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What Does Lord Brahma Create?

Question: What Does Lord Brahma Create?

Respected Gurudeva,

At the beginning of the universe all of the souls are impregnated into the universe by the glancing of Mahavishnu. So what does Lord Brahma create at the beginning of the universe? Is it only the bodies of the living entities, the water and the land?


Answer: Material Bodies and Material Planets

Being empowered by Krishna, Brahmaji from his own body and mind creates the 8,400,000 different types of bodies for the inhabitants of the mater

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Charge Your Batteries Every Day

If you want to have a productive day of mobile phone use, you must make sure to fully charge your mobile phone's battery before you start your day. And if you want to also have a productive spiritually enlightening and fulfilling day, you need to make sure to charge your spiritual battery also with a deep, intense meditation session. There are many different meditation techniques, but in this hectic materialistic age there is only one technique that is sufficiently powerful to elevate your consc

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Thought Of The Day

Love affairs in the material world are only shadows or reflections of the real love with Krishna. If you love Krishna in any capacity, you shall never be frustrated because everything in Krishna is perfect, eternal, blissful, and full of knowledge

By H.D.G Srila Prabhupada

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Ask for what you want

Ask for what you want

It is astonishing what you can accomplish by simply asking for what you want – help, forgiveness, an idea, another chance, a break, or whatever. And not only can you get what you want by asking for it, but often the person you are asking will thank you for taking the initiative.

If it’s so obviously helpful and important to ask for what we want, why do so few of us do it? Once again, the answer is fear. We worry about the outcome. We’re afraid of rejection or a negative respo
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How Am I Different from Krishna?

Question: How Am I Different from Krishna?

If everyone is within Krishna, how can we be separate from Krishna? If Krishna is like the ocean, I am like a drop. So am I different from the ocean?


Answer: Just as Water Molecules are Distinct

Since Krishna is the complete whole and we are only tiny parts of the complete whole, Krishna can be compared to the ocean and we can be compared to the drops of water. The tiniest drop of water is a water molecule. The water molecule maintains its individuall

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Matter, Antimatter, and Liberation

One of the most significant breakthroughs in modern science has been the discovery of antimatter. Even though this discovery was made in 1959, it still remains now almost five decades later one of the greatest achievements of modern science. Of course the existence of antimatter is nothing new to those who are learned in the ancient Vedic science. The existence of both matter and antimatter is clearly described in the 5,000 years old Bhagavad-gita by Lord Krishna as follows: 

sad asac caham Arjun

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No other business.

No other business. 


053.gifSo the gopis' activities, they are the supreme platform of pure devotion. There is no other business, there is no other business. Gopis, they are not interested to know philosophically whether Krsna is God. Although they are seeing every step, Krsna is God. Mother Yasoda is that Krsna is God. Gopis also gopi-jana-vallabha giri-vara-dhari. Krsna is lifting the Govardhana Hill, who can do it except God? They are seeing it, still they do not know that Krsna is God. Krsna is wond
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 10 Text 31
bhumy-ap-tejomayah sapta
prano vyomambu-vayubhih

tvak -- the thin layer on the skin; carma -- skin; mamsa -- flesh; rudhira -- blood; medah -- fat; majja -- marrow; asthi -- bone; dhatavah -- elements; bhumi -- earth; ap -- water; tejah -- fire; mayah -- predominating; sapta -- seven; pranah -- breathing air; vyoma -- sky; ambu -- water; vayubhih -- by the air.

The seven elements of the body, na
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 10 Text 30
nididhyasor atma-mayam
hrdayam nirabhidyata
tato manas candra iti
sankalpah kama eva ca

nididhyasoh -- being desirous to know; atma-mayam -- own energy; hrdayam -- the location of the mind; nirabhidyata -- was manifested; tatah -- thereafter; manah -- the mind; candrah -- the controlling deity of the mind, the moon; iti -- thus; sankalpah -- determination; kamah -- desire; eva -- as much as; ca -- also.

When there was a desire to think about th
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 10 Text 29
aditsor anna-pananam
asan kuksy-antra-nadayah
nadyah samudras ca tayos
tustih pustis tad-asraye

aditsoh -- desiring to have; anna-pananam -- of food and drink; asan -- there became; kuksi -- the abdomen; antra -- the intestines; nadayah -- and the arteries; nadyah -- the rivers; samudrah -- seas; ca -- also; tayoh -- of them; tustih -- sustenance; pustih -- metabolism; tat -- of them; asraye -- the source.

