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Thought Of The Day

So as our this material body is not our real form... The real form is within this body, spiritual form. This body is explained as the dress. The dress is made when there is a real form. Just like you have got coat. Because you have got hands, the coat has got a hand. Your shirt: because you have got hand, the shirt has got a hand. But you are not the shirt or the coat. Similarly, because we are spiritual forms, maybe very minute, therefore we grow our hands and legs and heads and so many things.

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Angira Muni

Angira Muni

He is one of the six mental sons of Brahma and the father of Vrihaspati the great learned priest of the demigods in the heaventy planets. He is born of the semen of Brahmaji given to the cinder of fire. Utthato and Samvarta are his sons and it is said that he is still performing austerity and chanting the holy name of the Lord at a place known as Alokananda on the bank of the Ganges.

Angira Muni, who strictly followed the rigid principles of the Atharva Vedas, was the leader of the fol

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Our False Ego

Krsna… such a beautiful transcendental word! It has so many meanings hidden in it, so many layers, and so many forms.

Once we know about Krsna, it is difficult to not think of His glories. He astonishes us with His power. He surprises us with His leelas. He loves us with His heart. And he takes care of us with His mercy. Oh, this language has such a dearth of words… words that can accurately describe Him and the love that we share with Him. (I wonder if there is a transcendental language that can

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Recently, Krishna-premarupa Dasa, a young monk and priest who heads the ISKCON Temple in Zurich, Switzerland, was a weekend guest at the World Monastery in Radolfzell, Germany. This was the third time he was invited to the monastery. This time he was invited to be part of an evening dialogue featuring himself with eighty-six-year-old Shaikh-ul-Mashaik Mahmud Khan, the President of the International Sufi Movement in The Hague. Mr. Khan travels worldwide to discuss Sufi meditation. There were thir

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Glories of Gita Jayanti by Giriraj Maharaj


October 23, 2009


This year, Gita Jayanti, the day on which Lord Krsna spoke the Bhagavad-gita to Arjuna, will be celebrated on November 28.

The Bhagavad-gita is also known as the Gitopanisad and is considered one of the Upanisads. The title Bhagavad-gita is sometimes translated as "The Song of God." Gita mean "song." God, Krsna, is so sublime that whatever He speaks is music and poetry. The word bhagavan has been analyzed by Vedic authorities. Bhaga means "opulence" and is related to the wo

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Thought Of The Day

Whoever carefully recites the mysterious appearances of the Lord with devotion in the morning and in the evening gets relief from all miseries of life.

By H.D.G. Srila Prabhupada

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Bhagavatam canto 4, verse 11.7: Class at Vrindavan.
“Unnecessary anger of the jivas verses unlimited anger of the Lord.”
manur uvaca: alam vatsatiroshena, tamo dvarena papmana, yena punya janan etan, avadhis tvam anagasah
Translation and purport by Srila Prabhupada. “Lord Manu said, my dear son, please stop. It is not good to become unnecessarily angry. It is the path to hellish life. Now you are going beyond the limit by killing Yakshas, who are actually not offenders.
Maharaja reads the purport, “

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Venue: Los Angeles, 20/9/2003
nimajjyasmin hrade bhiru
vimanam idam aruha
idam sukla-kritam tirtham
asisam yapakam nrinam

Word for word:
nimajjya — after bathing; asmin — in this; hrade — in the lake; bhiru — O fearful one; vimanam — airplane; idam — this; aruha — ascend; idam — this; sukla-kritam — created by Lord Vishnu; tirtham — sacred lake; asisam — the desires; yapakam — bestowing; nrinam — of human beings.

Translation and purport by Srila Prabhupad, jai Srila Prabhupad, Srila Prabhupad ki jai.

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Born in a little village of Maharashtra called, Aravade, Lokanath Swami Maharaj went on to become one of the most powerful bonafide gurus of ISKCON. Little did anyone know from his village that the spiritual words uttering from the divine mouth of Lokanatha Swami, would be the source of inspiration for hundreds and thousands on the path of spiritualism. His fate was sealed when he took his first initiation in the year 1972 from Srila Prabhupada. And from then on, he took up his Padayatra mission

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As a spiritual guru of ISKCON, Lokanath Maharaj has been associated with Krishna Consciousness from 1972.  That was the year when he got his first initiation from Srila Prabhupada and so began his voyage on this spiritual path to become a bonafide guru of ISKCON.


