New York
My Dear Brahmananda,
Please accept my blessings. I am in due re
The Final Test Presently, we see that we are in a beautiful situation-beautiful body, beautiful environment, beautiful facilities. Now this beautiful situation should somehow or the other be utilized for a happy ending. If the end is not happy then the whole human life has been a failure.
By H.H.Srila Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj
New York
My Dear Brahmananda,
Please accept my blessings. I am in due re
Prabhupada: ...the business of the representative of Krishna to push the nipple. (?) Because they know what is the necessity. The whole world is upset for want of Krishna consciousness. This is the necessity. It is not a, I mean to say, whimsical sporting. It is the necessity. But they do not know. It is a very responsible task. That is called prayojana. Is it clear? What do you think? Huh?
Svarupa Damodara: Yes, they... There has to be...
Prabhupada: They do not know. The scientists, they do not
"It is better to think that spiritual advancement depends on our effort. Otherwise you will just wait for mercy. In English there is a saying, God helps those who help themselves. Krishna also says, ‘All of them, as they surrender unto Me, I reward them accordingly’. So the key is attentive chanting.
-By H.H. Srila Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj
For those who want to be initiated in this Society for Krsna
consciousness, there are four principles: no illicit sex, no
intoxication, no meat-eating, and no gambling. We don't say, "No sex."
But we do say, "No illicit sex." If you want sex, get married and have
Krsna conscious children. "No intoxication" means not even taking tea
or coffee—to say nothing of other intoxicants. And there is no
gambling and no meat-eating (including fish and eggs). Simply by
following these four basic rules and regulati
Krishna is Adhoksaja, difficult to understand but through the medium of devotional service what is difficult becomes easy. Those who engage on the path of devotional service they can gradually understand the Lord depending upon their degree of surrender.
(Gopal Krishna Goswami, BG 7.3, 19.5.2001, Moscow)
Question: How is Spiritual Master's Body Spiritual? |
It is said in scriptures that the body of a spiritual master is never to be considered a material body. Then, in this present material world, why does the spiritual master seem to take birth, get old, sometimes get sick and at the end leave his body at the time of death? |
Answer: Like an Iron Rod in the Fire |
Even though the spiritual master's body is still under the laws of material nature, it is a fully spiritualized body because it is fully |
There may be so many faults in devotees but at least they will tell others to chant “Hare Krishna”, at least they will tell other to surrender to Lord Krishna, and Hence one will be victorious over maya. One must take full advantage of the devotees association.
His Holiness Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj
If there is little pain in the finger, I become so much disturbed because I have got intimate connection with this finger. Similarly,we have got intimate connection with Krishna, and we are fallen. Therefore, Krishna also feels little pain, and therefore, He comes down. Krishna is feeling pain. So you become Krishna conscious.Then Krishna will feel pleasure. (Conversations, Vrindavan, 24th April, 1975).
-By H.D.G.Srila Prabhupada
ISKCON Calcutta - new era dawning...