When there was a desire to have food a
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Offering to Krishna

It wasn't long before the devotees in Sydney and Melbourne were competing to have the nicest temple. Prabhupada approved of the mood:

I am encouraged to hear from you that Melbourne temple is even better than Sydney temple, so I must surely come there to see it. Go on like this, transcendental rivalry, just like San Francisco and Los Angeles. This pleases me very much. But it is not that we are envious! No, material envy is not like that. Even the gopis, they were envious of on
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God's a person

City authorities in Melbourne began to soon realise that the street chanting was going to be a regular affair. Now, almost on a daily basis, police interrupted the kirtanas. Without a permit, they said, chanting on the City Square was not permissible. Since such a permit could not be granted, the chanters would have to move.

The devotees relocated to a small square behind the Post Office, and were moved on again. In a battle of wits, the devotees moved onto the Post Office steps. Si
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Sri Sri Radha Gopinatha

Friday, 14 May 1971

Srila Prabhupada sat in the tiny temple room, surrounded by his new disciples in front of the Deities of Sri Sri Radha Gopinatha. Srila Prabhupada had his reasons for bringing Radha and Krsna to Australia -- some of them apparent, others so deep that perhaps only he and Radha and Krsna could understand them.

Of course, he was always expanding his movement, of which Deity worship was an important part -- so that was one reason for bringing Radha and Krsna
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GOD Provides

A generous king once ruled in the land of Andhra. Every day two beggars used to come to him for alms and he always gave them food and money. On receiving the alms one of them, the older one, used to say: "God provides." The other beggar, the younger of the two, would say: "Our king provides." One day the king gave them more money than usual, whereupon the older man cried out lustily: "God provides." This annoyed the king who thought: "It is I who am feeding him and he keeps saying: 'God provides
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If We Purify

Of course, with this mind you cannot understand. 
You cannot think of Krsna. 
With this tongue you cannot chant Hare Krsna. 
With these ears you cannot hear what is Hare Krsna. 
With these eyes you cannot see what is Krsna. 
But if you purify... 
Just like cataractic eyes cannot see, but if you purify the eyes, then you can see everything. 
The eyes will remain as it is, but you have to purify. 
The process is purification. 
Sevonmukhe hi jihvadau. 
That purification takes place when you engage yourself i

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Mercy Of Guru

Mercy of Guru

The mercy can be there but you take advantage of mercy by reading and chanting. If you don’t take advantage of the mercy then what can a Guru do.The Guru can only give you the right instruction. 

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 Where on Planet earth is this scene? Is it at the Arctic Circle?

No. This is the toxic river Yamuna in Noida Delhi.

There is no river in the world as polluted as the most sacred river in the world. It is a long way from the crystal clear Yamuna river in the Himalayas, with the cool delicious water that can purify anyone of all sins and give pure bhakti (love of God.)


On the 26 March a team of 7 ISKCON devotees of various nationality followed the course of the Yamuna river by raft from 50km south o

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Nyali%20A.jpgMombasa, Kenya celebrated a very special Ram Navami festival as a beautiful new ISKCON temple was opened and Their Lordships Sri Sri Sita Rama Laksman Hanuman were installed and welcomed to reside in Nyali to give Their blessings to all the residents of Mombasa.

The festivities of the grand opening of New Dwarikadham Temple in Nyali, Mombasa were spread over five days beginning with Nagar sankirtana in the Nyali area on Saturday 9th April 2011.

On Sunday 10th April 2011 devotees and well wishers a

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" Be Reminded About The Goal Of Life "


If you associate with the devotees of the temple every week, if your come here every week, if you chant the holy name on the regular basis, your intelligence will be sharp and you will be able to understand and be reminded about the goal of life. And if on the other hand we miss this opportunity then you never know when you will get this opportunity.



(His Holiness Gopal Krishna Goswami, BG 7.3, 19.05.2001, Moscow)

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     To a world where truth gets masked by glittering advertisements and simplicity seems to be lost in oblivion, life seems to be an unending race of insecurity, resistance and perpetual dissatisfaction. There is something which is getting negatively programmed in our subconscious being. The greatest reason of unhappiness can be attributed to the aggressive advertisement strategy which makes you feel lost and it’s a constant dilemma in which one is bound to live. If you have that, you are great

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