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Many times people say things like, “I don’t have time to exercise,” what they really should be saying is, “I don’t have time not to exercise.” 

If you lose your health and sense of well-being, you won’t make it to work at all. In the long run, it takes far less time to take care of yourself than it does to lose your ability to function well.

One should eat well, exercise, get plenty of rest, have regular physical checkups, and partake in other healthy habits. In addition to the obvious problems as
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Principles Of Surrender...

Principles Of Surrender...1. First Principle of Surrender: Dainya, Humility2. Second Principle of Surrender: Atma-Nivedana, Dedication of the Self3. Third Principle of Surrender: Goptrtve-Varana, Acceptance of the Lord as Sole Maintainer4. Fourth Principle of Surrender: 'Avasya Raksibe Krsna'-Visvasa, Palana: Faith in Krsna as Protector5. Fifth Principle of Surrender: Bhakti-Pratikula-Bhava Varjanangikara: Renunciation of Conduct Unfavorable to Pure Devotion6. Svikara: Acceptance of Activities F
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K C thought ....

If one is serious about liberation from the material bondage one has to understand the distinctions between the action, inaction and unauthorised actions as well.......hare krishna 

may we all be blessed by a kc day ahead

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Qualifications of a devotee

Qualifications of a devotee

Since a devotee is kind to everyone, he does not act in such a way as to put others into anxiety. At the same time, if others try to put a devotee into anxiety, he is not disturbed. It is by the grace of the Lord that he is so practiced that he is not disturbed by any outward disturbance. Actually because a devotee is always engrossed in Krsna consciousness and engaged in devotional service, such material circumstances cannot move him. 

He may construct a temple for the
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Nityananda is eternal happiness

Balaräma means guru-tattva. Balaräma represents guru. Yasya prasädäd
bhagavat-prasädaù. If we want to understand Caitanya Mahäprabhu, if we
want to understand Krsna, then we must take shelter of Balaräma.

- This Vedic injunction, means “Without the mercy of Balaräma you
cannot understand, you cannot realize your spiritual identification.
So that Balaräma comes as Nityänanda Prabhu. Balaräma hailä nitäi.
Therefore we must take shelter of Balaräma.If we take shelter of
Nityänanda Prabhu, then we get peac
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One should search out a bona fide spiritual master who can lead him gradually to the stage of spiritual realization, and one must submit himself to such a spiritual master, render him service and ask relevant questions.

Reporter: How can a person tell he has a genuine guru?
Srila Prabhupada: Can any of my students answer this question?
Disciple: Once I remember John Lennon asked you, "How will I know who is the genuine guru?" And you answered,"Just find out the one who is most addicted to Krsna. He
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Simplicity……………….Nectarean Mellows


Once at New Dwarka Srila Prabhupada was in his nice quarters. There was even a little chandelier. It was not really opulent. It was just basically nice. And Prabhupada said to one of his followers “Do you remember my quarters at Radha Damodara”? And in those days it wasn’t like it is now, Radha Damodara, it has been really renovated. It was just really simple - back in the early seventies, very very simple, like a little cave practically. He said “Do you rememb

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devotees are never discouraged

devotees are never discouraged

In the face of great obstacles we have two choices: we can either give up hope and lose our Krishna consciousness, or we can see the wonderful, wonderful, opportunities that Krishna must be giving us in this condition and thus make progress in our Krishna consciousness.
Every obstacle that Krishna put Srila Prabhupada in only glorified him all the more for the whole world to appreciate. When you think about how he was penniless, how he suffered two heart attacks, he
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A Beautiful Prologue!

Somebody once remarked, "The beauty of the soul shines out when a man knows that the greatness is not of him, but through him; when he sees something divine in every other being and is endlessly, foolishly, incredibly merciful." The following story that appeared in Speaking Tree's 'Soul Soup' column sometime ago, is a wonderful example.


