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Idol worshippers - Meeting at the Airport.
Taken from a bhagavat saptah of H.H Radha Govind Maharaj at potomac. HH Radha Govinda Maharaj meets an Airport official at Kuwait airport . H.H Radha Govind Maharaj mentions this incident on his flight from kenya to India his flight had a transit via kuwait. due to some delay he had to wait for 4-5 hrs at Kuwait.While chanting Hare Krishna in the airport lounge, 1 airport official watching the indian swami became intrigued and called him over to speak.

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Truthful Krishna

Truthful Krishna......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A person whose word of honor is never broken is called truthful. Krsna once
promised Kunti, the mother of the Pandavas, that He would bring her five
sons back from the Battlefield of Kuruksetra. After the battle was finished,
when all the Pandavas had come home, Kunti praised Krsna becauseHis promise
was so nicely fulfilled. She said, “Even the sunshine may one daybecome
cool and the moonshine one day become hot, but still Your promise willnot

From “The N

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Dear Indian,
The Holy River Yamuna is Calling Out For Help !!
Do You Know - The world Health Organization (WHO) has declared our holy Yamuna River a "Dead River" beyond New Delhi, well before it enters the Land of Shri Krishna.
( Please do see the attachment for the sad details with graphic explanation)
A note on how to kill a river again and again?
(And also how it still can be saved)

• A river is a natural watercourse flowing towards an ocean, a lake, a sea, or anot
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Gokul R, a 23-year-old follower of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), has imbibed their philosophy very seriously along with his academic pursuits. Gokul topped the All India Rank (AIR) list of the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2011, by scoring 91.33 out of 100.

Forty-seven students from Pune made it to the toppers’ list of GATE 2011, for which more than five lakh students across the country appeared.

Administered by the Indian Institute of Technology (II

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Dina%20Sarana%20A.jpg At this year’s meetings of the Governing Body Commission—ISKCON’s ultimate managing authority—in Mayapur, India, German Srila Prabhupada disciple Dina Sharana Dasi became only the second-ever woman to accept the position of full-voting GBC member.

Her path there starts a decade ago: One day, while washing pots in her kitchen, she had what she callseingebungin German—a kind of inspirational vision in her mind—where Srila Prabhupada told her something that would change her life.

Dina Sharana is car

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Message from Radhikapati Prabhu, Please forward the same to all your contacts...


We would like to invite you to our biggest events on 26th March, 2011 where over 1,00,000 people will congregate for the Festival of Chariots at Shivaji Park, Dadar (west), Mumbai organized by young professionals of International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). These professionals take three to four weeks off every year from work to organize this festival. ISKCON is proud of its young force which is happ

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Can You Request Prayer for Japan?

Question: Can You Request Prayer for Japan?

Respected Gurudeva,

I hope you must be aware of the misery, in Japan. I am praying to the Lord that the nuclear reactor should not burst. Can you kindly request all the devotees to pray for the people of Japan?

S. Kumar

Answer: Why Only Japan?

I share your feelings of compassion for the horrible suffering of the people of Japan. There is one horror story after another. In the city of Minamisoma with a population of 70,000 practically every building was was

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Fear of death

To the Supreme Lord Radha Krishna

I am new to Krishna Consciousness am pray to you to make me fearless of death .

I have a fear of death I would not lie on this point.

It is only by your mercy and protection and shelter that I can easily overcome this fear of death.

When I wake up every morning to chant the holy names of the Lord I feel good .

As soon as I dont think of you I get fear of losing you as my friend,guide and master.

I am very alone in this material world as I have not yet seen your real f

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soul Collage


I am the one in need of balance i am the one who is taking a step forward in the unknown yet i have the faith that i have loving support 

I am the one who is afraid to look back as i have to look forward. 

I am the one who has made this decision to walk on the edge. It is razor sharp and can even cut 

I am the one who knows that i may fall but yet has faith that i will get the loving support of the hands of god 

I am the one who feels protected by the hands of god. I am the one who is h

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Tulasi Devi Cures Devotee’s Cancer


Today, at 69 years old, Chaitanya Prema Dasa is a robust, healthy devotee, visiting the Potomac, Maryland ISKCON temple every Sunday and working at the Pentagon, where he has served for twenty-five years in the Department of the Defense Inspector General. He keeps a small altar with Srila Prabhupada and a large, beautiful picture of Lord Krishna in his office, so that his boss and co-workers see the Lord every time they have meetings there.
Seeing him, you would never guess that back in 1997, a

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Hare Krishna,


I downloaded these books from internet. These are .jar files which most of the multimedia phone support. They have options like Bookmarks, Search, Jump to and many other facilities. Right now I have Bhagvad-Gita, Srimad Bhagvatam upto 10th canto & Krsna Book.











