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Uproar over call to ban Bhagavad Gita

Uproar over call to ban Bhagavad Gita

Copy of India Hindu Protest


International Society for Krishna Consciousness, ISKCON, followers protest outside the Russian consulate in Kolkata, India, on Monday.

New Delhi - Angry Indian lawmakers forced parliament to close on Monday and protesters gathered outside a Russian consulate over a Siberian trial calling for one of Hinduism's most holy books to be put on a list of banned literature that includes Hitler's Mein Kampf.

The case

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The move to ban Bhagwad Gita by a Siberian court led to a storm in the Lok Saba on Monday, with several members denouncing it and demanding that the government take it up strongly with Russia.
"We will not tolerate any move to insult Lord Krishna," chanted Rashtriya Janata Dal chief Lalu Prasad, who was supported by several members, angry over reports that a court in Tomsk was  due to pronounce its verdict in a case calling for a ban on the Bhagwad Gita.
The reason for the reported move is tha
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Bhagvada Gita BAN!

Devotees in Tomsk, Siberia, are currently in court fighting an attempt by the Russian government’s Federal Security Service (FSB) to prove that Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is is an extremist literature that should be banned.

It all began in May 2010, when an officer of the Tomsk FSB division approached Sergey S. Avanesov, the dean of the philosophy department at Tomsk University, and asked him for his “expert assessment” of the Bhagavad-gita As It Is.

Interestingly, Avanesov also teache

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Let's Fasten Our Belts Tightly & FIGHT!!!

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

Text PAMHO:22678040 (62 lines)
From: Acyuta Priya (das) RNS (Regional Secretary - Ukraine)
Date: 15-Dec-11 15:17 (17:17 +0200)
To: GBC Discussions [21858]
Reference: Text PAMHO:22677406 by Bhakti Vijnana Goswami (GBC) (Moscow - R)
Subject: Bhagavad-gita court case
Dear Maharajas and Prabhus,
please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I want to add something to Maharaja

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expect miseries & calamity


(based on talks of H.H.Radhanath swami )

Just like we expect monsoon and are not surprised by the coming and going of seasons , similarly we should expect miseries,challenges, tempations to come our way & be prepared , just as we are prepared by carrying our umbrella in monsoon , simlarly we should take the shelter of lotus feet of krishna , it is such a umbrella which will not only protect you from misery but shower you with nectar .

If you think that i am very intel

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URGENT: Hungarian Protest

Hare Krishna

Please accept my humble obeisances   

All glories to Srila Prabhupada 

It is an important message. Please read and send it to whomever you know.              


Please give your full support to this very important cause, and try to

involve as many devotees as you can. Srila Prabhupada would have mobilized

the entire movement to stop this atrocity.


Yours in the service of Srila Prabhupada,


Bhakti Charu Swami




Hungarian Govt is going to ban ISKCON in Hungary. if they get 50,000


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Higgs Boson

Physicist hunt for Higgs Boson

To prove that universe was created with smashing of proton

They say smashing and bang happened for no reason

And matter turned into mass and spirit without reason

Life cannot spring out of matter

Even a child knows this better

Can inanimate particles collide and make life?

How silly to spends billions behind this obstinate rife

Just accept with humility that the creator has a purpose for creating one and all

How can the universe run systematically without control?

He is the

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Hate the sin, but love the sinner

Criticize cheaters and swindlers, not struggling devotees

And that too with care and a sympathetic heart

Don’t shout on his face, “you are a hypocrite”

Speak pure principles in a general gatherin


Don’t focus too much on his external deficiencies

     Appreciate his good past and sincere intentions and deeds

     If you come down on him with force to prove him bad

    You will break his heart, discourage him to become mad or sad


Don’t make a fault, to counteract another fault

Then what makes us differen

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Book Distribution

Book Distribution

Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad-gita 4.7

yada yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati bharata
abhyutthanam adharmasya tadatmanam srjamy aham

“Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion - at that time I descend Myself.”

