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Prabhupada about Radha kunda babajis

Going out in the car for his morning walk Prabhupada gave further warnings to Tamal Krishna and Ramesvara Maharajas on the dangers of the sahajiya tendency spreading in ISKCON. Tamal Krishna is returning to New York a little early because he is concerned that it might be spreading there also. Pradyumna prabhu's ongoing investigation has discovered that the gopi-bhava group have been transmitting their ideas to other temple communities by some sort of unofficial newsletter.

Tamal Krishna told Prab
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Srila Prabhupada: The siddha-pranali process is followed by a class of men who are not very authorized and who have manufactured their own way of devotional service. They imagine they have become associates of the Lord simply by thinking of themselves like that.

This external behavior is not at all according to the regulative principles. The so-called siddha-pranali process is followed by the prakrita-sahajiya, a pseudosect of so-called Vaishnavas. In the opinion of Rupa Gosvami, such activities

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Bhakti Charu Swami

Bhakti Charu Swami is from an aristocratic Bengali family and spent most of his early childhood in urban Kolkata. He met with Srila Prabhupada at the end of 1976 after a long and intense search for a spiritual teacher. This initial meeting resulted in Bhakti Charu Swami being assigned to translate the books of the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust into the Bengali language. He was immediately made responsible as the secretary for Indian affairs and within a few months, Srila Prabhupada gave him initiatio

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The following quotes given by his Divine grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on astrology. He advised to put more faith and reliance on Krsna.

3/24/74 BG Bombay :

Tamala Krshna:What is the position of astrology in Krshna consciousness?
Srila Prabhupada: Astrology is a science. Krshna consciousness has nothing to do with astrology, but it is the general custom that as soon as a child is born the astrologers come. That is the Indian system, Vedic system.

05/03/69 Lecture: Boston, Massachusetts :


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The teaching of Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati on raganuga-bhakti is, that ajata ruci (without taste) raganuga sadhakas (practitioners) should adopt the methods of raganuga sadhana that they are qualified to adopt in proportion to their development of sacred greed (lobhamayi sraddha), while following the angas (limbs) of vaidhi bhakti (regulated devotional service).

This follows Sri Jiva Goswami's Bhakti-sandarbha 311

ajata-tadrsa-rucina tu sad-visesa adaramatradrta 
raganugapi vaidhi-samvalitaivanus he

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The Spiritual Form of the Self

The Spiritual Form of the Self

by Sriman Muralidhar das

Following is a critique of the philosophy of the Radha Kunda babajis who teach that when a disciple comes to a guru he should be "given" a spiritual body of a manjari. In this article, the author carefully presents the teachings of Prabhupada Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur who taught that this "siddha pranali" system of worship is a concoction and a deviation from the ways of devotion taught by Sri Rupa-Sanatana.

A significant aspect

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----- Appointment with Krishna 2/12 -----

Appointment with Krishna 2/12

(Compiled from notes on lectures of H. H. Mahavishnu Goswami)



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The following are some of the nectarean instructions given by our beloved Guru Maharaja in Abu Dhabi during his recent yatra here.

Means of Conquest:
All of us want to conquer everything. But we do not know the means of conquest. Srimad Bhagavatam is the very means of conquest. In Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.4, it is said,

naaraayanam namaskrtya
naram cai

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We are happy to inform the devotees and the general public that with blessings of Srila Prabhupada of ISKCON, Sri Sri Gaura Nitai and Sri Sri Radha Parthasarathi,  Gaurang Institute for Transcendental Awakening (GITA), has made a 2 hours + movie on history of Vraj, titled ‘Vrak Ki Khoj’, the 3 minute demo of which can be viewed by invoking the following link:







H.G. Jitamitra Prabhu, Senior Pre

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Who Exactly Is God?

First we have to know the Qualities of God

God is the most powerful person, no one can defeat God in anyway.

God is the most beautiful person, no one is more beautiful than God.

God is the most loving person, he is the nicest guy around.

God is the most merciful person, he doesn’t send anyone eternally to hell.

God is the most forgiving person, he gives us unlimited chances (reincarnation).

God is the most caring person, he even cares for the animals like cows, pigs, chickens etc. (

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About Bilvamangal Thakura

‘Some are born great. Some are made great. Some attain greatness. Some strive hard but do not become great.’ This applies to the lives of Bhakta also. Mangal attained greatness in this fashion.

