
We are happy to announce the publication of the new book “Vanity Karma: Ecclesiastes, the Bhagavad-gita, and the meaning of life,” by Jayadvaita Swami.

The book is available from and other retailers.

Wholesale orders may be placed with the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, tel: +1-800-927-4152.

An ebook version will follow soon.

For more about the book:

Best wishes.
The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust


About the book

What is life for? What may give it meaning? Does it have any meaning at all?

A sage in ancient Israel brooded over these questions. In ancient India, too, such questions drove a despairing warrior to seek answers from his divine friend Krishna.

The thoughts of the sage became the wisdom book Ecclesiastes; those of Krishna, the Bhagavad-gītā.

Their wisdom speaks to our deepest concerns.

In Vanity Karma, wisdom meets wisdom as these two perennial classics come together, both offering us profound understanding.

Vanity Karma brings you on a journey through the full text of Ecclesiastes, a journey illuminated by traditional biblical scholarship, insights from the Bhagavad-gita, a dash of autobiography, and a steady spiritual focus.

The plain-language commentary is followed by meticulous notes, making Vanity Karma valuable for the seeker, for the scholar, and for anyone who has ever asked, “What is the meaning of my life?”


Advance praises

Scholars, seekers and others who find little satisfaction in current cultural reality maps should find good reading in this study of Qohelet [Ecclesiastes]!

Rabbi Shaya Isenberg
Emeritus Professor and Chair
Department of Religion, University of Florida


As a scholar of Ecclesiastes, I am deeply impressed with [Jayadvaita Swami’s] grasp of the book’s message. I enthusiastically recommend this book to all.

Tremper Longman III
Robert H. Gundry Professor of Biblical Studies
Westmont College


Vanity Karma is a unique addition to the spiritual archives of our day and age, offering profound insights relevant to Truth seekers of any tradition.

Edwin Bryant
Professor of Hindu Religion and Philosophy
Rutgers University


About the author

Jayadvaita Swami is an American monk in the Indian tradition of Krishna spirituality. He has edited more than forty English volumes of Sanskrit wisdom literature. He travels and teaches in Africa, India, America, and Europe. This is his first book.


About the publisher

The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust is the world’s largest publisher of India’s classic books of spirituality. It publishes in more than 85 languages. It is the official publisher for the books of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the founder-acarya and first spiritual teacher of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.


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