The religious principle for all living beings is to always remember Krishna and never forget Krishna. It is explained in the Chaitanya Charitamrta 22.113

smartavyah satatam visnur 

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Rasanath Das, an ex-investment banker turned Hindu Monk, was spending recent Sunday afternoons leading Occupy Wall Street protesters in meditation until police cleared their camp at New York's Zuccotti Park this week.

The 32-year-old monk isn't sure now where his next session will be. He'll keep following the protesters to lead meditation, though, convinced they will only roll back the inequality around them if they find equanimity deep inside.

"Anger won't solve anything," he told Reuters. "We h

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mother departs - pls pray

Dear Friends,By the will of the Supreme Lord Krishna,my mother, Karen Lowens, passed from this world yesterday,29 October 2011 at 3 pm @ Calvary Hospital, New York.It was the auspicious tithi of Srila Prabhupada's Disappearence Day. (Founder-acarya of The Krishna Consciousness Movement).As she left the world, surrounded by loving family members, we were singing the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra close to her ear.Hare Krishna Hare KrishnaKrishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama Hare RamaRama Rama Hare HareAn
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Thank you Srila Prabhupada

Beautiful Mail -thought of sharing with all...Hare Krishna Dear DevoteesPlease accept my Humble Obesiances at the Lotus Feet of each one of you .All Glories to our Beloved Acharya His Divine Grace AC BHaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada !On this day ( by tithi ) , back in 1977 , Srila Prabhupada completed His Earthly Pastimes . Maybe The Supreme Lord sent him to another universe to deliver millions of suffering souls there , or may be he just went back to his eternal Loving Service to the Divine Coupl
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Please Pray for My Mother

Hare Krishna!I'm here in New York with my mother, Karen Lowens.Doctors say soon she will leave the planet.She has ovarian cancer.She is in hospice care at home.  No more Chemo therapy.  Some pain medication.  Getting ready to leave.I'm chanting with her, cooking (she doesn't eat much), playing music, and discussing some Krishna Katha.  I'm plannning to stay with her until her departure.Some times I visit Bhakti Center and do some Harinam, etc.Please let other devotees know and pray on her behalf
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The Glories of Sri Radhakunda.


Bhraman kacche kacche kshiti-dhara-pater vakrima gatairLapan radhe krishnety-anavataram un matta-vad ahamPatan kvapi kvapi-ucchalita nayana dvandva salilaihKada keli sthanam sakalam api sinchami vikalah(Shrila Raghunatha das Goswami's Shri Shri Vraja-Vilasa Stava : 103)bhraman – wandering; kache kache – in the vicinity; kshitidhara - mountain; pateh –the Lord; vakrima – curved; gataih – path-ways; lapan – lamenting; radhe krishna –O Radhe! Okrishna!; iti – thus; anavaratam – constantly; mattavad
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Please! Stop! India! Enough!


They are eating and sleeping,
Will you also do the same?!
They are mating and defending,
Will you also do the same?!
They are crying, they are dieing,
Will you also do the same?!
They are cheating and lying,
Will you also do the same?!
They are heartless and cruel,
Want you also to be the same?!
They are dumb, they are dull,
Want you also to be the same?!
Under the Sun they are fried,
In the winter they froze.
Meat, fish, egg their daily food,
Money is their aim of livelihood.
They hurt each
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Steve Jobs and Hare Krishna


The world continues to mourn the death of Apple founder and visionary Steve Jobs, who passed away on Wednesday, October 5, hailing him as an innovator who forever changed the landscape of our lives. In offering our condolences, Hare Krishna devotees might be especially interested to reflect on some interesting connections between this remarkable man and our own faith tradition. Here are three:

First, as a young man Jobs regularly attended the Sunday Feast at an ISKCON temple. He famously recollec

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Congregational Development Ministry!

Dear Devotees,Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and to all his faithful followers.We would like to take this opportunity to let you know about the latest information coming from our office.The aim of the Congregational Development Ministry is to assist all kinds of community groups within ISKCON—Nama-hatta, Bhakti-vriksha, Counselor groups, Sunday Schools, Prison Preaching, Youth Preaching, and any other group or gathering broadcasting Srila Prabhupada’s messag
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