiatives, is dedicated to sharing the principles of Bhakti Yoga to benefit society through five main objectives: mantra meditation, timeless knowledge, ethical leadership, Vedic lifestyle, and positive recreation. 

WuSA Projects include kirtan parties and prasa

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By Thomas Haribol 

Fifteen members of the New Vrindaban community recently participated in an intensive four-day Devotee Care Education and Training Course led by Jai Nitai Dasa and his wife, Bhava Bhakti Devi Dasi. Previous to their Devotee Care service, the presenters served in the ISKCON London temple for 25 years. Fourteen of those years, Jai Nita served as Temple President.

The course is a ministry of Devotee Care International, an initiative of the GBC. Its goal is to “embed the culture o

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The Krishna House Dallas ashram recently opened in East Dallas, across the street from the Sri Sri Radha Kalachandji temple. The ashram is following the successful formula of Krishna House Gainesville, which is renowned for bringing hundreds of people to Krishna Consciousness through its warm and accommodating mood. The Krishna House Dallas ashram is a co-ed ashram that provides a live-in experience for those who want to practice Bhakti. To live in the Krishna House you can be working or studyin

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A most heartwarming sight during my visit to the French yatra is the example set by Janananda Goswami, a full-time sankirtana devotee. He prefers being on the road and distributing Srila Prabhupada’s mercy, in the form of his books, even in the harsh winters. He is the inspiration behind the sankirtana efforts in France, and he leads by example, tirelessly distributing books on streets or in airports, planes, and bus stations and everywhere else he sets foot.

Janananda Goswami’s enthusiasm is c

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Darwin’s Mistake by Bali Mardan dasa


His conclusions rest heavily on a thin surface of guesswork.
Real evidence supporting his theory is in short supply.

Over the past 150 years, the expanding role of science in almost every sphere of life has produced a revolution in ideas—a revolution epitomized by Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. Although never proven more than a theory, it is accepted by millions as fact. In discussing the influence and implications of his theory, I shall suggest an alternative explanation of evolution th

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By Thomas Haribol  

On March 30th, the “Building Peace around Ancient Cultures” forum was held in the Legislative Palace of San Lázaro in Mexico City, coinciding with the Rama Navami festival. The Federal Commission for Culture and Cinematography organized the joint gathering, chaired by Deputy Carlos Francisco Ortiz Tejeda, in collaboration with NIOS (the North American Institute of Oriental and Classical Studies). NIOS is an educational research institution at the service of ISKCON and was fo

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