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Warning: Be aware at Radha Gopinath!


Hareeeee! Hareeeee! ….Hareeeeee! Hareeeeee!

From all 10 directions These Names entered into my body through all pores of the skin. My heart cried:

-please! Please! Let this never end! Please, oh Holy Name, be with me forever!


This was a Sunday program which I first visited in Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Temple. Devotees told me to come to the Temple exactly at 12 PM, otherwise I will listen the lecture outside. I did as they told, occupied some place on the floor, putting my bag. Then

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3 day Bhagavat Gita crash course

3 Day Bhagavat Gita crash course by H.G.Kamallochan das ( B.E. Marine)

Dates:-26th,27th,& 28th August 2011

Venue:-Bhaktivedanta Hall, Iskcon Miraroad

Topics:-Proof of existence of soul

Science of soul

What happens at the time of death?

Proof of existence of God

Definition of God

Who is God?

Who are Demigods?

Theory of Karma

Why good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people


Prasadam for all

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I’m sure you’re all aware of the global financial situation. So many economies are collapsing, and this is reflected on a local level, with so many families facing massive financial debt. Why are people in so much debt?


One simple reason why, is because we cannot control our spending. Credit cards provide us a facility to buy the goods now, with money that we don't actually have. This is fine, so long as we have control of our mind and senses, and we monitor how much we're spending. But when we

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World Holy Names Week 2011




Please accept my humble obeisances.  All glories to His Divine Grace Srila
Prabhupada, the Ambassador of the Holy Names.


The schedule for this year are the same as last year : 1. Japathon, 2. Sankirtan-yajna, and 3. 50-man Harinam.  We encourage temples to customize the initiatives to better serve their congregations.


Instead of beginning on the official start date of World Holy Name's Week (Friday, September 9th) and ending on West Monday, September 19th (Srila Prabhupada's Arrival in the West

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The KC Rap

(KC=Krishna Consciousness)


It’s late at night & you crawl back home, your eyes are red & your limbs are sore,

I’ll soon be happy, you promise yourself, I’ll need to slog, just a few years more.

The degrees, job, are soon yours, the Merc is parked outside your door.

But as you chill in your penthouse, Bro, you think, somehow, yeh dil mange more!


So on it goes, forever ma' friend, your search for happiness will ne’er end,

Then WHAT, you shout, is that magic thing, that’ll bring me joy and pe

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           Today I am writing after a long time. As if I had stopped living for all this while since I stopped wiritng. Really WRITING IS LIVING. I read today-  to write is a verb not a noun. Meaning it is an action word. It can never be stagnant or still. It has to be dynamic has to always be moving. Over the years my heart seemed to have dried I don’t know how I allowed that but it was kind of a degradation of my soul. This trip which I had alone to a beautiful and spiritually charged place ha

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The Patient (A Krishna-conscious short story)

The Patient

The attractive woman in her mid-thirties knocked on the door of the consulting room. Her usual pleasant face was clouded with worry and the picturesque journey from Mumbai to the hill-station Mahabaleshwar had done little to cheer her up.

“Yes?” asked a voice from inside the room.

She entered and said, “Dr. Sathe?”

The portly man with the ruddy complexion looked up from his desk and smiled. “Yes, that would be me. Good afternoon, please take a seat. How may I help you?”

She settled uneasi

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World Holy Name Festival!

Janananda Gosvami on behalf of the World Holy Name festival committee





SEPTEMBER    10th -20th


The annual World Holy Name festival is fast approaching.


Please put these dates on the calendar and as much as possible organize or participate in increased performance of sankirtan and japa during these 11 days. More devotees going to more places, to hold more sankirtan festivals on the streets, in halls, in homes, in temples – any way you can. Increased Japa, It is a gol

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Preaching in villages - a novel idea

Dear Devotees,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
My name is Samik Rsi Dasa (ACBSP) and I have been an ISKCON devotee since 1972 when I came to the USA to practice Medicine. Since then I have tried to serve the movement in various capacities such as Temple President (1996-2010) in Towaco, New Jersey as well as other services by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and the Vaisnavas.
I am approaching you simply for your blessings, input, advice and direction on sp
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         As the famous saying goes " Beauty lies in the eyes of the Beholder". So no doubt our conception of beauty may differ a lot from others. Nonetheless, it is a pleasure sharing with you my idea of beauty. Poets, writers authors all have been glorifying the beauty of this world since time immemorial. But i pity those who think that beauty is just skin deep. The most beautiful things in this world are felt more than they are seen. .Have you ever experienced the feeling of the morning dew o

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THIS will help You to chant well!!!



