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From Back to Godhead

By Bhurijana Dasa

Duty calls a prince to leave his spiritual practices in the
mountains and set an example of real renunciation as a king.

Perhaps you’ve heard a tale of some wealthy person who renounced this world for the service of God. The Fifth Canto of the Srimad-Bhagavatam relates another kind of story: that of an adept renunciant who becomes a king on the order of the Supreme Lord. Can he resist the pleasures of palace life? Can he spiritually survive? What can tod

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Krishna Controlled By Pure Devotees


From Back to Godhead

By Rasa Purusa Dasa

Why ISKCON is creating devotees of devotees. In the Srimad-Bhagavatam (9.4.63) the Supreme Personality of Godhead says the following to Durvasa Muni, who had committed an offense against Maharaja Ambarisha:

sri-bhagavan uvaca
aham bhakta-paradhino
hy asvatantra iva dvija
sadhubhir grasta-hrdayo
bhaktair bhakta-jana-priyah

“The Supreme Personality of Godhead said to the brahmana: I am completely under the control of My devotees. Indeed, I am not at a

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May 26-29, 2023, was the 10th anniversary of the Sadhu Sanga Kirtan Retreat held this year at the Marriott Dallas Allen Hotel and Convention Center in Texas. The sold-out gathering welcomed 3,000 devotees from 42 US states and 14 countries, including places as diverse as Iceland and Qatar. The event hosted over 24 hours of joyful kirtans expertly by the MC Sacinandana Swami. It featured Acyuta Gopi, Badahari Das, Gauravani Das, Indradyumna Swami, Madhava Das, Mahatma Das, Mayuri Gandharvika, Mu

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Two Trees by Bhaktimarga Swami


It was under a young oak tree that I sat with cell phone propped up on the picnic table in Victoria Park in Hamilton. It's just great to have these Zoom calls while enjoying the out of doors while going inward. Today's Gita Chat brought us to talks about yet another tree – the banyan tree. This tree of an allegorical nature is illusionary and represents our physical world in a topsy turvy manner. It is a tree with branches twisting and turning, very in tangling like life itself. From this tree,

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  1. Jai SriKrishna



Happiness, I searched for you
Here, there, and everywhere.
Many meaningful moments missed
You were elusive and escaping me.

With family and friends,
Amidst the lotus 🪷 ponds
Under the cool trees you hid.🌳
Dear mother Nature pointed to you➡️ 🖼

Wow! The fragrant flowers 💐
The magnificent mountains⛰️🏔
The opulent oceans 🏞
You are seated there. Waiting!

Within our hearts and mind
You shine splendourosly 🌞🌻🌄
Oh! If only I knew. Got you now!
You just can’t escape me ever.

Needless to say, o

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Freedom to fly


                        Freedom to fly  🦅 ✈️

Freedom comprises of spiritual, intellectual, financial, social, emotional, and moral. It is that supreme elixir that emancipates us at every level, and is an oxygen that breathes life into us.

Freedom is a celebration of the myriad silken hues of our experiences, emotions, environment, and our mother Earth HERSELF.

Freedom to fly
(excerpts from the Nightingale diary)

My wings do not stop me
From flying faster and higher
Is it

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Letting go gently......

                              Letting go gently...

Oftentimes, we are brought to the crossroads of our life. At that time, everything seems to have come to a conclusion. The light seems blurry, but this is the divine most indication of a bright beautiful beginning. Spring is approaching while autumn is shedding the old leaves for making space for the new is simply superb.
The only golden bond that is worth gently holding on to, is with our suprememost Lord SriKrishna. The permanen
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By Thomas Haribol

After nearly 25 years of preaching and service in California’s Sacramento and Folsom areas, devotees are delighted to announce the imminent arrival of a new temple building to meet the needs of their growing community and outreach. Sacramento, California, is a vibrant city known for its rich history, diverse culture, and significant growth. Over the years, Sacramento has experienced an impressive transformation, with a thriving economy, expanding urban development, and a growi

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Some walkers by Bhaktimarga Swami


After getting some dental cleansing done in Brampton, I was kindly driven to my home at 243 Avenue Road, Toronto. Nanda Drove me to the dentist, and Rasaraja drove me for the return. I took my walk accompanied by my japa beads. It was evening darkness now, and a couple passed by. I got that remark from the woman which is quite common, “That outfit you're wearing is really cool.”

“Thanks, and it's really comfortable.”
“Take care,” she said.