A mother, wishing to encourage her son's progress at playing the piano, bought tickets to a performance by the great Polish pianist Ignace Paderewski. When the ev
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More Lesson From Mother Ganges

2514840660?profile=originalEvery day Mother Ganges taught many lessons to Richard (now Radhanath Swami). One day Richard observed that although being in the swift current of the river, one is greatly affected but sitting on the bank, we can observe the flow with detachment. Similarly if we detach ourselves from the mind and the world, we too can observe life soberly and thus gain wisdom. One day he meditated on the millions of years of history that had been enacted on the banks of Ganges. From the age of Aryans to the med

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The Jagannatha Rathayatra held at Puri is famous all over the world ever since Srila Prabhupada first initiated it overseas in San Francisco in 1967. In Puri, huge well decorated wooden rathas (chariots) moved on wheels are constructed and the Deities of the Divine siblings of Jagannatha (Krishna), Balarama and Subhadra are mounted and pulled through roads from Jagannatha Puri main temple to Gundicha temple, where They remain for a minimum of one week and return after nine days. It is an absolut

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See it to believe it! The Lord Himself will make a public appearance in Singapore!


On 24th July 2011 Their Lordships Jagannatha Baladeva and Subhadra will be granting us their Divine darshan during an unprecedented festival of chariots (Ratha Yatra) at the Toa Payoh stadium.


All are invited to be a part of this grand celebration - a matchless feast for the eyes, ears and tongue.

Special feature: The Rath (chariot) of Their Lordships is made from pure silver and will be kindly lent to us for the o

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Healthy Cookwares

Healthy Cookwares

Hare Krishna Devotees,
Dandavats, All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Cooking pot releases it's substance in food while being cooked in it. Best cooking is one in earthen pots, which is more or less practically impossible here. Earth releases elements which are best for body constitution. Jagannath Puri cooking happens in earthen pots.

Brass is second best option as far as metals are concerned, keep in mind, it's costly. Cast iron is also very good, releasing valuable iron for body in
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Question:  Why Did I Not Become Self-Realized?

A few years ago I was meditating without any goal and to my surprise my thinking stopped completely and there was only the feeling of existence, without any body or anything else. When I returned from this state I felt a great euphoria and love for everything. But it didn't last long. I am still identifying with the body after this experience. Why didn't I become self-realized?

Thank you for answering and for the great course,


Answer: You Did Not

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The Kirtan Standards Committee

The Kirtan Standards Committee (KSC) was established by the GBC to formulate clear standards and guidelines for kirtan within ISKCON based on the statements of Srila Prabhupada, and to present their findings for approval by the GBC body. The below are the first of such approved standards and guidelines.

Musical Instruments to be used for Kirtan and Bhajan in Temple Worship and Public Presentations in ISKCON

In our analysis of Srila Prabhupada's various instructions concerning instrument use during

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Carefully engage your mind in devotional activities ……...… Nectarean Mellows
We must never put our trust in this illusory energy. We must always understand the need of strictly surrendering to Krish na . And that is why it is so important to have a very disciplined, strict life; to keep that determination alive in our hearts. Srila Prabhupada used to tell us, "If you simply, strictly and attentively chant sixteen rounds every day; if you carefully follow the four regulative principles, if you ca
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The Secret

Once upon a time, Sanatana Goswami had a sparśa-maṇi.  A sparśa-maṇi is a touchstone.  Nowadays these stones are not often found, but we have heard about them.  And when you touch metal with this stone, it turns to gold.  Ooh, we wouldn’t mind a few stones like that, hmm?

Nowadays such stones are very rare, but Sanatana Goswami had such a stone.  Whatever he touched with the stone, turned to gold.  And what did Sanatan Goswami do?  He threw it over his shoulder on the garbage heap, and then he sa
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 3 Chapter 2 Text 1
2. Remembrance of Lord Krsna

sri-suka uvaca
iti bhagavatah prstah
ksattra vartam priyasrayam
prativaktum na cotseha
autkanthyat smaritesvarah

sri-sukah uvaca -- Sri Sukadeva said; iti -- thus; bhagavatah -- the great devotee; prstah -- being asked; ksattra -- by Vidura; vartam -- message; priya-asrayam -- regarding the dearest; prativaktum -- to reply; na -- not; ca -- also; utsehe -- became eager; autkanthyat -- by excessive anxiety; smarita -- remembrance;
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Boiling down milk

Srila Prabhupada had recently brought to the attention of his GBC men a disturbing new trend: many of his disciples were not studying his books. Certainly Prabhupada had wanted many new centres opened -- but not at the expense of personal purity.

Prabhupada had written to one senior disciple:
Now we shall concentrate on making our devotees Krishna conscious and not be so much concerned with expanding ourselves widely without any spiritual content.

Srila Prabhupada had made an analo
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