
Gaurav and I took to the river trail along the Assiniboine that led to 'The Forks' where that river converges with the Red. But while water flows in these two forces, so little H20 has come from the skies in days. The prairies need the rains. Will they come?

The three energies that are so much spoken of in the Bhagavad-gita are very evident in all aspects of life. As we paced along, we were noticing that when greeting people, each pedestrian displayed one of those three modes – either goodness, passion, or ignorance. For instance, a very open expression of "Good morning!" with a smile from someone became obvious to Gaurav as being a gesture of goodness. When the greeting was done in the spirit of obligation or duty, we saw that as passion, as less heartfelt. When there was no expression at all or no reciprocation with our salutation, it spells out ignorance.

I spent some quality time with the ISKCON temple servant leader, Visvambhar, and that occurred under a ruthless sun. When it came time to proceed to Brandon (population 50,000), all four of our crew were good and ready to sit in our car for its shade. We were off to a gathering in a gentleman's tidy garage which sheltered close to 100 people of Gujarati descent. I was telling them of Prabhupada's mission coming to New York and Pennsylvania – the struggles and triumphs.

When I last walked through Brampton in 2003, there was a handful of families from India. Now there are hundreds. A second program drew us to Inspire Yoga lead by Emily. We chanted asking for rain. It came. Nice groups in both cases.

Source: https://www.thewalkingmonk.net/post/people-came-and-so-did-rain

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