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On a Sunday we were in Juinagar distributing books near a pandal put up on the occasion of a major spiritual discourse by some well-known organization. The distribution went nicely, so around 3o'clock in the afternoon, as the program concluded, we were getting ready to leave. Just then two girls about twelve and fifteen years old happened to pass by our stall. I thought they might be interested, so I asked them, "Please look over this 'Krsna' book. See the color pictures? This is the best storyb

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The teaching of Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati on raganuga-bhakti is, that ajata ruci (without taste) raganuga sadhakas (practitioners) should adopt the methods of raganuga sadhana that they are qualified to adopt in proportion to their development of sacred greed (lobhamayi sraddha), while following the angas (limbs) of vaidhi bhakti (regulated devotional service).

This follows Sri Jiva Goswami's Bhakti-sandarbha 311

ajata-tadrsa-rucina tu sad-visesa adaramatradrta 
raganugapi vaidhi-samvalitaivanus he

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Hare Krishna,

Here is the process to add Vaisnava Calendar Events in Google Calendar & sync with Mobile calendar:

1) Read the process to subscribe to calendars in Google Calendar at: http://support.google.com/calendar/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=37100

2) Add one of the below calendar URL
Mayapur: https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/7l6vk5t3odbtdus5a1pp6nb8k4%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics

Mumbai: https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/ptpcn6djilhhhsepcp6m1rrf00%40group.calendar.google.com

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(based on a webinar class on Prabodhananda Sarasvati’s fifteenth century classic, Vrndavana Mahimamrta)

“In this verse, Prabhodananda Sarasvati says that for a male sadhaka, the embodiment of maya or illusion is woman. In fact, there are many verses in this book about the perils of woman, which we compare to icebergs on the ocean of devotion for a male sadhaka. But why is this rasika-vaisnava, Prabhodananda Sarasvati, discussing this, since this book is about amrta or the nectar of Vrndavana? 

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Indian National Anthem is praise of Lord Krishna

"Jan Gan Man" is national anthem of India written by Ravindranath Tagore.

Many people dont know that it have 5 paragraphs (Because all are not sung)

It was written in Bengali but most of the words are Sanskrit.

Linguist tried to understand why Tagore wrote it for King George V?

They were trying to find with what intention did Tagore compose this song?

And they arrived at the conclusion that it was not written for King nor it refers to 'Bharat Mata' or mother earth it was specifically written for Lord

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Dangers of Guru Groupism

by H.H. Bhakti Vikasa Swami(Featured in Congregational Development Journal, published by ISKCON Congregational Development Ministry, Jan–Mar 04)By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada, more and more people worldwide are coming to Krishna consciousness. Congregations especially are increasing. Along with this naturally come challenges, but better to face the challenges that arise from preaching than to have no preaching.A unique feature and strength of ISKCON is having many devotees awarding initiation.
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Long time coming...

I have been a devotee for going on 10 years.  My family is small, and we live in the city.  There are not a lot of opportunities for me to learn how to be the most devout that I can be and, in truth, one of my biggest obstacles was my Ekadasi-phobia.  I was just terrified that I would ruin it somehow by using a spice I shouldn't, or that I would forget entirely in the morning and go for my cup of tea.  

Terrible, right?  10 years & I have not yet observed Ekadasi.  I looked at the beautiful pictu

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Pepsi and Coca Cola Contains PORK (PIG) extracts - PROVEN!!

Shocking / Bad News : Pepsi and Coca Cola contains extract from Pork (Pig)

Most of the people avoid Pepsi and Coca-Cola for various reasons:-

Because of harmful chemical contents such as excessive carbonates, etc.

Now there is yet another reason which is more dangerous

The scientific and medical research says that drinking Pepsi & Cola leads to
cancer because the key element is taken from Pigs sausage. The pig is the
only animal that eats dirt

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ISKCON e-books available now!