Once upon a time there lived a pious Brahmin called Ramadasu in a village near Krishnaveni river. He had a son called Bilva Mangal. The father brought him up in the true orthodox way. He was trained in the Shastras. His upbringing and the religious training moulded him into a kind natured, soft-spoken, god

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Thought Of The Day

Krsna says, karmany evadhikaras te ma phalesu kadacana: "You can go on. You can go on with your business, but don't expect the fruit of the business." Ma phalesu. He indirectly says, "The fruit should be given to Me." Ma phalesu kadacana: "Don't expect the fruit." Suppose you grow a nice mango tree, and there will be fruit, nice fruit. So according to Bhagavad-gita, it is said, ma phalesu kadacana: "You don't take the fruits." "Oh? Such a nice mango tree I have nourished in so many years. Now th

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There are two kinds of living entities:


  • one is called ksara, and the
  • other is aksara.

Ksara refers to those who have fallen down and become conditioned, and aksara refers to those who are not conditioned.

The vast majority of living entities live in the spiritual world and are called aksara. They are in the position of Brahman, pure spiritual existence. They are different from those who have been conditioned by the three modes of material nature.


There are two kinds of living entities-the moving

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London Rath Yatra 2012


Dear Devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

This year London Rath-Yatra will take place on the Sunday (17th June 2012). Please try to arrange your travel plan accordingly and include London Rath-Ytara in your itinerary.

The procession starts from Hyde Park @ 11.30am sharp, please arrive by 11.00am at the Hyde Park and proceeds to Trafalgar Square with Their Lordships on three chariots accompanied by three Kirtan Parties.

Hare Krishna.

Your servant,

Sriman Pandit

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-------- Appointment with Krishna 1/12 --------

Appointment with Krishna 1/12

(Compiled from notes on lectures of H. H. Mahavishnu Goswami)



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We were really very fortunate to be with Srila Gurudeva whose unlimited compassion overwhelmed us with the nectarean ocean of Krishna's names, qualities and pastimes, in spite of scorching summer. Maharaja is completely transcendental to the material atmosphere as he is fixed in transcendence. The often repeated crime by us (not a mistake) is to con

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yam imam puspitam vacam

pravadanty avipascitah

veda-vada-ratah partha

nanyad astiti vadinah

kamatmanah svarga-para



bhogaisvarya-gatim prati

Bg 2.42-43

Men of small knowledge are very much attached to the flowery words of the Vedas, which recommend various fruitive activities for elevation to heavenly planets, resultant good birth, power, and so forth. Being desirous of sense gratification and opulent life, they say that there is nothing more than

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Difference between God & Dog

Difference between God & Dog


We often walk across from big bungalows to small houses; where we see that the statues/idols of God are put at the entrance of the house in a small – one or two feet cabin with a zero watt bulb on the head of the idol / statue.


Depending on their livelihood; people live in a palatial; luxurious; comfortable houses with chairs, sofa sets; divans; foam beds; ACs; PCs; having a living room, dining room, bedroom and even the bathrooms – a very spacious ones.  But coming

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Be a Spider

Man considers himself to be the most intelligent creature on this earth. But when compared to half a milligram weighed small and tiny baby spider; one can just imagine and conclude how intelligent a human being is. Half a milligram baby spider prepares the cobweb with its saliva to trap the flies and insects for getting its prey. The baby spider enters the cobweb; catches its prey and comes out of the web to a safer place; so that the baby spider itself doesn’t become prey to the crow

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Glories of Mother Cow (Vedic Quotes)

Gopal Krishna

All glories to Krishna, the son of Mother Yasoda, the cowherd boy Gopal, Govinda who gives pleasure to the cows! All glories to the conqueror of Cupid, Lord Hari, who takes away all inauspiciousness, who is unlimited, and the awarder of liberation!

(Gitavali, Sri Krishner Vimsottara-Sata-Nam, Song 6, Verse 1 Bhaktivinoda Thakura. Trans. Dasaratha-suta dasa. Nectar Books, 2002.)

I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, the first progenitor who is tending the cows, yielding all desire, in abodes built

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2 Kinds of Living entities

2514859142?profile=originalThere are two kinds of living entities.

1. ever-liberated, unconditioned living beings
2. ever-conditioned living beings. Of the ever-conditioned living beings, there are two divisions.
A. faithful - Of the faithful there are again two divisions

1. devotees (the devotees of the Lord desire to keep separate identities and constantly engage in the service of the Lord)
2. mental speculators ( desire to merge into the existence of the Lord, or to become one with the Lord)

B. infidels.

The devotees wh

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