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Fasting fights cancer


The following reminded me of Srila Prabhupada's famous statement that unwanted guests and diseases are both driven out by one means – by not feeding them.

I hope, though, none of you will ever need to resort to this means.

your servant,
Madana-mohan das

Fasting 'could help combat cancer and boost effectiveness of treatments'

By Sadie Whitelocks

Last updated at 8:04 PM on 8th February 2012

Going without food for short periods may help to combat cancer and boost the effectiveness of treatments, say scien

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Vedic Culture in Russia

2514860223?profile=originalMOSCOW: An ancient Vishnu idol has been found during excavation in an old village in Russia’s Volga region, raising questions about the prevalent view on the origin of ancient Russia. The idol found in Staraya (old) Maina village dates back to VII-X century AD. Staraya Maina village in Ulyanovsk region was a highly populated city 1700 years ago, much older than Kiev, so far believed to be the mother of all Russian cities. “We may consider it incredible, but we have ground to assert that Middle-V

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A more Important Trek

When I arrived in Katmandu, Nepal, I was surprised we had to pay for a visa on arrival. I turned to a couple of young men next to me and asked how much we had to pay. One of them said, "It's $25 if you stay for less than ten days, more if you stay longer."

"OK, thanks."

Two days later I was distributing books in Katmandu near where the temple devotees were having harinam.

As I approached people I noticed a couple of familiar faces the two young men I had met at the airport. We shook hands and were

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----- Appointment with Krishna 7/12 -----

Appointment with Krishna 7/12

(Compiled from notes on lectures of H. H. Mahavishnu Goswami)



Read more blogs (English/Hindi)

I am summarising herewith some of the nectarean instructions of our beloved spiritual master when he was here in Abu Dhabi in continuation of the series on ‘Appointment With Krishna’.

You can only remember Krishna, If Krishna remembers you:
We have to always request Krishna for His mercy. If we keep on doing that, Krishna may be merciful. In order f

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By Stephen Knapp


The Old Testament, which is also extremely important in Christianity, teaches many of the same principles of spiritual development as found in the Vedic system. We can especially find these similarities in the processes of bhakti-yoga, mantra-yoga, and sankirtana (the congregational singing of the holy names of the Lord). The teachings in the Bible about the holiness of the name of God and the need to congregationally sing God’s name and p

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Srimati Radharani By Stephen Knapp

radhar1.jpgSrimati Radharani is the Supreme Goddess. She is most always seen with Lord Krishna. It is described that She is the Chief Associate and devotee of Lord Krishna, and topmost of all Goddesses. Her name means the She is the most excellent worshiper of Lord Krishna. However, She is also an expansion of the Lord's energy. Since She is also an extension of Krishna, She is the feminine aspect of God. Thus, in the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition, God is both male and femal

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This is an important Krishna temple that is dedicated to Saksi Gopala. Saksi Gopala means the witness Gopala. This Deity was originally in Vrindavana.

The story of the Deity is that once there were two Vidyanagara Brahmin, one elderly and the other young. After touring many places of pilgrimage, the two Brahmins finally reached Vrindavana. In reciprocation for the sercice that the young Brahmin rendered, the older Brahmin offered him his daughter in marriage. He promised this

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We Need To Go Deeper In Our Chanting


"Chanting produces best results when we go deeper into chanting. Standing on the shores of the ocean one can’t access the precious gems and jewels on the bed of the ocean; one will be tossed away by the waves. However if we go deeper into the ocean, we can access the pearls. Similarly by chanting superficially or occasionally, we can’t avail the benefits; we’ll be thrown away by the waves of material energy. We need to go deeper in our chanting to reap the fruits of chanting. What does it mean t

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Christ and Krishna

Question: Christ and Krishna

Dear Srila Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I'm looking for some clarification after a brief discussion with my Christian friend.  He wants to know whether Jesus is the son of Krishna and is Krishna the same God Christians pray to. Furthermore, can one be liberated by praying directly to Jesus or to Krishna? My friend supported this belief by quoting John 14:6, where it states, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one

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So many problems. Why hasn’t God Descended to Rectify? Radhanath Swami takes the Challenge…


God's Descend to this world

Question to Radhanath Swami: We read in Gita: Krishna says that when there is a decline in religion and an up-rise in irreligion, he descends. Look at the world today; so much of irreligion, so many problems. There is tsunami of irreligion and problems crashing against practically every living entity in the whole planet- there’s an inundation. Where i