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A tribute to Srimad Bhagavad Gita

The relevance of Srimad Bhagavad Gita in today’s age

The question of relevance for such topics comes into picture whenever certain systems of knowledge and certain practices are perceived to be outdated due to dynamically changing social structures and a widespread discomfort for anything labeled as religious, dogmatic or sectarian. The focus for this article is to try and brush aside these biases and objectively study the relevance of this very old but thoroughly timely system of knowledge in th

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  1. Do the one thing that you aren’t doing now, but if you did do it well and regularly, would have the greatest impact in your life.
  2. The 80/20 rule. 80% of the most important things to do in life are on the top 20% of your prioritized list. Therefore, put “First things First.”
  3. Life has “speed bumps”—slow down, deal with the inevitable problems, and go on
  4. Who said life was suppose to be “fair”?
  5. Ask yourself: “Is this going to be important to me one year from now?
  6. Remember, in 80 years from now, practica
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GOVINDA's Restaurant Opening Invite

Hare Krishna dear all:
Please accept our humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

It is with great pleasure, we would like to welcome you to the much
awaited GOVINDA's Restaurant which will be opening at Funabori (Edogawa-ku,
Tokyo) on 24-January-2011 (Monday) at 10:00 AM.

This is the first phase & an important milestone of the New Temple
Project and also a precursor to the New Temple Opening.

GOVINDA's Restaurant will serve sumptuous & authentic North & South
Indian cuisine with inter
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We Are Not Professional Musicians - 6

"With regard to your question about Bengali style kirtana and
mrdanga playing, one or two styles is best. To introduce more styles is not
good. It will become an encumbrance. If we introduce so much emphasis on
style of kirtana, then simply imitation will go on.

Devotional emotion is the main thing. If we give stress to
instrument and style then attention will be diverted to the style. That will
be spiritual loss."

[letter to Satsvarupa Goswami, 30 June 1976]
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We Are Not Professional Musicians - 3

"So if you have talent for musical achievement, that is nice; but if
you nourish some idea of becoming famous by playing some music, that will be
a source of frustration — the end.

So it is better if you play your music for Krishna by having very
ecstatic kirtanas in your center in Vancouver, and in this way, as I have
introduced it, all of the devotees and also the general public as well will
be able to join together cooperatively in the glorification of the Supreme
Personality of Godhead, not that we
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We Are Not Professional Musicians - 5

"I understand also, there was a Kirtana performance given by Sri
Purna. You have rightly remarked whether they are devotees. You are right.
These people are professional singers.

Krishna Kirtana is not for earning a livelihood. Krishna Kirtana is
not meant for entertaining the public for demonstration of arts. It is
dynamic service to the Lord.

We do not therefore mind so much about the artistic presentation of
Krishna Kirtana but we want to see how much a devotee is satisfying the
Supreme Will."

[SP let
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We Are Not Professional Musicians - 1

This quote from Srila Prabhupada & the quotes in the following
e-mails were compiled by H.H. Indradyumna Swami in his harinama sankirtana
handbook entitled "Harinama Eva Kevalam".

He called this chapter “We Are Not Professional Musicians”. It
emphasises the importance of the propper mood of devotion & service while
out on harinama, and not the concentration on the musical performance.

The book was never published though. :(

“We Are Not Professional Musicians”
Srila Prabhupada cautioned his disciples aga
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The Carpentar's Tools

Brother Hammer served as the chairman. The other members of the tool belt informed him that he must leave, because he was too noisy. But brother Hammer said, "If I have to leave this carpenter's shop, then
brother Gimlet must go too. He's insignificant and makes a very small
impression." (A gimlet is a small tool with a sc...rew point, grooved shank, and a cross handle for boring holes).

Little brother Gimlet arose and said, "All right, but brother
Screwdriver must go also. You have to turn him ar
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