sacrifice (5)

ULTIMATE SACRIFICE by Bhaktimarga Swami

13522006861?profile=RESIZE_584xOur best audience to date is the group of students from SMIS.  This beautiful flock of over 300 enthusiasts graced the auditorium.  Oh, how they love the story of the dwarf avatar!  The performers were in top form.  They repeated their excellent performance (I don’t want to say ‘perfect’ because you can always tweak or polish – improve).  It was an evening show.


I asked the young students what their favourite portion of the drama was.  As usual, that is very individual, whether it was the b

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Sacrifice comes from the word sacred, and in one of the ancient wisdom literature’s there’s a mention about how nobody can live peacefully without some kind of sacrifice, some austerity in their life. 

The term ‘austerity,’ conjure images of stern monks, impossible disciplines, and self-denial, however, austerity is not about severe asceticism but about doing something that leads to spiritual fulfillment.

Welcoming Austerity Brings About Change a Heart

A new program in one of the state prisons

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Everyone is making sacrifices for material benefit. But those are the sacrifices that we need to gradually detach ourselves from and just make some sacrifice for Krsna instead. So therefore, purification remains in our mind daily in whatever we do. Let us keep our head low, and let us not think that we are so qualified, because whatever credits we have, we got them from Prabhupada’s movement. It is as simple as that; that is where our credits come from. Whatever little service we were allowed t

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"Everyone must perform sacrifice," Lord Krsna says. And He comes
as Caitanya Mahaprabhu to show us how easy it can be.

A lecture in London on September 5, 1973

na tyajyam karyam eva tat
yajno danam tapas caiva
pavanani manisinam

"Acts of sacrifice, charity, and penance are not to be given up; they must be performed. Indeed, sacrifice, charity, and penance purify even the great souls." (Bhagavad-gita 18.5)

There are four stages of spiritual life: brahmacarya [celibate stude

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“I’m here to make a sacrifice”

9986181655?profile=RESIZE_584xQuestion: You gave an example of Vyasadeva, who compiled the Vedic literatures and Narada Muni said it was all useless because it didn’t have a connection to the Supreme Lord, so is there any use of propagating Ayurveda, Yoga and things like that, to attract people or better we should represent pure devotional service?
His Holiness Bhakti Bhringa Govinda Swami: We should always represent pure devotional service. There’s no question about that. We’re not here to teach people how to make money. We

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