2514847388?profile=originalDear devotees,
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and to all his faithful followers.
 From the Congregational Development Ministry, we thank you for your continuous support.
We are very happy to inform you that we have e-Books available on our website at   http://www.iskconcongregation.com/ebooks . The following titles are on hand : Sri Godruma Kalpatavi, Free to Preach, The Nectar of Congregational Preaching and Super Sunday.
 We would appreciate if you could s
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2514846448?profile=originalDear Devotees,

We would like to take this opportunity to let you know about the latest book and article regarding prison preaching, which is a very important part of our Ministry.

Holy Jail is a touching compilation of the activities of ISKCON Prison Ministries (IPM) by His Holiness Candramauli Swami.In over thirty years of operation, the lives of hundreds of inmates have changed due to the practice of Krishna consciousness and the support received by devotees.

Please visit our website at htt

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Ballad of the Gita Lover

In Tomsk, there's angst;

About a Scripture in fame,
That man goeth against;
Truth, is verily a shame.

"Consign to Siberia",
Oft' heard as nowhere;
But with a new criteria;
'tis here now somewhere !

'Cos to ban they chose,
The Gita - a love tale;
Then Of souls there arose;
In India, a gale !

To surrender soul and mail,
For pure Love is amiss,
The Gita doth detail;
'Cos religions' no bliss !

How be it extreme ?
For a father's such care;
Now, He is the Supreme,
& In Love 'tis all fair.

Extremist notion,
prosecutors foi

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Russian court refuses to ban Gita: Report

Moscow: Press Trust of India says that a court in Tomsk has turned down a petition that asked for a ban on a translated version of Bhagavad Gita.

The petition was originally filed in June in Siberia and has created a diplomatic stress point for India and Russia.

India's External Affairs Minister SM Krishna met the Russian Ambassador Alexander Kadakin earlier this week to discuss the matter.

Prosecutors in the Siberian city of Tomsk have argued that the Russian translation of "Bhagavad Gita As It I

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2514852327?profile=originalParliament of the Republic of South Africa, Member of Parliament, Mum Beatrice Ngcobo Honours Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad Gita

“I feel very honoured today, to meet, His Holiness Bhakti Vasudeva Swami from the International Society for Krishna Consciousness and receive a set of the most precious Books of Knowledge”, said Top Government Official, Mum Beatrice Ngcobo, Member of National Parliament the highest Legislative Body in the country.

The set consisted of The Bhagavad Gita, Coming Back, hi

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I BELIEVE...............

I BELIEVE........
there is light at the end of every dark tunnel,
I believe ......
There is always hope to rise after every tumble
I believe,
to stand up for the rights of others, is a sign of strength
i believe...
Justice for the weak should be fought for at any length.
i believe......
Love for God is not so narrow, as to to be limited to oneself
i believe....
a lover of god loves everyone over and beyond himself.
i believe.....
Friendship is not just agreeing at each and everything
i believe,
True friendship
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Moscow:  The Indian government had been alerted to the move by a Russian court to ban the Bhagvad Gita, but it reportedly did not intervene, claims press agency IANS. The controversy provoked a strong response again in Parliament today, with the BJP slamming the government for not being proactive enough.

ISKCON devotees in Russia have a copy of a letter that they sent in November to the Prime Minister's Office.  The letter was addressed to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's Principal Secretary Pul

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Indian Leaders are Cool!

from Times Of India:


NEW DELHI: Parliamentarians across the political spectrum on Monday asked the government to ensure that the religious rights of Hindus in Russia are protected after a member pointed out an IANS report about the Bhagvad Gita facing a ban and the prospect of it being branded as "extremist" literature there.

 Angry MPs forced the adjournment of the Lok Sabha till 2pm after Biju Janata Dal leader Bhartruhari Mahtab raised the issue in the

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Today we received the testimony of the experts from Kemerovo State University, Russia. As it should have been expected, it is highly negative. We uploaded the petition. It is self-explanatory, and formulated in such a way that not only ISKCON devotees can vote. Please feel free to share this link. http://www.petitions24.com/gita

Please find below the text of the petition. On the site it is both in Russian and English. Bhagavad-gita As It Is, one of the most respected holy scriptures of the world

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