In this journey, he has created many landmarks. He started as an ISKCON minister for the Srila Prabhupada Centennial. His Holiness co-ordinated a global campaign and in the year 1996, the magnificent Centennial celebrations achieved unm

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Keeping the Sanskrit Connection


Born to English-speaking parents, this American took to Sanskrit when he was still in his teens; Indian culture and language is what attracted him to India.

He is an American who has spent 38 of his 56 years of life in Gujarat. Basu Ghosh Das, president of the ISKCON temple in Vadodara, is currently in Ahmedabad to participate in the All India Sanskrit Elocution Competition. Dressed in a white dhoti and upavastra, he speaks chaste Sanskrit as he walks on the SGVP International School campus, taki

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Scholar and author Satyaraja Dasa

The new two-volume “Encyclopedia of Global Religion,” released this October by the academic publisher SAGE, features substantial and authoritative entries on ISKCON, Srila Prabhupada, and Vaishnavism.

The coffee-table sized volumes, which run to 1,528 pages, provide a comprehensive overview of religious culture and society around the world, in both its historical and contemporary aspects.

Its editors, Mark Juergensmeyer and Wade Clark Roof, are sociologists of re

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9 Principal Rishis and their wives

The nine principal rsis, or sages, are:

Marici - wife Kala
Atri -  wife Anasuya
Angira - wife Sraddha
Pulastya -  wife Havirbhu
Pulaha - wife Gati
Kratu -  wife Kriya
Bhrgu - wife Khyati
Vasistha - wife Arundhati
Atharva -  wife Santi

All these rishis are most important, and Brahma desired that the nine daughters already born of Kardama Muni be handed over to them. Here two words are used very significantly-yatha-silam and yatha-ruci. The daughters should be handed over to the respective rsis, not blindly

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Thought Of The Day

When ones mind is attached to Krsna, one can fulfill the mission of life in one human birth. If one misses this opportunity, one does not know where he is going, how long he will remain in the cycle of birth and death, and when he will achieve the human form of life and the chance to return home, back to Godhead. The most intelligent person, therefore, uses every moment of his life to render loving service to the Lord.(Srimad-Bhagavatam 9.9.42, Purport).

By H.D.G. Srila Prabhupada

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Book Distribution Quotes by Srila Prabhupada


Now I am trying for printing arrangement and this book also can be nicely printed provided you take charge of distribution. I am very much anxious for sale of my books. It has to be organized; please think over this matter. If the books are not properly sold how can I print so many books?
[Letter to Kirtanananda, 27 April 1967]


Although I am practically on the path of death, still I cannot forget about my publications. I wish that if I live or die you should take very serious care for my publicat

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In order to protect their land and their cows, on December 13th, 2011, Hungarian Krishna believers will hold a peaceful demonstration in front of the Parliament in Budapest.

The 270-hectare (approximately 650 acres) Krishna-valley farm is home to 300 monks and families, as well as 52 sacred cows and oxen. Due to new religious legislation passed in July, there is a good chance that after January 1st, 2012, the State will take over the land and the inhabitants will have to grab their belongings a

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Srila Prabhupada - Press interview


Tuesday, 25 June 1974

The early morning air was crisp as the Alitalia jet touched down on the airport tarmac. The sight of the plane sent the devotees crowded on the observation deck into a frenzy. They raced back to the International terminal and started chanting ecstatically to receive His Divine Grace. Since Prabhupada had chosen to visit only Melbourne this time, virtually every devotee in the entire Australasian zone had converged there. Madhudvisa, remembering the many bungled arrival recep

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Thought Of The Day

the beginning there was only Lord Brahma. The whole planetary system was to be populated. Therefore first of all Brahma, and then the seven rsis, then the Kumaras, then Rudras. In this way... Manus. Then Manu's son, his son, his son. In this way the whole universe is populated. It is not the rascal Darwin's theory that "There was no human being. It came out of a stone, the life." The first is the most intelligent person, Lord Brahma.


By H.D.G. Srila Prabhupada

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Wonderful Krishna




“O Lord, although You are able to give all kinds of benedictions, I do not pray to You for liberation, nor eternal life in Vaikuntha, nor any other boon. My only prayer is that Your childhood pastimes may constantly appear in my mind. O Lord, I do not even want to know Your feature of Paramatma. I simply wish that Your childhood pastimes may ever be enacted in my heart.”


Wonderful Krishna  Without understanding the intricacies of Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and with

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