tourism (3)

By Madhava Smullen
ISKCON New Vrindaban has published a booklet, entitled “New Vrindaban’s Guide to Who’s Who & What’s What” that takes visitors on a self-led tour of the temple and explains devotee life and beliefs. Initial feedback from pilgrims and tourists has been very positive, with some suggesting other ISKCON centers should develop a similar guide.
“We have mostly Indian preachers, and noticed that there was a disconnect, due to cultural differences, between them and our Western gues

After a decade-long struggle with the West Bengal government (formerly Communist-dominated), some good news is finally underway.
The 700 acres of Sridham Mayapura land, in titles of individuals, is soon to be amalgamated so that ISKCON can official own all of it. The land is valued at approximately 300 million US dollars. The stamp duty, registration and other transfer fees, totalling about 6 million dollars, is being waived because of ISKCON’s non-profit status.
The ISKCON Mayapur city, h