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Conditioned souls, have no choice but to accept their precarious condition under material nature. The only remedy is to surrender to Visnu and always pray to be excused. One should depend only on the causeless mercy of the Lord for deliverance and not even slightly on one's own strength. That is the perfect position of a Krsna conscious person. The Lord is everyone's friend, but He is especially friendly to the surrendered soul. The simple process, therefore, is that a conditioned soul should re

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Result of offenses



Although it was legal for devotees to distribute books in many Australian cities and towns, some authorities still objected. A few vehemently opposed. On 23 December 1974, a party of book distributors was arrested in Darwin, the capital city of the Northern Territory, lying on the shore of the Arafura Sea in the tropical "top-end" of Australia. Their books and money were confiscated, they were jailed and then, finally, unceremoniously thrown out of the city.

Two days later, on Christmas Day, Cy

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What is your proposal to bring global peace


Global Peace

Question to Radhanath Swami: What is your proposal to bring global peace?

Answer by Radhanath Swami: While we are trying to clean the environment externally, there is also a need for cleaning the ecology of the heart. If our actions are driven by arrogance, hatred, greed, egoism, there is no question of global peace.

Thus the purpose of all religions is to teach how to clean the ecology of the heart by tran

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Why Are Beads Necessary for Chanting?

Question: Why Are Beads Necessary for Chanting?

Hare Krishna
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Gurudeva, please accept my humble respect.

Why are beads necessary for chanting the Holy Name? If we chant His Holy Name without the beads, will it be less effective? Will it also be good if we continuously chant in our mind at any place and at any time?

With kind regards


Answer: Neophytes Require Regulated Chanting

Only a highly advanced self-realized devotee can continuously chant the holy names of God

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HH Radhanath Swami on Superficial Living

How many friends do you have who can honestly, sincerely, confidentially reveal their minds to you? Not many. People in this world have a tendency for very superficial relationships with one another because it is a superficial society. The natural surroundings that bring about a natural lifestyle are so hard to find. We are living in a society of concrete, oil and plastic and exhaust fumes, and so much quarrelling for unnecessary paraphernalia and sense enjoyment. Where do you find natural water
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As Our Contamination s Are Removed

"I am overjoyed to hear that your enthusiasm for chanting is increasing. As our contaminations are removed by chanting, the Lord's form, qualities, and pastimes will be revealed to us in the holy name. There is no point in making a separate effort to artificially remember the Lord's form, qualities, and pastimes. The Lord and His name are one and the same. This will be understood clearly when the coverings in your heart are removed. By chanting without offenses you will personally realize that a
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Growing with responsibility

“It’s easier to dodge our responsibilities but we cannot dodge the consequences of dodging our responsibilities.” Josiah Charles Stamp, British Economist (1880-1941)

Response - Ability

Responsibility has more to it than doing an assigned job nicely. In its true sense it refers to our ability to choose our responses to challenging and provocative situations. ‘Response- Ability’ – the ability to make a choice, and respond based on correct principles, help

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Common Sense is so Uncommon in Kali-Yuga

Although we are conditioned within the material world, by the mercy of the Supreme Lord we are awarded a human body, which possesses distinct senses, such as the eyes, ears, tongue, nose and skin. Generally the conditioned souls use these senses in a false attempt to exploit the material nature for sense gratification. But our material senses and their objects are temporary, and it is not possible to become peaceful or happy in the attempt to gratify our temporary senses with the temporary sense

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Complete Satisfaction

A Krishna conscious person is completely satisfied. He does not depend on anything external for his happiness. He is satisfied simply by the opportunity to serve Krishna. And Krishna can be served in any time and in any circumstance through any one of nine different processes such as: hearing, chanting, remembering, offering prayers, etc. All we really need to practice Krishna consciousness is the strong desire to do so. Krishna will then give us everything else we need in order to fully devote

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Go Hatya

Go Hatya

Prabhupada: If you follow Bhagavad-gita, then everything will be followed very nicely. Just like in the Bhagavad-gita it is said, krsi-go-raksya-vanijyam [Bg. 18.44]. And go-raksya, this is recommended in the Bhagavad-gita. So if you follow Bhagavad-gita, then naturally go-raksya will be there. And if you read Bhagavad-gita for some political reason, then slaughterhouse go on. That's all. Instead of go-raksya, go-killing. This is going on. Every politician is reading Bhagavad-gita, but g
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