I returned back from Ramsden Park, which i

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Devasnana Purnima or Snana Yatra is a festival of Lord Jagannath and is said to be one of the oldest. According to Skanda Purana when Raja Indradyumna installed the deities, he arranged this bathing ceremony. This day is said to be the birthday of Lord Jagannath. Held in the full-moon day of the month of Jyestha this festival is also simultaneously held in all other important temples of Jagannath. However, the festival being most elaborate and important at Puri, it attracts thousands of visitor

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By Thomas Haribol

Beginning this Saturday, June 3rd, 2023, ISKCON’s Congregational Development Ministry will offer an online “Bhagavad Gita Course For Children.” The exciting new offering, provided in both English and Spanish, will be taught by Nikunja Nivasini Devi Dasi. It’s aimed at children between 8 and 13 (each age will be given age-appropriate learning materials).

The course is designed to serve temples with established programs for children, parents who educate at home and as an alterna

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Reincarnation, of course, is accepted as a given in India’s mystical literature, and, according to Eastern sensibility, its truth undergirds any genuine metaphysical understanding of life. We are spirit-soul, say texts like the Bhagavad-gītā (2.13, 21, 22, among others), and not the material body. We are a quantum of energy, and energy, we learn from the natural sciences, is never created or destroyed. It continues to exist in some form. God, too, is spiritual substance, and He/She/It reincarna
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Like a normal day in my life, there is often time for a stroll, and for me, it came this evening after the sun subsided and the fireworks went off to honour the day known in Canada as Victoria Day. Mind you, not all of the country is so supportive of the monarchy. Almost half of Canada backs the current structure of having a king or queen on the throne. Well, it really depends on which survey you are looking at. For sure, ties with the British dynasty are fading, and I can't imagine French Cana

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We have gathered at the lotus feet of the Pancha-tattva on this most auspicious occasion of Raghunatha dasa Gosvami’s cida-dadhi festival, the background to which can be found in his early life. Raghunatha dasa’s uncle and father, Hiranya and Govardhana Majumadara, were wealthy landlords in Bengal—almost like kings—and had a huge, opulent riverside palace, with boats that plied the river. Hiranya and Govardhana were generous and devoted to brahminical culture, and they practically maintained th

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A Prophecy Fulfilled By Sesa Dasa


From Back to Godhead

Lord Caitanya launched His mission of mercy in
West Bengal. Five hundred years later, Srila Prabhupada
took that mission to heart and to the entire world.


The flat, verdant ricelands of West Bengal’s district of Nadia appear timeless and remote. Farmers till the soil with oxen and wooden plows in this land seemingly unconcerned with today’s modern world. Yet Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who appeared here five hundred years ago, predicted that the spiritual movement He start

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By Atma Tattva Das

In a dynamic effort to strengthen and support women within the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), The Women’s Collective – South Africa has emerged as a platform for empowerment, conversation, and sisterhood. Led by the dedicated Rasasthali Dasi, this independent platform for devotees aims to facilitate personal connections, provide support, and create a space where women can thrive in their spiritual journeys.

Rasasthali Dasi, editor for Hare Krishna N

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One thing I find absolutely disgusting is the sexploitation that our children are exposed to. Recently, I saw footage of a drag queen displaying movements of a sexual nature in front of young children. How can any educational institution anywhere on this planet permit such a thing? What state of confusion do we anticipate will come of this? Is it not a kind of grooming?

When I think of the term sucks in the Vedic context, Sri Krishna speaks of kama as an act not contrary to dharma or righteousn

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By Atma Tattva Das

In a groundbreaking move to spread the teachings of Srimad Bhagavatam and advance Vedic education, the renowned ISKCON Bhagavata Mahavidyalaya has launched a new educational program in collaboration with the Simhachalam community. With a vision to serve Europe and Africa, this initiative aims to provide a systematic and accessible platform for studying sacred scriptures.

Under the leadership of Govinda Dev Das, currently serving as the Temple President and facilitating the es

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On our Zoom “Gita Chat” call, our group discussed chapter 15, “The Yoga of the Supreme Person,” wherein There's a whole description of the banyan tree. Near the end, we dwelt on all kinds of trees. From that discussion time, i left for my walk connected with trees (especially the lilacs), and then people.

On my way I met four religious students from Tennessee who came with the group on Monday. They remarked how their visit to the temple was a highlight.

Further on, kiddy corner to the Christi

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