(One more time about praying life)

Adjata Shatru das (Gaurendu das who has already left his body)


“I am convinced that the biggest problem of ISKCON and  the reason of all the difficulties we are facing now is that in pursuit of external developments (huge temples, millions of distributed book, etc.) we forget about our main responsibility – to learn to love Krsna.”


In 1995 I saw Satsvarupa das Goswami Maharaja’s book – “Entrance into a praying life” for the first time. I

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Details of Bhagvad Gita crash course


"Self Discovery"-  7 Days Course based on Bhagavad-Gita

Speaker:  H.G Kamal Lochan Das

Venue: Kamala Vihar Sports Club, Kandivali-west 

Date: 1st Augt 2011 to 7th Augst 2011

Time: 7.45pm to 9.45pm

Registration Fees: 200 Rs.

Contact No: 9223183037

Email: bhadragkg@gmail.com


Prasadam For All!!!

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Dear devotees, Hare Krsna!


I have the pleasure to announce the broadcast of a wonderful program: H.H. Radhanatha Maharaja meets with H.H. Sacinandana Swami.

This event will take place at the Dharma Castle on Thursday, 4th of August, at 19h00 (7pm German time) and will be broadcasted on the Mayapur.TV channel "H.H. Sacinandana Swami".

2514841298?profile=originalBest greetings and Hare Krsna

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  In three out of the four millenniums (namely Satya-yuga, Tretä-yuga and Dväpara-yuga) people had the honor to be able to understand transcendence through the path of disciplic succession. However, in the present age, people have no interest in the disciplic succession. Instead, they have invented many paths of logic and argument. This individual attempt to understand the supreme transcendence (called the ascending process) is not approved by the Vedas. The Absolute Truth must descend from the

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सब काल ईश की प्यारी, जय एकादशी तुम्हारी

सकल तिथिन की तुम हो रानी, वेद पुराण सबै बखानी

ब्रह्म रूप हो तुम निर्वाणी, दायक हो फल चारी

जय एकादशी तुम्हारी

उत्पन्ना, मोक्षदा स्वरूपा, सफला और पुत्रदा रूपा

नाम षडतिला परम अनूपा, जया नाम अघहारी

जय एकादशी तुम्हारी

विजया आमल की कहलाये, पाप मोचनी पाप नसावै

तू प्रमा पद्मा हो जावे, आवागमन विदारी

जय एकादशी तुम्हारी

बरूथनी है तेरो नामा, तथा मोहिनी अपरा श्यामा

सकल कामना कारी

जय एकादशी तुम्हारी

तू ही योगिनी, तू हरि शयनी, तथा पवित्रा पातक वहनी,

व्रत कर नारी सकल फल पावे, अजा नाम अ

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Comments: 2
2514839306?profile=original Imagine life in the hustle and bustle of this world without the devotees. Thanks to Srila Prabhupada we have a wonderful society to help us stay fixed in our spiritual lives. Without the mercy of the devotees and the guidance and support of our friends, pursuing spiritual life would certainly be much more of a struggle. This is exactly what we were missing in our Krishna consciousness lives when we attended a retreat for the first time in 2007: loving relationships with other young devotees. Af
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Chronology of Shri Chaitanya's 24
years in Jagannatha Puri:


Jan-Feb- In West Bengal, Lord Chaitanya accepts Sannyasa (renounced order of life)

Feb-March- Moves to Jagannatha Puri, Orissa.

April-May- Liberates Sarvabhauma by His preaching.

May June- Left Jagannatha Puri for South India tour. (M7/intro)

Lord Chaitanya lived in the Navadvipa area (West Bengal) for His first 24 years, and he induced every person to chant the Hare Krishna mahamantra, and thus merge in love of Krishna.

For the remaining 24

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OFFERING OF THE RESULTS From the Bhaktivinode Thakura Monthly Sankirtana Festival of 2011

Offered June 30, 2011


We offer our respectful obeisances unto his Divine Grace Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura whose disappearance day we are observing here today.


Our respectful obeisances are unto you O Vaishnav Thakur, the Great Acharya and 7th Goswami, empowered by Krishna, who envisioned the cooperative spreading of the message of Lord Caitanya all over the world by people of all nations.


You revived the San

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Ratha yatra at Rijeka, Croatia

Ratha yatra at Rijeka,Croatia



Dear devotees Hare Krsna!

Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

We are happy to inform you that our 9th year jubilee Ratha-yatra festival in Rijeka will be taking place on Saturday, 2nd of July. The procession will proceed by the already established route: from the fountain on Jelachich trg (square) by way of whole Korzo to the fountain on Jadranski trg (in front of Erste Bank); and going back to Radio Rijeka on Korzo – to the location wh

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