Panihati is the name of a village located in the state of West Bengal, on the banks of River Ganges (10 miles north of Kolkata). It was one of the leading trade centres in earlier days when the river route was the main means of communication. A special rice variety called Peneti was imported at this place from Jessore in Bangladesh. Probably the name Panihati might have been derived from this trade connection. Once upon a time, this place was the centre of worship of the Buddhist Tantrics
west bengal (11)
This story was heard from the pujari at Sri Advaita Acharya’s house in Shantipur, West Bengal. He came to the ISKCON Chaitanya Chandrodoya Mandir with a copy of the Back to Godhead article about Srila Prabhupada entitled “A Lifetime in Preparation.”
Just recently an amazing realization occurred to me that I wanted to share with devotees everywhere. I have been the pujari and sevaite at the house of Advaita Acharya for many years. I was also there back in the 1940s and ’50s. At that time, I noti
A preaching center of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) burned down in West Bengal’s Birbhum district on Saturday, December 17, ISKCON officials reported.
Read more:
By Madhava Smullen
A three-storey, fifty-bed secondary care hospital is set to be built on Bhaktisiddhanta Road opposite the ISKCON Mayapur campus in West Bengal, expanding the already existing Sri Mayapur Community Hospital.
The hospital will be staffed by qualified devotee doctors and nurses, and will serve ISKCON devotees, Vaishnavas from the nearby Gaudiya Maths, local villagers and pilgrims. The convenient service will save patients a journey to a hospital in Kolkata and will provide them
I appreciate the Vaishnav community. I have visited Mayapur in West Bengal. I went to the morning religious meeting at Tala Park of Tala Park Hari Sabha where Vaishnava sing and chant Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna is my favorite good. It gives me a lot of happiness to write and sing on Lord Krishna. I love reading the Bhagwad Gita. I appreciate Sril Prabhupad of ISKCON. I really like the prasadam of Mayapur ISKCON. They are maintaining a temple of Lord Krishna with devotion for many years. They are
BCCI president Sourav Ganguly has come forward once again to help ISKCON feed at least 10,000 people in West Bengal in battling coronavirus pandemic.
It wonderful to see that Dada of Bengal, the maharaj of Behala, ex captain of India cricket team, and currently the president of BCCI again take lead in Bengal to fight against covid-19.
Apart for making huge donation for the fight against covid 19 he also offered famous Eden garden ground as a treatment center to the CM of West Bengal.
And now he

The second most popular mela after Kumbh Mela is the Ganga Sagar Mela. It is India's biggest fair held in Sagardwip, West Bengal, and witnesses a large number of people pouring in. Celebrated with great vigor and enthusiasm, the festival has a cultural and spiritual significance where pilgrims dip themselves in the holy waters of Ganga to purify their souls.
Held during the winters, the Mela is an annual gathering of pilgrims which see a number of rituals, lit lamp
On Makara Sankranti day, miilion of pilgrims visit the holy palce of Ganga Sagar, take Makara Sankranti Snana ( bath at Ganga Sagar) and worship mother Ganga. To facilitate the pilgrims, ISKCON organises a massive Prasada distribution and give in charity blankets etc. Recognized by West Bengal State government, ISKCON Ganga Sagar’s welfare work is very much appreciated and widespread coverage is given in local media. Below is the letter from Sundar Govinda das, Director of the project.
New Year

Beginning from Chaturthi till Vijay Dashami or Dusherra as popularly known in India, spread over almost a week, Durga Puja celebrations are the biggest and most glamorous festival of Eastern India, especially West Bengal. The Durga Puja festival has become more of an expression of art, extravagance, than performing rituals.
To add to the glitz, fun and frolic mood of the people, over the years it is in vogue that celebrities and political leaders inaugurate Durga Puja at various places i

After a decade-long struggle with the West Bengal government (formerly Communist-dominated), some good news is finally underway.
The 700 acres of Sridham Mayapura land, in titles of individuals, is soon to be amalgamated so that ISKCON can official own all of it. The land is valued at approximately 300 million US dollars. The stamp duty, registration and other transfer fees, totalling about 6 million dollars, is being waived because of ISKCON’s non-profit status.
The ISKCON Mayapur city, h